Dawn R. Babcook
March 23, 2015
A spouse or significant other divulging information about a past relationship with a new partner is one of those very questionable and compromising situations. To tell or not to tell is a very good question and one that should be…
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March 23, 2015
I hate with a startling passion you emotional conmen (and women) that seem to infest most every life. You make overwrought confessions where each adjective is run through a thesaurus twice in an effort to show how repentant you are,…
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Angela Diggs
March 23, 2015
So you drive up in front of the Hotel and the person who is meant to get your suitcases out of the car gives you a mean look. He actually sucks his teeth and says ” Come on, give me…
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Rosalie Vincent
March 23, 2015
When I was a kid we had this little black dog, maybe a type of Cocker Spaniel or a Poodle of sorts, whose name was Spunky. He was always playful, and pretty much just your average canine buddy… loyal, barky,…
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Judith Roinich
March 23, 2015
I am actually qualified to write on this subject simply because I believe I am one of them. Over the years I have made it my business to be inquisitive and consequently I have acquired considerable knowledge on just about…
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Ann E. Smith
March 23, 2015
People will disappoint. It’s a fact of life, and the sooner you come to accept this painful truth, the better off you will be. Another reality is that we are all hypocrites – it’s just the degree of it that…
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Helen Suenaga
March 23, 2015
Disrespect on all levels is uncalled for in any relationship. Depending upon the person, his or her personality type, upbringing, environment, current and past relationships, perceptions and other important factors will decide if the person is doing this out of…
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Gurpreet Channa
March 23, 2015
just the way a narcassistic person will stop what ever they are doing when they pass a mirror, such is the case if the topic of conversation is not about them or if they are not the main mc. they…
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Witha K Malolo
March 23, 2015
Narcissus is a character in Greek mythology who was so enamored of his own reflection in a pool, that he dove in and drowned. All of the women who loved him grieved so sorely that he was returned to life…
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Victoria Tiegert
March 23, 2015
There are many people in this world who seem to be determined to point out every negative aspect of every person, situation, and/or idea. They are in the workplace, in social circles, and even in our own families, at times….
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Carol Gioia
March 23, 2015
It is always unpleasant to be exposed to rudeness. Remaining calm and not letting the negative attitude of a rude person influence your peace of mind can be difficult. Some people succumb to acting out with rudeness out of insecurity…
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March 23, 2015
Unfortunately, everyone has some habit that others will find annoying. We each have at least one habit that annoys our loved ones and they have at least one habit that annoys us. Some habits that irk you are easy to…
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Angela Diggs
March 23, 2015
When you give birth to a child it is the most extraordinary experience. The moment you hold your baby you look at her for what seems like an eternity. She is perfect, innocent and adorable. However, you never know what…
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Simonne Liberty
March 23, 2015
There are more people who have narcissism than we’d like to admit. The most obvious ones get on our nerves, and we do all we can to avoid them. It is not easy when one of them is a family…
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Karen Eckles
March 23, 2015
In order to effectively communicate with a narcissist, you should first understand the disorder. To understand the disorder you could read books on the subject, search information online, or attend counseling to better understand the world of a narcissist. Essentially,…
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Angela Diggs
March 23, 2015
Rude neighbors can be a nightmare and having to live next to them can be nothing short of an extended ” Twilight Zone” episode. A typical day starts out like this. You come home from work one afternoon to see…
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Bridget Webber
March 23, 2015
Once there were an elderly couple who had lived together for over fifty years. The old lady was wise about relationships and spread her words of wisdom which I can tell you now. She said that one of the most…
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Bob Trowbridge
March 23, 2015
If you are going to fight for what you think is right, the first thing you need is to really have enough ammunition. That means that you have to have all the proof and documentation that shows the justification for…
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Kris Koments
March 23, 2015
The wisdom to understand that not every day is a good day for the customer can give you the knowledge and clarity on how to best approach any situation that involves a rude, unhappy customer, or rather, a dissatisfied customer….
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Gary C. Gibson
March 23, 2015
Bullies and biases are horses of different colors; a punch or a spinning back fist may be enough to turn the tables against a bully-a biased individual if not violating someones personal liberty isn’t doing any harm generally and may…
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Bob Trowbridge
March 23, 2015
Sometimes it’s impossible to communicate with a know-it-all. If they happen to be a narcissist, you’re wasting your time. They are always right. The fact is that most know-it-alls don’t know it all. They just happen to be very opinionated…
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Angela S. Young
March 23, 2015
Change in life is inevitable, but changing oneself is almost impossible! Changing others is impossible. It seems the only thing we can change is ourselves. So, why aren’t more people changing? Denial. Defense mechanisms kick in to keep us from…
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G. Emma Ryder
March 23, 2015
I do not deal with rude children. If children have come to my home to play with my children then they follow the rules. Number one rule is to respect me, my property and the toys. Another rule is to…
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Ginger Kazay
March 23, 2015
As a “know-it-all”, I can easily give you some good pointers on how to communicate with us. 1) Do you actually wish to “communicate”; that is share information, pass it back and forth between us or,2) Are you really saying…
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Angela S. Young
March 23, 2015
Addressing annoying habits in a loved one must be done with a big dollop of tact if you want to address the issue without insulting your loved one. You might want to remember that he or she may want to…
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Ms. Moey
March 23, 2015
What do you think of when you imagine a person who is called ‘easy-going?’ Maybe an image of a man or woman in a tie-dye t-shirt, long hair and rose-tinted glasses comes to mind. Maybe you think that person doesn’t…
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Angela Diggs
March 23, 2015
Your day begins at 8am and you walk into a classroom full of rowdy teens. You say good morning to them and they look at you with an expression of indigence. One of the students replies ” Good morning, yeah…
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Bob Trowbridge
March 23, 2015
It helps a lot if you have already established certain rules of communication between the two of you. Creating a safe space and a safe mechanism for addressing annoying habits is something that should be set up early in the…
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Bob Schmidt
March 23, 2015
Communicating any type of displeasure with a loved one is walking on a slippery slope. Anything other than a compliment may be viewed as a personal criticism, and your loved one is liable to become defensive. Hurt feelings are a…
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Darian Peters
March 23, 2015
The know-it-all is the personality type who has absolute faith in their own ability to be right on any issue that they turn their formidable mind to. These are highly intelligent individuals but they have real problems in knowing when…
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