Jai Li
April 15, 2015
I cannot help notice that some people actually think text messaging does not ruin communication among others. I think texting is all right sometimes but now a days people are going a little over board with it. At one point…
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Jacquie Schmall
April 15, 2015
When a familiar element of society begins to change, the population views the change with either hope or suspicion. As we are creatures who depend upon familiar patterns, it stands to reason that obvious changes occurring in the culture around…
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Lisa Raymond
April 15, 2015
Communication is key! For every obstacle, every conflict, every problem, there is a resolution and it begins with communication. Most people believe that communication is only verbal, however, there is nonverbal communication that matters just as much if not more,…
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R Shimoda
April 15, 2015
Of course I do…lemme think about that again…maybe not…no, I really want to know…but not if it hurts…how about only the good part? To quote a line from a “Few Good Men”, “Truth! You can’t handle the Truth!” Truer words…
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Petro Maritz
April 15, 2015
In my parent’s home, they had a large twelve place table, where we had to eat at least two of the three main meals of the day. To be asked whether families should spend mealtimes together to communicate is a…
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Andrea-Lee Peters
April 15, 2015
There is no doubt in my mind that text messaging is ruining, or in fact has already ruined real communication. Years ago when people were apart, they wrote letters. If you were dating and your loved one was away, at…
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Crystal Shimo
April 15, 2015
I was never really good at getting along with other people my age. It just so happens that I got along better with people a lot older than I was. Whenever I would visit my grandmother in the summers, I…
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Bridget Webber
April 15, 2015
There are occassions in all of our lives when certain words are best left unsaid. Knowing when to bite our lip and swallow down either unsavory or over enthusiastic talk can be a powerful tool when it comes to successful…
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Vanessa Chris
April 15, 2015
Most people are so scared of rejection that very few ever learn to reap its benefits. What they don’t realize is that learning to take rejection is one of life’s most important skills and, like any skill, it takes practice…
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Diane Mategrano
April 15, 2015
Lies hurt the most when they are told to children by people in whom they are supposed to be able to trust. In many cases these are the very same people who are teaching those children not to tell lies….
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Rachael L.
April 15, 2015
In a generation where keeping in touch with friends and family members solely consist of text, instant and e-mail messages, a face-to-face conversation is quickly becoming something of the past. Our busy lives prohibit many of us from spending time…
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Jane Mays-Evans
April 15, 2015
In today’s world, family conversations are becoming endangered. Technology is making it hard for families to communicate. Whether it’s the internet, I-Pods, or cell phones, family members are always so wrapped up in their technology that they are too busy…
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Dee Brady
April 15, 2015
Wouldn’t it feel fantastic to be one of those people that people noticed? You would be the one to stand out from the crowd. Just think what a useful social skill you’d have. You would stand out at that job…
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Author Name Withheld 61
April 15, 2015
Facing problem in our lives don’t have to be devastating. We all need to reach out and ask for help. Whether it be talking to a preacher, or talking with a good friend or a husband. The problem is being…
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Melissa Close-Swickard
April 15, 2015
“I cannot believe you bought Doggy Diapers,that is just being abusive!” my friend Vicki recently griped to me, one day when I was trying to solve canine “accident” problems. “ABUSIVE? “ I grumbled back, “You are crazy, and if you…
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Crystal Shimo
April 15, 2015
When I was a teenager, and even a younger child, I was laughed at, told I was nothing, a geek, a nerd, that nobody wants around or wants to be seen with. As a daughter, I was told I was…
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Geoffrey Watson
April 15, 2015
A review of the entries for both lost and art in various dictionaries will yield the following most appropriate definitions. Art is defined as a “skill acquired by experience, study, or observation,” while lost is depicted as something “no longer…
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Robert Bluck
April 15, 2015
Conversation a lost art, you bet it is. All one has to do is try to have a conversation with someone and the proof is in there lack of words. Conversation stems from being courteous and people these days lack…
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Amanda Kringle
April 15, 2015
Saying no to someone can leave you feeling guilty, especially if that person is some one that you greatly care for. However sometimes we must say no. However while many people think that the word “no” is what offends others;…
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April 15, 2015
If you recently found out that you are HIV positive, you will need to notify any sexual partners or people with whom you have shared needles of your status so that they can get tested. If you are unable to…
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Olivia Westmore
April 14, 2015
There is always one in a relationship that feels they have all control. Most of the time it is the men. For a wife, constant sarcasm and and feeling like the maid causes intense trauma after years. It takes away…
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Rosemary Redfern
April 14, 2015
Avoiding conflict seems like a positive approach to maintaining relationships. In reality, this behavior has the opposite effect. The issue might be small and unimportant but it niggles. Who takes out the garbage, who puts the lights out when they…
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Paul Schingle
April 14, 2015
This is a question I’m going to need a little help with. What is the context? Is this “ex” an ex-spouse, an ex-lover? I only ask this because I am curious-if there are no words left, is there any need…
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Patricia Dexheimer
April 14, 2015
To my grandchildren, and to all the children in the world. If I could make the world a safer place, human beings a better race, protect you from outside influences, and keep you from making my mistakes, it will be…
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Andi Jeanz
April 14, 2015
Who likes to hear the answer “no”? The word is considered by many to be pretty negative. Afterall, it is definitely the opposite of “yes”. However, using the word “no” does not have to generate negative thoughts, feelings, or…
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Freyda Tartak
April 14, 2015
Figuring out when to bring up sex can be exciting and nerve racking. After all, sex is such an intimate and intimidating topic. It is natural to worry that bringing it up at the wrong time may fizzle a romantic…
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Victoria Tiegert
April 13, 2015
There will come a time in every relationship that lasts in excess of a week when the couple will feel the frustration and heavy burden of stress. Many relationships will even end because of the stress and how the couple…
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Matt Bird
April 13, 2015
If there’s one thing about dating – or setting up for dating, anyway – that’s sure to bug a newcomer, it’s flirting. All the little signals involved in the sport are enough to drive a guy (or gal, at times)…
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Bai Maleiha
April 13, 2015
Body Language is the most effective communicator of unspoken emotions. It could aid in how we can make our working and home environment positive and inspiring. How we communicate through body language symbolizes the breeding we have for it goes…
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Carol Gioia
April 13, 2015
In this age of open communication, full disclosure, telling it like it is, and getting real, is there ever a time when things are better left unsaid? When does tact take precedence over brutal honesty? We know something is better…
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