Say sorry Master Apologizing Repent Remorse Regret
Do you often feel bad about what you have done but do not know how to express it? Do you think this is only for sissies and wimps? Although you do not have to do it all of the time,…
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Do you often feel bad about what you have done but do not know how to express it? Do you think this is only for sissies and wimps? Although you do not have to do it all of the time,…
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Public Speaking: The Importance of Posture and Poise Your posture, poise, and confidence speak volumes to your audience – before you even open your mouth. Proper posture may be different from one person to the next, but good posture will…
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Arguments can often get heated. They can become full-blown wars at times. Many people avoid fighting and people that push their buttons just as a drama prevention method. As a result, they suck up their emotions and leave them deep…
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It’s often the way someone speaks, rather than what they say, which communicates their deepest feelings. Some people find it possible to keep a check on the words they use to communicate with, but find it far harder to control…
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When it comes to communication there are three basic forms: written, spoken, and non verbal. Everyone uses all three. However, most of us have a preference for one. If you are somewhat shy and introverted you might prefer written communication….
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With respect to another while in the heat of a discussion where the ideals of those involved are not shared, I feel an individual should never relinquish being true to himself to pacify another. While one can have an open…
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The best love letter is one the simply speaks the truth. Whether your relationship has weathered the storms that come with a life together or you are just beginning to feel the tickle of excitement new love brings, an honest…
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There are many ways to express our feelings of affection for another without actually saying aloud, “I love you.” Sometimes it is not what we say, but the things we do that best convey our true sentiments. Love has a…
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We all love to hear those three sweet little words “I love you.” They are especially sweet when spoken from the lips of a young child. Whispered softly in the ear of a loved one, they are very powerful indeed….
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Stay In Touch TRUE enough, sending greeting cards everyday may not seem necessary to you now but imagine getting calls from people who have received your greeting cards. How is that going to make you feel? If you send a…
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Most, if not all, of us have been there; in the midst of a heated debate. Blood pumps and veins throb as we do everything and anything in our power to get our point across. Although there may be times…
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Whether married or not it’s still relationship. It takes a lot of consideration for any relationship to survive. Some of us can easily be taken for granted even without realizing it. In the early stages of a relationship we think…
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Just hearing about the subject of “love” makes me cringe. Love is twisted by society, not only by younger generations who are often picked on in this area, into a form that destroys its pure meaning. People think they are…
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Communicating is simple but complex, as it involves both verbal and nonverbal components. Verbal communication is what you say, or the words you use. Nonverbal communication is how you say it. What tone of voice are you using? What facial…
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When we talk about never taking our relationship for granted, let’s not forget about the relationship that we have with ourselves. The relationships that we all treasure so dearly typically are with our spouse, romantic counterpart, children, family members, friends…
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If you want to complain effectively, you must first realize that as a consumer, you have rights. When you buy a product or receive a service that does not meet your expectations, you owe it to yourself, as well as…
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Taking a relationship for granted. If you asked most people they would say taking a relationship for granted is a bad thing. I used to believe that was true until my sister died. You see in the end that’s exactly…
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I spend a great deal of time all alone. I work alone as a free lancer and so my office mates consist of some pets including a mouthy parrot. I don’t have a problem talking to strangers though.I work with…
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Is patience needed to communicate effectively? Absolutely! Many communication courses and programs tend to focus on the “sending” part of the communication equation, such as how to speak clearly and concisely. Writing courses too are designed to help us in…
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Whatever happened to the “Generation Gap?” Does it still exist and if so is there a way to effectively close the divide? When I was a kid growing up in the late 1960s and early 1970s I can remember much…
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The Japanese lady, dressed in a formal kimono, gracefully lifts the delicate porcelain tea pot and carefully pours the fragrant liquid into two small cups. She hasn’t said a word, yet, she has communicated a potent message through the use…
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We all have opinions, whether good, bad, or indifferent we are free to say whatever we want. That’s what makes our country so great. If I have something on my mind I can put it into words and if someone…
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In management development workshops, I’ve taught a process called LISTEN to effectively solve problems by discussion. LISTEN stands for : Liberate, Investigate, Separate, Tolerance, Exonerate and Negotiate. To liberate is to size up an employee’s behavior and determine your degree…
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Improving Communication Skills in Your Life In order to be a good communicator it is necessary to avoid making judgments about people, which are based on generally, accepted stereotypes, not on the knowledge and understanding of the person. This means…
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If you want to be a great debater let alone a debate winner, it is imperative that you come up with an effective argument. However, it is easier said than done. Coming up with an effective argument requires a lot…
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” Use the power of words to solve your problems.” That was a saying in my former highschool. My teachers emphasized the power of words instead of brawn. I believe this is true. Their mission was to convince youth to…
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If a picture can tell a thousand words, then eye contact with another human being can speak volumes. There are so many ways to dissect eye contact and, generally, there is a certain posture for every occasion. For example, a…
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“I am listening. I care about you. You are the most important person in the world right now.” How can someone express all these things without saying anything at all? The simple act of making eye contact is an important part…
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You can do just about anything and make successful small talk with strangers. The only difficult part is taking the initiative. I would say that you should assess the situation and come up with the appropriate topic. Do not say…
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Let’s talk about it. How many times have you said that to someone you are having problems with, only for this to fall on deaf ears? It seems that some people would rather go to the dentist than confront and…
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