Emily Dent
July 28, 2015
Why is it that we always seem to believe the bad things said about us instead of the positive things? Words can really make someone feel on top of the world and in an instant that world can come crashing…
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Victoria Tiegert
July 28, 2015
There is no doubt that words are like weapons. They can be used for good, of course, but they can also be used to inflict unmeasurable damage upon a person. The self-esteem of an individual can be deeply affected by…
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Das Govind
July 28, 2015
There are many subjects that should not be discussed at work. Many co-workers do spread gossip and lies, and this can lead to making a mountain out of a mole. There is an art of communicating at work, and this…
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Carolyn Tytler
July 28, 2015
Elderly people, relatives or not, can sometimes be pains in the neck. They have a variety of aches and pains which they love to describe in agonizing detail. Their mobility may be limited, so they can’t participate in the more…
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A J Grape
July 28, 2015
I think it was Zig Zigler who once said that nothing happens until a sale is made. He made the point that the role of the salesman is vital in the world of business and commerce. Nothing gets built, nothing…
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Ginger Betzer
July 28, 2015
Dealing with a pushy salesman is like scraping gum off the bottom of your shoe. It’s easier to just leave it there and drag your feet a bit. I think you know what I mean. No? Let me explain. The…
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Kat Ballew
July 28, 2015
The saying that some things are better left unsaid often holds true, and can apply to certain things you do not need to tell your partner. While honesty is always the best policy, volunteering certain information that will only cause conflict…
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Suzanne Roerig
July 28, 2015
When I hit the front door of a car lot or furniture store, I am already rehearsing what I will say to the salesman. These are huge purchases, and I have already done my homework on the item that I…
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Victoria Tiegert
July 28, 2015
People that lie are all around us. In fact, I would dare suggest that there is no one over the age of three that hasn’t told a lie at least once in his or her lifetime. There are some people,…
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Tracy Lewis
July 28, 2015
Perhaps it is hard for a man to understand a woman moreso because of the ‘role’ in society that males are expected to portray – rather than a male’s ‘different physiology,’ ‘tendencies,’ and ‘brain-wiring.’ If men are ‘work-oriented,’ ‘masculine,’ ‘tough,’…
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Lorraine Carter
July 28, 2015
I’m sure you have heard the old saying “what goes around comes around.” this saying is exactly what happens when you lie. Lying can become such a vicious circle. Once you’ve told the lie, then you usually have to tell…
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Randa Morris
July 27, 2015
It seems that more women than men fall into the category of people who tend to put their own needs after the needs of others. Even though the female population is moving forward in many areas, we still tend to…
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Todd Pheifer
July 27, 2015
Text messaging has become a standard form of communication for some people. Rather than dialing a number, people rattle off a quick “text” to their friends and family. These messages can often be very brief, and can include specialized abbreviations…
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Helen Tay
July 27, 2015
Arguments in a relationship are healthy when we take it as a positive step to enrich a relationship. Arguments need not be a bad thing like many people would think. It is indifference in a relationship we should be worried…
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Vivienne Quek
July 27, 2015
How tough and difficult can a conversation be if you are prepared to face the brutal, ugly truth with honesty and compassion? Conversations are made by two persons, shared between two persons. If you can sit down to talk without…
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Toni Doswell
July 27, 2015
Two individuals need to enter into each other’s mind and worldthrough the process of communication. What is exchanged can meanthe difference between life and death, encouragement or discouragement,peace or chaos, happiness or sadness. That little vital organ calledthe tongue is…
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Dolores Moore
July 27, 2015
It is only human to have different points of view and to wish to express these to other humans. It is also only human to want your point of view to be seen as very important, especially if it is…
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Penny B
July 27, 2015
There’s an old adage that states, “If you can’t say anything nice to a person,don’t say anything at all.” I was raised on this saying, as my motherconstantly reminded us while growing up. I still “try” to live by these…
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Rosemary Redfern
July 27, 2015
A debate is a discussion about a subject. When someone feels passionately about that subject it is easy to feel the temper rising and try to overwhelm the opposition with sheer volume of words and power. In public debates there…
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Pamela A Mertz
July 27, 2015
Make The Elephant Dance Sometimes we have issues that need to be talked about, but don’t get talked about. The issue gets attention by not getting attention. It may sound confusing, but is not really. I once wrote a speech…
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Catsy Jones
July 27, 2015
Some things best left unsaid: As I was sitting with some girlfriends having lunch in the break room of our work, some guys were watching the football game. One of the girls said she wished we could watch Oprah instead….
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Kevin Wilson
July 27, 2015
I always believe in telling the truth because thats how I like to be talked to. I don’t care if it offends you, I call it like I see it. You have no right to lie to someone. It is…
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Helen Tay
July 27, 2015
It is heartbreaking when people are unable to hold a conversation with their loved ones due to past anger and past issues. If you have issues holding a conversation with someone else be it family members, friends or colleagues due to…
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Pamela Olson
July 27, 2015
The Narcissi Of Minor Differences What, after all, is the worth of approval from those for whom one has nothing but indifference or contempt for? In the beginning was The Word. Whatever the pleasure to the insulter of their verbal…
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Amber Richards
July 27, 2015
SO MANY QUESTIONS, SO LITTLE TIME In a day and age where values and morals have so drastically changed, we are left with so many questions as to why certain things happen or why a person does what he or…
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Karen Servantez
July 27, 2015
Often in life we speak before we think. It is as if our tounges become raging bulls, and we only have eight seconds to get it under control before we end up getting trampled all over. Or as is most…
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Sairaj Kalekar
July 27, 2015
It is always a difficult task for a person to render an ‘apology’ to his/her friend or colleagues, peers, family member or relative or any person belonging to a senior or superior authority, irrespective of he ‘d hurt you prior…
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Ganelle Davis
July 27, 2015
Dealing with judgmental people is often taxing on our spirits and may challenge our self esteem Perchance, we can not always avoid these judgmental people. Yet, we can deal with them in a cordial,dismissive manner. Simply, showing non interest in…
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July 27, 2015
It is crucial to always be honest with your partner, regardless of the circumstances. A relationship cannot be based on lies and if you are not honest about something, you will never truly be happy with yourself. The longer you…
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Alissa King
July 27, 2015
Being insulted is always an unpleasant experience, but it really smarts when you don’t expect the insult. Not only do the words rankle, but then you have to figure out how to react without humiliating yourself, when all that really…
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