Paul Schingle
February 27, 2015
I can think of a number of occasions where telling a lie is, not only okay, but actually beneficial to the recipient of the lie. I think it is difficult to set moral imperatives on oneself, anyway. I will always…
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Anne Price
February 27, 2015
Why people lie is a mysterious and complex thing. I have noticed the main reason people lie is because they want to project a different image to the world than who they really are. We are too consumed with what…
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Vicki Phipps
February 27, 2015
“He’s so lucky,” John said as a guy and his voluptuous blonde wife walked by. After that, John paused and watched until the couple were out of sight. In the meantime, John’s wife, who happened to be standing by his…
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Elaine Sihera
February 27, 2015
The biggest communication problems between couples tend to centre around individual gender perspectives. For example, in relationships involving the young, it seems that it is the men who try to hold on to their partners. Clinging tightly to a retreating…
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Sam E. Jones
February 27, 2015
In a perfect world you’d be able to talk with your spouse about anything without there ever being any negative repercussions. If only this were a perfect world. There are some things you know will upset your spouse so you…
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Carolyn Tytler
February 27, 2015
1. Don’t raise your voice. You cannot shout the other person into submission. You will only succeed in sounding like a bully. 2. Don’t use vulgar language. You may offend the other person, who will then focus on your inappropriate…
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Leslie Trotter
February 27, 2015
How to cope when your friends lie to your spouse about you You know the truth, you never got drunk at your bachelorette party and slept with a male stripper. However, your friends find it necessary to lie to your…
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Jean Sidden
February 27, 2015
In the realm of bizarre elements of communication, the art of up talking is one of the most fascinating. Up talking is a communication practice found primarily in the southern United States. It is an outgrowth of a culture that preferred…
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February 27, 2015
Body language and speech patterns speak louder than words. When people are lying, their facial expressions and gestures expose the truth, but only to those who know the signs of dishonesty: Movement: Less than Usual Watch for physical rigidity. Except…
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D. Victor
February 27, 2015
Communication helps us validate our identity as social beings. The ability to transfer thoughts, feelings, emotions and ideas facilitated networking and development from primitive years. Communication was clearly instrumental in the development of human beings throughout the ages. One of the…
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Chelsea Haley
February 27, 2015
Listening to my parents fight tonight, I understand how trying to send information or advice to another individual can easily be misinterpreted as an attack. My mom felt like my dad was putting her up on a pedestal to point…
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Joyce M. George-Knight
February 25, 2015
Smalltalk gets you as far as your automobile travels once the gas light has come on. Not very far. It fits in perfectly for the quick run-ins at the grocery store or school yard. However, at such places as a…
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Thom W. Conroy
February 24, 2015
No sane individual likes being the bearer of ill tidings, but we all get a turn at being the villain occasionally. When giving someone bad news it is best to soften the blow if possible with a little kindness and…
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Todd Pheifer
February 24, 2015
The concept of communication is extremely broad, particularly when it comes to human interaction. People communicate in so many different ways, which makes it hard to categorize every bit of data that flows between individuals. Even “conversation” can be difficult…
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Ludovico Cudia
February 24, 2015
Work place relationship building is not as easy as one would think. There are politics and sensitivity issues involved. One must steer clear of accidentally choosing sides. This is a very common mistake that divides many people and leads to…
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Steph Broadbent
February 24, 2015
Most of us have numerous conversations throughout every day of our lives. Employing active speaking and active listening will improve the way you communicate with others, and will in the long run make for better understanding of other people. It…
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Gwendolyn Golden
February 24, 2015
Relationships, should never ever be taken for granted. I have seen couples that have lapsed in the importance of their relationships and let a third party enter. The majority of the time when we invite a third party into the…
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Kristen M. Anderson
February 24, 2015
When I think of the word “tact”, I think of the age-old saying, “Wisdom is having a lot to say, and not saying it.” Tact is perhaps most noticeable when it’s missing. Unfortunately, tactless behavior has become so prevalent in…
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Cathleene Filmore
February 24, 2015
Nonverbal expressions would consist of body language, paralanguage, self-presentation, and environment. While verbal communications is important, research has found that nonverbal communication speaks volumes over what one actually says. Eye Contact There are four basic elements to eye contact; gaze…
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Dolores Moore
February 24, 2015
The benefits of assertiveness are many; once being assertive becomes a part of any form of communication, life is so much easier for all concerned. Being assertive affirms self-esteem, while respecting the rights of others. At times, assertiveness is mistaken…
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Edyta Tehrani
February 24, 2015
It is not only alright to show affection and love to your children, it isn’t normal not to do so. When parents don’t show affection to children the family is dysfunctional and the kids will become emotional handicaps. Now, everyone…
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Guy on the Internet
February 24, 2015
Tips for making successful small talk to strangers: 1. Mention something about your immediate physical environment. If you can’t think of what to say you can mention something about the weather, the quality of the food, or the lighting in…
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Terry Marsh
February 24, 2015
Active speaking is the process of directing conversation on a specific agenda by asking questions and through the use of suggestive reasoning. Active listening combines non-verbal communication interaction such as eye contact and physical affirmations, with a verbal acknowledgement of…
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Sharon Green - 242846
February 24, 2015
The meaning of the word tact is: Sensitive mental touch, peculiar skill or faculty; nice perception or deiscernment; ready power of appreciating and doing what is required by circumstances. Tactful means: Full of tact, characerized by a discerning sense of…
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Tye Holland
February 24, 2015
Insecurity is a major issue amongst teenage girls. It can affect the process of making friends. developing relationships in the workplace, and having a successful romantic relationship. When I was growing up I was extremely shy. It had gotten so…
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Wai Yan Lau
February 24, 2015
Regardless of whom you are and what type of job you currently have or plan to have, there’s good chance that one day you will be required to make a speech in public. It may be a presentation for your…
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Rob Purifoy
February 24, 2015
So many times we assume that the other knows what we are thinking in our minds, which is the first error in communication. The lack of the use of nouns when describing something, and the lack of specifics can create…
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Ann E. Smith
February 24, 2015
Do you ever get frustrated that your spouse does not tell you he loves you as often as you’d like? While it’s wonderful to hear these words, remember that words can be hollow if actions do not back them up….
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Joseph Wardy
February 24, 2015
How do you genuinely connect with coworkers? The key is not small talk. The idea is simple to understand intellectually (another example of why the intellect is limited) but so simple practically. Why write on the topic? For the past…
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Ann E. Smith
February 24, 2015
Small talk serves a purpose. It works well at cocktail parties or the water cooler at work, and on first dates. It can be an ice breaker when you join a new group. There are times, though, when you want…
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