Clare Rios
May 31, 2015
Narcissism is a condition where the individual thinks nobody else matters to him/her, and I know it’s true because I suffered this delusion at some stage when I was a teenager, too much attention inflated me, and all I thought…
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Lindy Abrahams
May 31, 2015
I forgive you and I’m sorry are the words you say when there are no words left to say to your ex. To be able to let go of the anger, the hate and the guilt. Forgiveness is the number…
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Carole Ligi
May 31, 2015
People want many things in their relationship with others. One of the top needs is for mutual respect. including spouses, children, parents as well as other relatives and friends. There are various reasons why a person may believe that another…
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Victoria Tiegert
May 31, 2015
It seems that almost everyone has someone in their life who totally drains their energy everytime they get together. It may be a family member, a close friend, a co-worker, anyone that you spend time with regularly or even occasionally….
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May 31, 2015
Communication through text-message, is not ruining real communication. I believe it is helpful for those who do not know how to express themselves verbally. It helps because some people go all their lives keeping things that bother them inside because…
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May 31, 2015
Love is a gift, and as a gift, the elements of “sharing it freely” and “receiving it freely” must exist. If love is not freely shared or not freely received, then it’s a fake kind of love. There are countless…
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Katherine Johnson
May 31, 2015
I have not one but two friends who live with “all about me” syndrome, both live at home with their parents because feel that they should not have to pay rent. They both feel that by doing so, it would…
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Melody Gordon
May 31, 2015
Is it wiser to always tell the truth? The answer to that question is YES. When you look up the word lie in the dictionary, the meaning of the word is something that someone says which is false. Also when…
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Laura Leigh Fields
May 31, 2015
I love me. I am my biggest fan and my favorite subject. My self-esteem is higher than most people’s are and I have been known to take it overboard. There is a fine line that can sometimes be crossed when…
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Maria C Collins
May 31, 2015
Some people just sap your energy. They are always having a crisis, usually of their own making, and they tell you about every single detail, ad nauseum. Their lives are full of drama which they keep at boiling point. They…
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Gary Zalben
May 31, 2015
How To Immediately Spot A Liar The mundane way of spotting a liar is through the verbal signs of deception and the reading of body language. Those who are called experts reveal some of their secrets on how to look…
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Autumn Lebeau
May 31, 2015
Narcissism is something that I think everyone has to deal with at some point in life. We each have a selfish, self involved place inside of us. The difference between the narcissist and everyone else is that their unselfish moments…
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Ann E. Smith
May 31, 2015
Certain people are exhausting, and on a consistent basis. These types tend to have a lot of problems, and they want you to be their sounding board. Sadly, they enjoy stirring up the pot and creating drama in all kinds…
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Darren Prine - 408760
May 31, 2015
Perhaps the most common conversation overheard is a version of someone complaining. For many, complaints seem to be their favorite topic of conversation. If this is so common how can it be considered dangerous? A certain amount of perspective is…
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May 31, 2015
The following are the sharp differences between personal and electronic communication. In personal communication the “presence” of both the first person and the second person (or the sender and the receiver as elements of communication) is in itself a “communication.”…
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May 31, 2015
You have to be careful with the words you use when you are in a relationship, because the nature of the words you use can be the difference between the progression and regression of your relationship. A lot of couples…
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Debbie Metters
May 31, 2015
You tell yourself that other than cheating, lying is one of the ugliest possible traits in a person. Compulsive lying is off the scale to you. But do we really feel that this can stop a relationship in its tracks?…
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Geoffrey Schmitt
May 31, 2015
When I was young we said don’t trust anyone over thirty. Now I’m sixty, thinking, “Don’t trust anyone under fifty. So how do I get my seventeen year old step son to open up and talk? This is both easy…
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Christopher Kendalls
May 31, 2015
As a passive-aggressive person myself who often ends up dealing with other passive-aggressive people I offer a few suggestions on how to deal with others like me, and what I’ve learned over the years. The passive-aggressive often come across in…
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Paul Schingle
May 31, 2015
Unfortunately, it’s all too often that by the time we figure out not to say anything, we’ve already said something, which just makes a bad situation worse. People, as a whole, just have this tendency to believe that everything they…
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Minke Vreeken
May 31, 2015
No, I do not believe neighbors deserve a second chance anymore. We lived in our house that we build ourselves for 27 years. A few different people lived next door and non caused as much hassles as the last lot….
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Geoffrey Schmitt
May 31, 2015
It is commonly said that what ninety percent of the population fear the most is speaking in public. Only a few kids eagerly raised their hands to speak in class. Fewer still signed up for the public speaking class. Only…
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Lester Nixon
May 31, 2015
Narcissistic people I have found over my lifetime are people that have been hurt and who have not dealt with their problems. At some time in their lives they have had too great an expectation of some one or some…
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Sarah Williams
May 31, 2015
Narcissism is possibly the worst trait to have to deal with when in a relationship. I was in a long term relationship with a man who was highly narcissistic, and speaking from experience, it was no “walk in the park”….
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John Mcklain
May 31, 2015
As humans, we seek to gratify a crucial social hunger: Appreciation from others. We thrive in relationships where there is a reciprical exchange of appreciative communication. Just as important as feeling a sense of appreciation is the need to feel…
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Rachel Larson
May 31, 2015
Let us talk about it. Expressing oneself honestly is important in order to facilitate and maintain a true connection with another person. When we first meet our mate we may not be completely honest with them. This is fine if…
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Sylvie Leochko
May 31, 2015
Narcissism is a social plague. It affects many people’s lives. In order to get rid of it, you must teach the narcissistic person some socially acceptable skills instead of focusing on their unappreciated personality trait. How to deal with someone…
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Susan Hibberd
May 31, 2015
Coping with people who drain your energy can really bring you down.They might be people that are constantly chattering, or asking you to do things for them, or But don’t despair! There are some tips and tricks to keep you…
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Carolyn Tytler
May 31, 2015
Hate it or not, the ability to speak well in public is a necessary skill for anyone wishing to get ahead in the world of business, politics, or any field of endeavor today. The twenty-first century is the age of…
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May 31, 2015
Public speaking, some people feed on it, others hate it. If you are here then you probably fall into the latter bracket, and that’s just fine, so does most of the world. The first thing you need to remember is…
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