Renee Garrison
June 26, 2015
Approaching friends or family members for money should always be an option of last resort. As a self-reliant, independent adult, you should expect to handle your own finances and deal with the debts of life that you incur along the…
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Paula P.
June 26, 2015
The way to overcome embarrassment is realizing that mistakes happen! The most important thing to remember is to not show that it affected you. The more you make a big deal about it, the more they will remember. If it’s…
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Michelle Shelly
June 26, 2015
Wouldn’t it be nice to be brilliant? Let’s face it, some of us aren’t capable of having a brain like a doctor, lawyer, or scholar. You CAN put on a persona to give the impression that you’re smarter than you…
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Leonard Michael
June 26, 2015
Most of us have a warmth and charm which is less superficial than many strangers think. Sometimes you are considered ordinary. When on ceremonial occasions you listen to the excellent speech, or attend balls celebrating new year, you want to…
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Cody Hodge
June 26, 2015
There is nothing more important than being able to communicate. Whether it be with a family member, a co-worker or a customer at your job, it makes life so much easier if you know how to communicate. Sometimes the difference…
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Todd Pheifer
June 26, 2015
Communication with children will always be, to a certain extent, a work in progress. This can be frustrating for parents who know what they want to convey to their children but have a hard time getting the message across. Sometimes…
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Suzanne Rose
June 26, 2015
Difficult people can be a challenge for even the most “people-friendly” person. Some people seem born to make the lives of others difficult. There are ways you can deal with a difficult person that will just make things worse and…
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Tabitha Hergest
June 26, 2015
The game “the dirty dozens” was originally run along the lines: “Yo’ mama’s {insert insult here}”. It was played by negro slaves on their way to be sold into what they knew would be worse torment, to take their minds…
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Nathaniel Conley
June 26, 2015
Make mine email The other night I had a strange dream that made me realize email is the greatest form of communication the world has ever known. I was sitting in a judge’s seat in a room I somehow knew…
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Freyda Tartak
June 26, 2015
Prom night is one of the most symbolic of high school events. For many, it far outweighs the importance of graduation. In many ways, it marks the graduation into adulthood. While some may choose to go solo or with friends,…
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Dolores Moore
June 26, 2015
I have two hearing aids, currently residing at the back of a kitchen drawer, and I am a very active listener. I have to be, in order to ‘hear’ (lip read), and to let others know I am receiving them,…
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Dolores Moore
June 26, 2015
There is nothing more precious than a letter from your beloved. Unlike texts, emails and phone calls, this letter can be kept for ever, treasured and read and re-read for as long as the love lasts. Knowing that your words…
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Sandra Piddock
June 26, 2015
Few people receive personal letters these days. They communicate by text, telephone or email, or they arrange meetings. The world is getting smaller due to improved transport systems and infrastructure. Back in the day, if a friend or relative lived100…
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Cody Hodge
June 26, 2015
So you want to know about some good ways to improve your social skills huh? Social skills are so very important to your life regardless of what aspect of that life you are talking about. Whether you are trying to…
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Ruth Belena
June 26, 2015
Online social networking can provide some shy people with the opportunity of making many friends and gaining a great number of followers. Shy people can use online social networking without having to feel awkward or nervous, as they would when encountering strangers…
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Arthur Card
June 26, 2015
“What do you do?”Whenever people gather, at a Rotary meeting, the golf outing, a church social, or that fund raiser for youth soccer, sooner or later in the discourse this question is inevitable. How do you answer? For the majority…
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June 26, 2015
It is easy to make people think we are smart. There must be thousands of tricks out there, known to politicians and con men since time immemorial, to puff us up bigger than we are. If we can be honest…
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Alan Trammell
June 26, 2015
Some of us have heard from older people their concerns over the changes in the way people communicate today. With the advent of the computer and the Internet most of us have allowed our handwriting skills to diminish to the…
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Ganelle Davis
June 26, 2015
Take two steps backwards. Do not enter. Do not pass go. These, self doubts are played over and over in the mind of an insecure person. Well, you are worthy and you may enter and you can go as far …
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Emily Dent
June 26, 2015
Body language is considered to be the first impression of someone you meet. It can be a dead give away to their true inner and outer being. A certain way they stand, walk, and compose themselves in front of you is…
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Author Name Withheld 228
June 26, 2015
As long as you are living in this world filled with other human beings, you will have to communicate with someone but not everyone is equipped with good interpersonal communication skills. Interpersonal simply means communicating with other people- besides yourself….
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Emily Dent
June 26, 2015
Our self-confidence level can rise to heralding heights with genuine praise. It encourages us all to improve and take interest in our appearances, feel positive about ourselves, and we feel more self-assured. Someone complimenting or praising us lifts our spirits, increases…
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Christine Sandor
June 26, 2015
Who doesn’t like to hear how wonderful they are and what a genius they are at all they do? Everyone wants “warm fuzzies” and positive feedback, but with the good often comes the not so good. Others, especially bosses, always…
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Bob Trowbridge
June 26, 2015
Communication is not just about talking. Good communication is primarily about listening. A good listener is a great communicator. Good listening requires patience. In order to be a good listener, one must be willing to be patient and not try…
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Imani Smith
June 26, 2015
Communication is like pushing an elephant through a straw. The job of conveying a message to someone can often seem impossible. In any company, getting and giving information is the key to success. Nothing meaningful can happen until there has…
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Wispen Lee
June 26, 2015
Competitive impromptu speaking is an important component of most competitive speech competition. While prepared speeches can be prepared long before hand, with every facial movement and vocal nuance practiced to perfection, impromptu speaking requires on-the-spot thinking and a genuine sense…
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Jewel Leann Williams
June 26, 2015
I was given an assignment in my Communications course to analyze how well I listen during a conversation with a loved one. I chose to analyze conversation with my husband. I was feeling a little high-and-mighty because I always accuse…
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Ted Sherman
June 26, 2015
Since I am a humor writer, I’ve always used that skill to solve problems. Sometimes it worked, and sometimes not, but no matter what the occasion, I believe it is always worth a try. As a kid in school, I…
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Ann E. Smith
June 26, 2015
Sometimes you need to get your point across. But your passion about it backfires on you. In the course of making your case, you push things too far. You give one example too many, and you start down a path…
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Vicki Helgeland
June 26, 2015
I personally don’t have a problem telling people no. I usually will follow up my answer with a reason. For example, “I would be happy to watch your kids sometime, but I have already made plans for this weekend.”I think…
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