Dealing with Pushy Salesmen
It is the job of a salesman to sell. It is how they earn their living, and how their employer earns the profits to stay in business. But there is an art to selling, and it does not involve alienating…
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It is the job of a salesman to sell. It is how they earn their living, and how their employer earns the profits to stay in business. But there is an art to selling, and it does not involve alienating…
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I have dealt with the topic of Narcissistic Personality Disorder so many times in life, that I finally went back to College, and am now working on getting my Bachelors in Psychology Degree. I can tell you story after story…
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Relationships are beautiful, whether it ranges from a platonic relationship, to a more romantic relationship. Relationships allow us to evolve, mature, receive security, and a number of other benefits, both emotionally and physically. Anything that is to be built to…
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Of all the relationship advice people have been given over the years, one of the major mainstays has been honesty policy. As we all know, in order to cultivate and maintain intimacy with our partners, we must be honest with…
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If you have recently broken up with an ex then you may be feeling very down, incredibly miserable and also rather hurt. When these emotions are combined with rejection and perhaps humiliation, life can seem rather unbearable and although getting…
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Toxic people create negative environments which are poisonous to the people around them. Most are unaware of the disease they spread, which is usually the result of past experiences and their inability to grow beyond hardships. People with toxic personalities…
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Let bygones be bygones – should be the motto of marriages. This means that both the husband and the wife should forget their romantic past and learn to live in the present. What happened in the past is best to…
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Troubled relationships happen for a large number of reasons. Sometimes life just takes over and a husband and wife no longer connect. Other times things happen in the process of life that make it hard to continue the relationship. However,…
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Try walking in his shoes. Close your eyes for a moment and pretend you’re in your husband’s body. Try to literally imagine yourself hearing those horrifying words,”You’re Fired.” You will then, and only then, truly feel your husband’s pain. Then…
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The gentle touch of strong hands can be reassuring in times of doubt and indecision. A loving smile framed by eyes that peer into one’s soul, warms the heart and evokes feelings of passion and sincere longing. The closeness of…
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Did you ever find yourself dealing with a pushy salesman that would not take no for an answer? Have you ever found yourself in a scenario where you wished you had the courage to give words to your rage? Pushy…
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Complaining in relationships, an inevitable happening similar to the wind. It comes and it goes like the wind, and it is obvious that every time it leaves it will return eventually. Can something so common and expected be damaging to…
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When it comes to precious commodities, it’s a pretty safe bet to say that time is one of the most carefully regarded, if not always wisely spent. We are forever concerned with time; the speed at which it’s moving (particularly…
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Most people will inevitably experience some degree of hurt at the end of a relationship, regardless of the circumstances, especially when they were not the ones to instigate the break up. There is no amount of coddling, excusing, explaining, lying,…
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Relationships offer a wealth of learning opportunities which prepares us for future life experiences. They provide us with real world training in how to better interact, nurture, grow, and flourish as we engage other people in our life’s path. Learning…
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When people repeatedly sing their own praises, it’s kind of like hearing that #1 song on the radio 20 times a day. You’re tired of it, not because you’re jealous of its achievement in climbing the charts but because you…
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Some people are more annoying than others. It’s a fact of life! And those who fall on the highly-annoying end of the spectrum often share something in common: they love to brag about themselves. This is a case of confidence…
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Get-away lines can be as tricky to use as pick-up lines. If they are not delivered naturally and correctly, neither will produce the desired result. With using quick get-away lines, the idea is to escape the person who has tied…
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How couples can avoid fights. If only I had read this title last night and realised how dramatic I was being. Perhaps I would be sitting on the couch, having not slept all night, staring blankly at the computer screen….
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Just about everyone has heard horror stories regarding someone’s EX. In some cases this nightmare can go on for years. If divorce is supposed to be the end to a bad marriage, then why do some ex spouses continue to…
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Family, career, volunteer organizations, and a personal sense of values place expectationson peoples lives. Expectations can be a good thing when they add purpose and direction. They can also raise responsibility levels when you are aware that others are depending…
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Sitting in one corner of the kitchen his wife sitting at the table holding her head in her hands,he is still upset and he just cant believe what was said. Adrenaline running full force causing heavy breathing and flushed skin,…
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Dealing with difficult people is a given in this life. If you haven’t had to do it yet, just wait a little while, and you will – sooner or later. In an ideal world this wouldn’t happen, but it does,…
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These days, the world is full of phonies and deceitful people trying to pull the wool over your eyes or scam you out of your hard-earned money. They use various mediums such as phone solicitation, spam email, magazine and newspapers…
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Complaining is a common human failing and we all suffer with this complaint, no matter how tolerant, understanding and harmonious you are, there will be times when you will complain, this in itself is quite normal and everyone has to…
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Should you cut off all contact with a person who repeatedly disrespects you? The most obvious answer is yes. But that would be the simple and easy way out of the ugly situation. Life unfortunately is not always that cut…
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Do I offend you? My dear late grandmother used to always say, “Don’t expect intelligent answers out of unintelligent people.” There have been many times in life I’ve heard her quote that, and often months now after she’s left this…
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Have you ever been at a store, browsing for nothing and everything, when a particularly toothy smile flashes out in front of you, asking you if you need any help? The answer to this question is almost without a doubt…
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I hesitate to ever advise someone to take extreme measures when it comes to dealing with a problem. Although I agree that it would be tempting to cut off all contact with someone who is repeatedly disrespectful to other people,…
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When dealing with annoying habits in loved ones, people have a tendency to either bite their tongue or shoot off their mouth. Finding the right way to address those annoying habits without alienating loved ones can be challenging. The habit…
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