How to be Funny
Do you want to amuse others? Would you like to be one that makes others laugh till tears? Maybe you want to improve your skills? Here are some tips that will help you to become a funnier person: Intonation of…
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Do you want to amuse others? Would you like to be one that makes others laugh till tears? Maybe you want to improve your skills? Here are some tips that will help you to become a funnier person: Intonation of…
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How to Talk to Anyone: 10 Tips for Creating an Interesting Conversation Learning how to talk to people is something that most people think they know how to do. It’s easy to just approach someone and say what’s on your…
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You want to tell to your beloved one that you love him and you do it by typing sms “I love You”. You use few words, you use strong words and you express your feeling by writing those words down….
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Knowing your subject and your audience even better , are some of the key factors in public speaking. The transient jitters as you arrive at a podium soon pass as you begin to speak about a subject that is of…
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Remember when you were in grade school and were told to write a summary of “What did you do over the summer?” If you really wanted to earn brownie points with your new teacher, you had at least two good…
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You’ve got mail! I can still remember the rush of excitement I would feel upon hearing those words shortly after I obtained by first personal email account many years ago. Even though I was a devoted fan of “snail mail”…
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It is our most natural instinct to know those who enter into our lives whether transiently or enduring. Through this non-verbal communication we perceive if the person is interested in us or acting in an unsocial, possibly dangerous way. It…
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It is no wonder we refer to the eyes as “the windows to the soul,” for it is the eyes that reveal the sincerity of the message, confidence and emotion in deliverance, and how little or how much eye connection…
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A few tips on being funny Becoming that guy that every one wants to be around is actually not all that hard. Even if your a somewhat shy and reserved person. All you need to do is remember some key…
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We’ve all heard the saying, “Actions speak louder than words”. It’s true. We can say things to people and mean one thing while acting out the opposite. For example, “I love you”. We say it and then we’re impatient, short,…
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First define what is it about this person you are thinking of is controlling. Does he tell you to call him whenever you leave the house? Are you expected to be home to cook, clean and do the laundry as…
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Picture yourself getting bad news. This is where one can start. Bad news is usually the most dreaded or feared news one can receive. How will it affect the recipient? When is the best time to deliver bad news? How can the news…
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Body language makes up 93% of communicative language. Body language is a communicative term used to define how people express themselves without verbal communication. Body language can include eye movement, posture, hand gestures, the way one walks, holds their head,…
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“Ah,” my grandmother would say, “but what did his eyes tell you?” That advise has been some of the best advice I have ever received. It has helped me in my personal life and professional life alike. Why has it…
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Practice good eye contact, as our mothers used to always say. While growing up, we always wondered why she insisted it was so important. Particularly, in the Western culture, eye contact is really very important. So, there are quite a…
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Conflict is a natural feature of human interactions. In any group, there will always be factors that arise which lead to conflict, such as clashes of personality, differences of opinions, or contrasting beliefs and values. In particular, the workplace with…
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A mirror into the soul is how some would describe our eyes. But they are so much more than that, which is why eye contact is such an important part of everyone’s body language. Without saying a word our eyes,…
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We live in a world of communications. There are different ways for people to interact among themselves. Communication can be divided into two categories, verbal and nonverbal. It is assume that communication begins and ends with the opening of the…
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In order to build a good and long lasting relationship we must understand the process of communication. Communication is the process whereby understanding is created in the mind of the person when the message is sent by a communicator through…
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Communication skills: The importance of eye contact Did you know that eyes send messages ? It may not have occurred to you the manner in which the eyes are used to pass information, but they really are numerous. They say…
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The windows to the soul. This is a very true description of eyes as there are so many emotions that can be masked in many, many ways, but the most difficult place to mask these is in the eyes. They…
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You meet, fall in love, and marry. What a wonderful life you have embarked on. Everything is perfect, well almost. Things begin to change; he changes and you change. Sometimes its so slight it goes unnoticed, for a little while…
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To encourage a partnership to flourish, people form patterns of conformity that allow our relationships to grow and develop.These patterns translate themselves into a framework of expectations that help to promote a sense of trust, well being, and security. If your…
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So, you’ve been fighting a lot lately, more so than normal. The fights are more intense than normal too. You never thought you could get that mad! You’ve started thinking to yourself throughout the day just how nice it would…
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Almost everyone knows the renewable zest that arrives both in feeling and subsequent behavioral changes when someone is in love. It seems everyone around them can be ignited by their everlasting glowing. But invariably if things go wrong, it is…
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I don’t know so much about whether a husband “should” tell his wife about his romantic past, but I would hope he was certainly free to do so. If he feels it would enrich the currenrt relationship in some way,…
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Red flags in a relationship are like red flags flying during a hurricane. The very meaning of the words red flag beside the word relationship stands for danger. Danger can be quiet, yet deadly; therefore seeing the signs of danger…
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You enter a relationship with a desire is to love and share your life with someone who will reciprocate those feelings back to you. While some couples manage to do this quite successfully, others are not so lucky. Recognizing red flags…
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If paranoia and insecurity rule emotional dependency, then relationship red flags are incalculable. Some are smart enough to figure out, others seek advice. Relationship help is often as easy as talking to people who thrive and asking them how they…
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If you are a constant complainer, you are of a negative nature. Negativity will eventually destroy every relationship around you. No one wants to hear about your problems all the time. Whether people complain about their problems or not, doesn’t…
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