Kevin Bahler
April 26, 2015
Faults. Everybody has them, but nobody thinks they do. Faults are never good things, but we tend to hold onto them pretty tightly. One of my big faults is finishing other people’s sentences. I have experienced a number of different…
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April 26, 2015
The two of us at first glance are polar opposites. I’m the typical Type B personality, love to read, stay home, garden, talk quietly, pleased with little things in life, and more than anything need peace and quiet. My partner…
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Bridget N. Watts
April 26, 2015
Many people seem to be very unaware of the kind of effect that their words can have on others. Even though people usually do not mean to be cruel or hurt someone when they say certain things, unintentionally they can…
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Art West
April 26, 2015
It is very difficult for a woman to tactfully bring up the issue of moving to the next level in a relationship. If she starts out by saying “we need to talk”, the man immediately thinks she either wants to…
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Grace Gigena
April 26, 2015
I would like to start by saying that it is better to say the truth then to live in lies and unhappiness because sooner or later the truth comes out no matter how good you tried to hide from the…
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D. Victor
April 25, 2015
There is power in meaning behind the words we use. This is why “I love you” is typically one of the most significant expressions in the English language. Love is an eclectic and multi-dimensional concept that language cannot always fully…
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Lisa Parris
April 25, 2015
Would I lie to you?Probably. Like it or not, the average person is forced to confront approximately 200 lies every day. That’s one fib for every five minutes.Why?Trickery is part of the natural order of things. A possum “plays dead”…
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April 25, 2015
Some people just don’t get it. You try to be subtle and nice, but they just do not understand that they are being insensitive, ignorant, or any other descriptive adjectives, to people. They have to be told that their behavior…
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Lori Buttermark
April 25, 2015
Invitations are the mainstream of life. Entertaining is a fun thing when a common bond is shared. This makes for great conversation and true friends recognize the invisible boundary of time. Of course, we entertain guests who mean well, but…
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Rob Purifoy
April 25, 2015
We usually experience the first taste of the lie as children. It’s at an early age that we learn to test, manipulate and thus learn deceit. We test to see what we can get away with and when we reach…
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ceen smith
April 25, 2015
Walk into any public place and find that conversation in becoming a lost art. Examples exist everywhere that people aren’t talking anymore. Why? It might be that they can’t hear conversation for all the loud music playing or televisions on…
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Joe Owens - 367633
April 25, 2015
I believe truth to be a fleeting element in our world today. Through decades and generations of mutation, truth is significantly different today that it was in our forefather’s experience. Telling the truth is not valued as much in today’s…
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Author Name Withheld 320
April 25, 2015
Conversation goes on. It is simply the method and the medium that changes. We live in a world of constant communication, and communication is conversation. The purist might argue that conversation is about two people sitting in the same place…
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Mary W. Matthews
April 25, 2015
Do we really want to hear the truth? Well, that depends on just what is meant by “the truth.” You can use “the truth” to convey a lie with, usually by telling only part of the truth. For example, you…
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Anne Wise
April 25, 2015
Dangerous consequences of complaining and negative communication When we realize our days on earth numbered, time becomes our most precious commodity. Cancer patients can tell you about the value of time. Some speak slowly. They reflect on each word. They…
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P.L. Hubble
April 25, 2015
Is it wiser to always tell the truth? There is an old saying, “the truth can never hurt you.” Another way of saying it is: if you are honest, with no hidden motives, nothing but good can come to you….
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Jermaine Chandler
April 25, 2015
We stand with our heads lifted to the sky wondering what our purpose is, questioning are place in this world. This feeling may come after a lifetime of regret or a feeling of yearning for a greater truth. Our…
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Bob Trowbridge
April 25, 2015
Many of our obstacles are self-generated. They are obstacles of the mind or of the emotions. They are obstacles of belief and limitation. We can sometimes overcome these obstacles by communicating with others, getting outside feedback, a second opinion. But…
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D Thompson
April 25, 2015
We have all done it – told a little white lie, that is. We did it as a child to avoid punishment or to be popular among our friends. Sooner or later our lying catches up with us and we…
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Candy Jules
April 25, 2015
Expressing myself, is not from fear. I can say what I think without being afraid, It’s just hard to do this unless you want to start a family feud. Sometimes when I try to express myself to family, it all…
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Shannon Lisa
April 25, 2015
I am going to start off by saying I’m going to get really philosophical, because this question is something I’ve heard my whole life and have never been able to answer. The answer seems like it should be so easy,…
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Jenece Conley
April 25, 2015
Yes, it is always best to tell the truth even if you feel embarrass or shame, it frees your soul and after you have told the truth, you feel better. I can remember when I was a child, I did…
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Susie Turk
April 25, 2015
I suppose at one time or another in our lives we all lie simply because of our fear of speaking the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Nobody ever WANTS to be judged. We don’t want to…
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Patricia Rockwell
April 25, 2015
It is possible to lie to people for virtuous reasons. You might call it selfless lying. Maybe Great Aunt Sophie gave you a ghastly scarf for Christmas. Do you tell her frankly how much you hate it or are you…
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Ann E. Smith
April 25, 2015
Scandal and gossip often go hand in hand. In other words, when there’s a scandal, you can count on the gossip meter rising. People love a good scandal – as long as it’s not involving them. And they will talk…
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Nami Russo
April 25, 2015
To tell a convincing lie certainly takes more effort than to simply tell the truth, so why DO people lie? It could be the con-artist in us all rearing it’s ugly head to help us get our way; to stir…
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Holly Trout
April 25, 2015
As I sit back and roll this question around in my mind, I would most definitely have to say yes. I honestly do think that words have an affect on a persons self-esteem. Whether it be what your parents or…
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Laura Beth Caldwell
April 24, 2015
The thought of writing a love letter may seem archaic with our “hurry up and go” modern world. But if you consider that love letters were a significant means of communicating for our parents and grandparents and the generations before…
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Phillip Chambley
April 24, 2015
Text messaging employees are using too much company time and also distracting other employees that are honestly trying to do their jobs! There is nothing more irritating in the work-place than a ‘habitual” text message offender, especially if you are…
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Ann E. Smith
April 24, 2015
Our self-esteems are unique to each of us, in terms of whether they are healthy or not, and the various factors and life experiences that have affected them. In fact, aperson’s self-esteem is how that person views himself, as well…
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