April 26, 2015
The definition of man in the dictionary is an adult male; a person with qualities regarded as manly such as strength and courage. A description short and to the point, yet lacking many of the other attributes associated with the…
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Melissa R. Russell
April 26, 2015
Vulnerability, partners or marriage mates may be afraid to share this part of self with one another. There is always that fear the other will view this as a weakness. Vulnerability can be achieved with success in relationships, if full…
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Kyle Doucette
April 26, 2015
Repeatedly the question arises how to keep a man when it comes to relationships. It truly is not that difficult. Most men are very easy to please; they want the same thing that women do. There is no question that…
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Ferg Fontaine
April 26, 2015
It is certainly no secret that men with their logical thinking can sometimes come across to their female counterpart as being insensitive; women however, often display their emotions to the extreme of being considered over dramatic. Some men are completely…
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Kim Everett
April 26, 2015
Relationships are difficult enough for the two main parties. Combining two sets of values, outlooks, lifestyles, and interests is tough enough. When the families of the parties are added to the mix, it can be disastrous. The good news is…
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Ferg Fontaine
April 26, 2015
The chance of marrying someone whose personality is the complete opposite of yours is quite common. Often we hear that opposites attract and laugh at the prospect of it. But what actually happens when a Type A personality marries a…
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Mrs. White
April 26, 2015
The utterly annoying sound of my alarm clock jars me awake early in the morning. My heart is racing, as I think how I will never get used to that sound! Then, the other sound rolls into my ears. It’s…
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Marc Phillippe Babineau
April 26, 2015
You are at a sporting event, perhaps a hockey game, with a bunch of friends. You find that you and your friends’ girlfriends’ friend seem to hit it off, have lots in common, and she seems to be interested in…
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Ken Tanaka
April 26, 2015
Love often leaves scars. People, whether intentionally or unintentionally, do and say things that hurt others. It would be safe to say that everyone has at some point been hurt or let down by others. It seems ironic that wounds…
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David Brown - 226423
April 26, 2015
Conversation. The spoken word. Since the day that God created the Tower of Babel, the art of conversation has been lost. There are possibly hundreds of thousands of variations of languages present on this earth and this does not make…
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Irina Diaconescu
April 26, 2015
Not necessarily. They say that honesty is the best policy. I say, it depends on the situation. The question shouldn’t be “should we always tell the truth?” The question should be “do we want to always hear the truth?” Most…
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Erinn Soule
April 26, 2015
Love is a fabulous thing, but sometimes it can be tricky to achieve when the one you love does not always agree with your likes in life. I have been married for 21 years and at times I joke about…
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Rachelle de Bretagne
April 26, 2015
They say that Men are from Mars and women from Venus, though are the differences really as difficult to overcome as we think ? We are made differently, and to move forward and try to get on better with a…
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Thom W. Conroy
April 26, 2015
The discussion of death is a more difficult subject than most people care to approach in casual conversation, most due to the depth and range of attitudes concerning the topic. To begin with, death is a frightening thought to many…
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Rachelle de Bretagne
April 26, 2015
People all go through vulnerable moments within the course of a lifetime. Those who don’t admit to this may have grasped how to conceal vulnerability, though is concealing it always the best way forward in a relationship. This article explores the…
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Bai Maleiha
April 26, 2015
Elizabeth Barett Browning created a masterpiece when she wrote the poem, “How Do I love Thee?”. In her every line she elucidated that loving someone is embedded in the soul, hence, to say “I love you” is just a sigh…
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Perry McCarney
April 26, 2015
I’m sorry ladies, but from the perspective of a man who has always considered himself to be a decent man, and had that attitude supported by the responses of both men and women throughout my life, the reality is you…
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J. D. Stone
April 26, 2015
Men are funny creatures or so I’ve been told. Women are just plain perfect or so we would like to believe. What’s the truth though? We all have our faults regardless of our personal opinion of ourselves. Sorry to say…
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Tom Fowler
April 26, 2015
The best way to be vulnerable is to practice the Biblical command stated by Jesus Christ in the Gospel of John. In chapter 15, verse 12, he commanded us to “love one another, as I have loved you.” One need…
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Carol Dunn - 462065
April 26, 2015
A sad testimony to the decline of our society is the gradual loss of our ability to clearly and succinctly put our thoughts and feelings into words. As technology becomes more and more sophisticated, it seems most people using it…
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Perry McCarney
April 26, 2015
Never confront your man about his faults within a few hours of sexual intimacy. No matter how you phrase it or what you say, most of us will presume that what you are really talking about is our recent sexual…
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Shawna Blake
April 26, 2015
Beyond the very meaningful “Why are we here?”, and “What happens after we die?”, and “Is there really a God?” questions, there are simpler ones. Some questions we ask ourselves daily, and are sought out for us to try and…
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Erae Nelsen
April 26, 2015
The truth certainly can be controversial. Sometimes the truth is an opinion, sometimes it is a fact. Like anything else that is good for you it isn’t always going to be easy to handle. Think medicine; there are situations where…
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Rayne Britt
April 26, 2015
In a relationship, usually the first few months are a breeze. They are all about having fun and going out on dates. Then after a while (the amount of time varies but for my wife and I it was when…
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Gurmeet Mattu
April 26, 2015
How do you talk to your man about the future? Well, first of all you must realise that men are geared towards immediate results much more than women. Their primitive instincts tell them to kill prey and impregnate women, both…
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Mary Tyrer
April 26, 2015
Women are always asking themselves, how can they keep the man they want to be with in a relationship. Not just a relationship, but one that is rewarding for both, and one that will stand the test of time.It really…
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Jacklyn Ong
April 26, 2015
To people worldwide text messaging is considered a miraculous blessing, an epitome of sheer genius. It is a means of communicating through the power of your thumb, without moving a single muscle in your jaw. This advantage allows you to…
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Gillian Mc Donald
April 26, 2015
Family differences will always be found among families because people that make up families are different, they come from different social and economic backgrounds, there is no perfect family. Therefore it is important to recognize that from time to time…
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Renee Morgan
April 26, 2015
Modern day technology has taken many arts of the world from us and conversation is quickly becoming number one on the list. Human contact that is what conversation is about. Conversation is becoming a lost art and with the lost,…
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Tinoy Mama
April 26, 2015
My husband and I are proof that Type-A and Type-B personalities can live happily ever after. After fifteen years together, we mesh together so well that it is almost impossible to tell which one of us is Type-A and which…
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