Maurice Sassoon
April 23, 2015
Anger might cause unforseen problems that could, otherwise, be averted. Those that remain calm and composed, or slow to anger, even under provocation, are considered to be emotionally stable. Anger becomes a form of self-affliction when uncontrolled. There are those…
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A. D. McDowell
April 23, 2015
We’ve all heard the saying, “actions speak louder than words”. In the case of expressing your love for some one, this saying truly defines how you go about saying, “I love you”. Too often is the case that our actions…
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Peggy Lindgren
April 23, 2015
To avoid conflict in our lives, it is often easier to say “yes” than to say “no”. Refusing someone causes us to feel guilty and selfish. We want to go along with the request to avoid conflict and to make…
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David Dewitt
April 23, 2015
How do you put into word some emotions that you might not be able to fully understand yourself? Trust me it is indeed hard. There are so many things that I have wanted to say to my wife but have…
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Mrs. R.
April 23, 2015
Dealing with a temper tantrum is not at all fun. It’s even less fun when the person who is having the tantrum is not a 30 lb child that you can pick up and embrace, reassuring them that all will…
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Katherine Barnfield
April 23, 2015
She did it almost every time I saw her. There was always some reason for her to throw a tantrum. The last time it was because her long-suffering husband had bought her a surprise gift and she didn’t like the…
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Lady Lorianna
April 23, 2015
I happen to know about child shyness first hand. And I also know what can happen when this shyness is not properly dealt with: it can turn into extreme shyness which can develop into social phobia. And *that* may take…
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Christine G.
April 23, 2015
Shyness is a personality trait that tends to run in families. It is not a character flaw. Some people are naturally more reserved than others. They tend to be private people who are good listeners and take a while to…
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Ted Sherman
April 23, 2015
We had two kids who showed, very early, what we thought was a serious lack of social skills. Their mother is a gregarious, outgoing, chatty therapist, and their father a public and community relations specialist. As highly-social people because of…
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Laura Leigh Fields
April 23, 2015
You can tell a lot a lot about a person by looking in their eyes. The eyes tell a story. If you watch as someone talks, his or her eyes twinkle to the beat of the conversation. Eye contact is…
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Bridget Webber
April 23, 2015
To help a shy child to develop social skills it is necessary to at first consider where the child’s shyness comes from. Are they shy because they have been through a traumatic situation? Are they shy because they have had…
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Todd Hicks
April 19, 2015
Is intimacy one of the things you are looking for in your life? If so, are you looking for advice on how to be more intimate with a person of the opposite gender? You can help make this happen by…
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Brenda S Brown
April 19, 2015
The day was filled with difficulty; going into the office earlier than usual, choking down stale tasting peanut-butter crackers with a semi-flat soda for lunch, and during the early evening, negotiating snarled traffic throughout the lengthy commute home. It was…
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Todd Hicks
April 19, 2015
What is life like for you dealing with others? Irritating? Nobody is perfect and you are going to be tested, at least on occasion. You will learn how to improve your tolerance for those who are annoying or just happen…
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Kinjal Shah
April 19, 2015
Teenage is a very important phase of your child’s life. It is time in their life when they are in the state of confusion and they do not know what they want and what they need. During this time sometimes…
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Geoffrey Schmitt
April 18, 2015
Unless the podium has the seal of the President and you’re the man it can be difficult to own the stage at the beginning of your presentation. A lot depends on the kind of speaking engagement. How formal is it?…
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Todd Hicks
April 18, 2015
Are you interested in learning when you should say no? If you answered affirmatively, this article can help you. By continuing to read, you will learn why it is important to learn to say no to. If someone offers you…
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Todd Hicks
April 18, 2015
Do you have trouble expressing your emotions as well as your feelings toward your buddies and relatives? It is important to get your message across with the right words. You will learn how to use words to express your feelings….
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Sam E. Jones
April 18, 2015
If only every bar were like Cheers, and every time you went, people would say your name when you arrived and would be glad you came. Unfortunately, most bars are not like that; but that doesn’t mean you have to…
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Sam E. Jones
April 18, 2015
Regardless of the type of relationship, or whether it’s between a man and a woman or between people who are just friends or co-workers, good communication skills are helpful not just in avoiding misunderstandings, but also because communicating effectively will…
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Sandra Piddock
April 18, 2015
Most people have heard the saying ‘If looks could kill,’ and it perfectly illustrates the power of the eyes to convey effective non verbal communication. On the other side of the coin is another saying – ‘He/ she has ‘come…
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Tom Walsh
April 18, 2015
I received an email the other day which had been forwarded many times and ended with the proviso that I should forward it as well. It reminds me why I do not engage in this type of “chain letter” communication….
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Author Name Withheld 119
April 18, 2015
It appears that negativity has taken over positivity, in this world. The English language is overflowing with such dramatic words and could be an inspiration to how we appear to others in the public eye. Some negativity causes us to…
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Joseph Wardy
April 18, 2015
A college professor tells his class, ” You have an 18 page paper worth 40 percent of your grade. Why is the quantity so arbitrary, placing the student in the position of digging up meaningless stuff in order not be…
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Melody Chase
April 18, 2015
People want what they want in the way they want it and will do what they know or have been taught on how to get what they want either consciously or unconsciously. Sometimes the way people may try getting their…
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Barbara Kasey Smith
April 18, 2015
Why it’s alright to show your affections and love for your children. I’ll start this by saying, “Love and affection builds security, hopes, happiness and joy, caring and loving, self-confidence, self-respect, assurance, comfortable, etc., in our children’s lives.” Children like…
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Das Govind
April 18, 2015
Many people struggle with their social skills. It is not so easy for them to just make friends or attract a lot of fun and interesting people into their lives. This takes loads of work and self confidence in order…
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April 17, 2015
Child tantrums can be annoying. ADULT tantrums are just sad and pitiful. Seriously! How did they get SO OLD without learning how unacceptable this behavior is? Tantrums range from the passive to the aggressive. I can’t decide which is more…
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Steve Marshall
April 17, 2015
A relationship is built on and from communication. We do not have a proper relationship with anyone, if we are not meeting this most basic of requirements. Communicating is far more than just being restricted to being verbal. To improve…
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G. Lee
April 17, 2015
Body language is a new science and it is gaining great popularity. By being observant, you can learn a lot about other people, often without being aware of it. People are creatures of habit and the way they stand is…
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