Ms. Alisha Rose
July 2, 2015
Getting rid of a pushy salesman can be quite difficult sometimes. A salesman is usually so intense because they are making a commission or looking to be the best employee with the highest sales. This causes much competition in a…
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Paul Lines
July 2, 2015
Neighbours who are loudmouth can be the bane of any community and, if living next door to you, they can become at once irritating and exasperating. Left unchecked these types of neighbours will eventually destroy the enjoyment and peace of…
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Esther Orleans
July 2, 2015
Wherever we are, there will always somebody who I call an energy depriving/draining person. I won’t advice to avoid them, but I also won’t advise you to be rubbing elbows with them. I consider these people, the energy draining person…
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Bridget Webber
July 2, 2015
People who brag about themselves are so annoying because, although we all understand that being positive is a good thing, tooting your own trumpet so loudly that no one else can hear themselves think is unbecoming. We also feel annoyed…
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Luke Upfold
July 2, 2015
How to deal with a pushy Salesman. We all know the stereotype. You hear a knock of the door at around six in the evening, scarcely half an hour after you’ve just survived an epic battle in the traffic trying…
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Bruce Griffin
July 2, 2015
The quickest get-away lines you should use, are the excuses you feel naturally inclined to deliver, as “coming from you.” If you are going to begin using get-away lines, understand, you always run the risk of being found out later….
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E. A. Mourn
July 2, 2015
Humm. How to deal with people who drain your energy. Well, I would tell you if I wasn’t so exhausted given that my husband and children have been draining all my mental and physical reserves all day! Seriously, It is…
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Cheryl B.
July 2, 2015
I’ve recently watched the film, The Core, again. One of the characters, Dr Zimsky, really irritates the heck out of me. He is the epitome of all know-it-alls; the condescending tone of voice, the arrogance of his words, the belief…
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Diane Fal
July 2, 2015
Dealing with people who drain you of your stamina is not an easy thing to do. They could be family, friends, fellow co-workers, your boss, and believe it or not, they can be very nice people with just a lot…
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Katrina Miller
July 2, 2015
The dilemma we face in managing our relationships with persons who deplete rather than replenish our own energy can be simply put: “Who is in charge of me?” If the person who depletes your energy is in charge, you might…
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Leigha Wenn
July 2, 2015
You can hear her coming down the hall. You know she’s going to stop at your office. You frantically search the office to locate something that will make it look like you’re too busy to talk. The phone! Your hand…
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Angela S. Young
July 2, 2015
Dealing with people who drain your energy can be tricky. Of course children, grandchildren, and other youngsters can drain your energy when you try to keep up with them, but we’re talking about people who just seem to suck everything…
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Bekka J
July 2, 2015
We’ve all dealt with that person that we love, and meet with for lunch every week, but every single time we do, we feel drained and tired. Sometimes even the thought of meeting with them again, causes your stomach to…
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Susan Kliebenstein
July 2, 2015
They come to you for your opinion, or for your help. They admire you, or maybe they are just needy and looking for attention from anyone. These are the people who drain your energy. Perhaps there was a time when…
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Bob Schmidt
July 2, 2015
The best solution to dealing with people who drain your energy is; don’t do it! Even in the case of family members, work associates, and unavoidable friends, avoid them like the plague. It is not really hard to employ strategies…
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Dolores Moore
July 2, 2015
Sarcasm, is a bitter or wounding use of words, usually delivered with an ironic twist that sometimes allows it to be turned into a joke. But there is no doubt, it can hurt to be on the receiving end of…
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Sylvie Leochko
July 2, 2015
In life, you will meet all kinds of people. Some of them may intrigue you or may encourage you to become a person of action while others will simply drain you of any energy due to a reason or another….
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Emily Dent
July 2, 2015
Game players are alive and well in the world of playing the perfect games on people’s feelings and emotions. These are the hardest people to get to know and understand in a relationship. You will still be trying to figure…
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Cheryl Williams - 266697
July 2, 2015
How to Deal With People Who Drain Your Energy Dealing with someone who drains your energy can be a challenge,especially if the person is someone close to you. When you care for someone, you want to demonstrate that caring by…
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July 1, 2015
Conflicts arise in all relationships. Contrary to what is widely believed, they cannot destroy a relationship, not if they are handled properly. As a matter of fact, they can even enhance a relationship, bringing it to another level. When it…
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Lisa Ullrich
July 1, 2015
Everyone has played games with other people at least once in their lives. Society almost encourages it. How many of you have seen the movies, “He’s Just Not That Into You” or “The Ugly Truth”? Both these movies are men…
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Christine Hayden
July 1, 2015
Are you one of those people that can’t say No? Do you constantly feel like you put everything aside in your life because someone else needs your help? Do you go out of your way to assist and support and…
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Shannon Lane - 548132
July 1, 2015
When I think of friends I do not usually think of conflict. If you have a friend in your life that you have conflicts to deal with then chances are you should distance yourself from that person. We all have people…
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Kat Ballew
July 1, 2015
There are certain things that you need to tell your partner, as some things can affect a relationship in a dramatic way. Whether these matters are of a delicate nature or just an important factor concerning the relationship, being honest…
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Laura Leigh Fields
July 1, 2015
I have the glamorous life of a convenience store clerk. Day in and day out, I deal with many different types of people. Some of them are terrific while I would prefer others just shopped somewhere else all together. Some…
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Bridget Webber
July 1, 2015
There are several reasons why you may say yes when you would really like to say no. One which springs to mind is the yes you say out of a sense of public duty. An example of this is when…
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Ganelle Davis
July 1, 2015
Communicating our disapproval or disagreement may come in the form of sarcastic remarks. Sarcasm is used as a rebuttal and may often be diffused with comments such as,” I was just joking.”. Anytime the comment is cutting or contemptuous towards us,…
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Dr. G. A. Anderson
July 1, 2015
Energy-draining people can’t be avoided altogether. We all have to see them, hear them, or interact with them in some way if they’re in our lives at all. It is often the people we must deal with on a regular…
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Victoria Tiegert
July 1, 2015
Jealousy is very terrible emotion to have to deal with, especially when it is in its extreme and experienced on a regular basis. It is a killer of relationships, whether romantic or other types. Jealousy affects both the person who…
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M.A. Dal Cero
July 1, 2015
“People who don’t cherish their elderly have forgotten whence they came and whither they go.”-Ramsey Clark The elderly are a treasure trove of knowledge and experience . We have much to learn from them, and it is essential that we…
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