Jessica Bordelon
March 24, 2015
In the 2005 film, “Prime”, Uma Thurman’s character is wooed by a young artist in Manhattan. The love affair is reluctant at first but steamy at its climax. The movie concludes with the two characters understanding they have played their…
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Kristina Lasher
March 24, 2015
Most people can think back to when the red flags went up in their relationship. The problem is, most people decide when these moments were after the relationship is already over. What most people don’t understand is relationships are work….
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Karon Brandt
March 24, 2015
No human on earth is perfect; we all need forgiveness at one time or another. That means we must excuse another for a fault or offense; we must give up our anger or resentment. As we grow into wisdom, we…
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Joseph Malek
March 24, 2015
For some people the dating scene is the love of their life. For some people the dating scene is a place to find the true love of their life, on which a family is created by married couples who will…
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Kay Millward
March 24, 2015
Red flags in a relationship are visible to everyone except the person closest to the flag waver. Falling in love is one of the most exhilarating experiences in ones life. After the first flush of love. A period of getting…
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Lisa Caissie
March 24, 2015
There are several red flags in a relationship that can act as a warning sign that something just isn’t quite right. If you are considering relationship help, first, you need to identify the problem before you can effectively work on…
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Nancy Canyon
March 24, 2015
Relationship red flags are easier to recognize than you think. Sometimes negative relational patterns develop over a period of time, especially during stressful times, such as a move, job change, or illness. Certain words or ways of saying things may…
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Angela Diggs
March 24, 2015
Sarah and Jacob have been dating for over 3 years and she feels very comfortable with him but he has never told her he loves her. He takes her out to movies and trips. Their relationship is near perfect, but…
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Robin Wilder
March 24, 2015
Red flags in a relationship, are you kidding me? Is there such a thing as a relationship without red flags? The red flags are not necessarily because of the other person, but instead they are flags being flown of our…
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Joan Inong
March 24, 2015
You have probably heard the saying that actions speak louder than words. In relationships, this saying could not be any more true. Couples who communicate through positive actions have a greater chance at keeping their relationship healthy and strong. Words…
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Nguyen Trang
March 24, 2015
It is easy to start a relationship but very hard to maintain a good relationship! And the good tip for you to preserve a relationship is avoiding doing things that may harm your rapport. There are three red flags in…
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Lauren Savell
March 24, 2015
These Red Flags In Your Relationship Tell You It’s Time To Go Men and Women find that love relationships are as calm and comforting as a 100-mile per hour Roller-coaster running through their lives. Dating relationships frequently bring you unwanted…
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Justin Germino
March 24, 2015
Sometimes it just takes time to heal from some fights and emotional damage that can occur in any relationship. Even the best of relationships can have an occasional argument, or after being together for years your partner may make a…
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Megan Spring
March 24, 2015
Growing up I lived in a house with mental abuse, physical abuse, and sexual abuse. I had a mom who has never learned to love unconditionally and would put her children in harms way. I lived with a mom and…
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Bradley Bodeker
March 24, 2015
Having been the recipient of some of the worst relationships on the planet i’ve compiled a list to help you men out there about looking at the RED FLAGS that will pop up and you will either be too blind…
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Lawrence George
March 24, 2015
Hearing someone complain is annoying. But there are times when it is necessary. The two people involved in any relationship are powerful, emotional beings and they will sometimes have negative things they need to discuss. A relationship cannot be healthy…
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Belinda Long
March 24, 2015
Actions don’t necessarily speak louder than words, but without supportive actions, your words are meaningless. Your actions should always support your words. Many people accept one without the other and too often, people give one without the other. Words are…
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Barbara Kasey Smith
March 24, 2015
How to stop arguments… Everyone on this earth has different opinions and different ideas and thoughts. This is because each person has a concept about what they believe in and how it should be. Many people’s thoughts and ideas were…
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Sarah Dickinson
March 24, 2015
A remarkable number of people have no idea when the opposite sex/same sex is flirting with them. Some people mistake someone who is flirting with them as just being friendly. Here I’ve composed a list of signs that indicate when…
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March 24, 2015
Procrastination, when perpetuated with the knowledge that it imposes undue hardships and problems upon your unfortunate partners, is a selfish, irresponsible, and disrespectful behavior of individuals who are deceptively nice during their courtship, and force their innocent partners to discover…
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Angela Diggs
March 24, 2015
He sees the woman of his dreams and takes his time approaching her. Once he sets out to claim her, he is very careful. He ends up going out with her and after six months, he tells her he loves…
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Billie Staib
March 24, 2015
My husband and I have been married for over seven years and we have never had a fight. Of course we have had disagreements. Occasionally we have had “passionate” talks, but we have never had a fight. Other people notice…
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March 24, 2015
A co-worker has a jar on her desk with a label that says “Ashes of Past Lovers.” There’s nothing inside but some harmless paper clips. Inside a marriage, a husband’s romantic past can cause real harm if the couple can’t…
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Angela Diggs
March 23, 2015
The right time to talk about sex is when two people have built a strong enough foundation emotionally, mentally and spiritually with one another. Did I mention it should be brought up when two people feel they will become intimate?…
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Robert Bruton
March 23, 2015
If you are going to share a sex dream with your honey that does not include them, let me suggest putting the pin back in that hand grenade. Especially if they don’t understand what dreams really are. Sharing explicit dreams…
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Blew Skeyes
March 23, 2015
So you are stressed and you turn, look at your partner and imagine a bull’s-eye on his face. You would like nothing more than to blame him for all of the unpaid bills, the move, your job and everything under…
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Joan Inong
March 23, 2015
People can usually determine other people’s moods just by looking at their body language. Body language is an important part of communicating effectively, and it will usually clue you in to particular moods. So, for example, if you are trying…
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Rebecca Dyson
March 23, 2015
Respect is an important component in any relationship. While it is important to remember that misunderstandings in communication occur on a frequent basis, tolerating being blatantly and continually disrespected by another person is not healthy. The first thing to do…
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Barbara Stanley
March 23, 2015
Everyone wants to be sure that a particular person is interested in them before making any advances for fear of rejection, which usually embarrasses the average person. How can we tell if a person is attracted to us? Most people…
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Angela Diggs
March 23, 2015
Most of us know how it is to deal with rude hospital staff. It is bad enough that there is a constant shortage of qualified personnel. The health care workers that do work there are usually overworked and tired. By…
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