Vicki Phipps
June 18, 2015
The problems faced in communication between human beings can and often do determine our destiny. Every word we speak begins with a thought and thoughts become the things we believe and what we do to create our reality. It’s like…
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Donna Mann
June 18, 2015
Love, relationships, making it last, is something we all long for. Feeling those goosebumps when you see your significant other is the best feeling after being together for many years. How do we keep that going, those goose bumps, the…
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Sandra Piddock
June 18, 2015
After a number of years, this writer is finally comfortable with text messaging. However, it must be proper grammar rather than ‘text message speak.’ Far from ruining real communication, text messaging is actually enhancing it. For people who lead busy…
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Spencer Hawken
June 18, 2015
I get annoyed by text message speech, that odd occasion that my mobile goes off to the arrival of a text message and I see something along the lines of:- Thx 4 everything m8 your a real * And for…
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Edyta Tehrani
June 18, 2015
The truth often hurts and most of us are guilty of not wanting to hear it,but hearing it is the only thing that can help us to heal relationships we care about the most. It brings us short pain followed…
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Daniel Belcher
June 17, 2015
What is the game player? The game player is one who has made the game their primary focus. They have left reality on the side line and decided to play the game. The game is placed in the fore front…
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Amy Jo Browne
June 17, 2015
Do you know why it is very important to say I love you to those people you love? Too many times, we just take it for granted that those we love know we love them so we feel as if…
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AJ Stephenson
June 17, 2015
I hate the telephone, not just my telephone but all telephones in general. I always have. Only 3 people in the world know my home phone number, my mother, my best friend and my brother, and that’s great for me…
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Carmen Henesy
June 17, 2015
Nothing in the world, in my opinion, can replace the spoken word, or the glance exchanged between two lovers, or the brush of lips against each other at the start of a passionate embrace. Communication takes various forms and, in…
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Kayanne Nelson
June 17, 2015
Arguments are an inevitable and normal part of every relationship. Because we are unique, we don’t always agree with each other. Arguments can tear relationships apart, or knit people closer together. Some arguments cannot end well, no matter the effort…
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Moses Ingram
June 17, 2015
My mother had a canister placed strategically on our kitchen counter on which the following words were written: “and I’ve often heard defended, little said is soonest mended”. I read these words many times when I was growing up, so…
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June 17, 2015
It seems that every generation of young people has a different reason for a communication breakdown with their parents. When I was in that position, the gap was really wide since my parents never made it to middle school, let…
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Luningning Sugbu
June 17, 2015
When one is in the threshold of strong emotions such as anger, it is best to keep quiet. When you can feel your adrenaline pumping, your heart racing and your throat aching to allow your voice to sound off the…
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Robin Wilder
June 17, 2015
Most of what is unsaid is the truth and a lot of what is said is bull*. The problem is we don’t really want to hear the truth about anything although we always say we do. We’ve been lied to…
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Barry Marcus
June 17, 2015
Text messaging in itself cannot be held responsible for ruining real communication. But there is a problem when text messaging becomes the exclusive means of communication. There is evidence that for some people, texting is the only way to talk!…
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Amber Richards
June 17, 2015
Your Communication Skills R GR8!(Communicating in text-message style and how it affects real communication) There’s nothing wrong with using short hand. It saves time, and generally the other person can figure out what you are trying to say while saving…
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Sandra Douglas
June 17, 2015
Negative or positive, our thoughts create our attitude, and in turn, how we experience the world. It can be a bright place full of the promise of tomorrow, or a drudge to be tolerated until something better finally comes along….
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Angela S. Young
June 17, 2015
When engaging in conversation with strangers, one should proceed with caution. The need for caution is really a sign of the times. There was a time when engaging with others one did not know was par for the course for…
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Joyce M. George-Knight
June 17, 2015
You have “hit a brick wall” in communication with, let’s say, your partner. Each partner remains adamant that his and her belief is absolutely correct. What is the next step? Write You have “hit a brick wall” in communication with,…
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Bryan W. Alaspa
June 17, 2015
Dear sweet jumping Jesus on a rubber crutch, YES, the world of the internet, talking in chat rooms and text messaging is ruining the way people comunicate. I am not saying that people don’t communicate, I am saying that they…
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Nicholas LeVack
June 17, 2015
I believe that text messaging has ruined other forms of communication. Not so much “real” forms of communication, seeing as how text messaging is just as real as any other. Nor would I go as far to say “ruined,” as…
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Jen Darien
June 17, 2015
Text messaging is one of the most romantic tools technology could have ever delivered. Romantic? Did she just romantic? Yes. How many times have you wanted to call your boyfriend, spouse or significant other and tell them that you are…
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Larraine Bishop
June 17, 2015
What is negative self-communication. It is what you think about yourself deep down inside. It is what slips out of your mouth under tension. An example of the mind/mouth connection may be as follows. If you have problems learning in…
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Dimensional Knowledge
June 17, 2015
In the game of life, everyone has the option to communicate with one another. Communicating can be done in many different ways. You can communicate by email, postal mail, text message, etc. In order to communicate properly with someone else…
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Suzanne Roberts
June 9, 2015
Have you ever said to yourself, “I know I need to have that conversation, but I just can’t?” Maybe it’s a conversation you need to have with your spouse, your significant other, a friend, a co-worker, your teen, or your…
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Falyn Dimas
June 9, 2015
Research shows that each color promotes a different feeling in human subjects. Though answers may vary, the results were concluded through a majority test and have universally been accepted in conversation, advertising, and literature. If a person were blind and…
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Douglas Black
June 9, 2015
Text messaging has quickly become the new communication medium of the twentieth century, piling up billions of these tiny little messages across the cellular networks worldwide. I can honestly say I don’t see all the glamor in pounding away at…
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Helen Tay
June 9, 2015
It is important for us to be aware when a communication amongst us and people we meet is of negative nature. Be it of people making bad remarks about our behaviors or piece of work done, knowing the intention of…
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Helen Tay
June 9, 2015
Stop! Think before we say any words that have a negative effect even though that is what we are thinking when something is not right especially when we are talking to children. These words in the long run have a…
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K L Humphreys
June 9, 2015
Telling the truth feels better than lying, and helps me to sleep at night. The truth should be told gently, so not to hurt people’s feelings, which could be considered a bit of wisdom. You know those hard to answer…
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