Winn Mete
November 12, 2013
(the) Man-Child It was a rare night that Matthew was home. Fortunately for me he was as I left in black early winter evening to go feed my little mare. It was snowing. Not much, but we had had a…
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Amber Hilton
November 12, 2013
It is often difficult for parents to watch their child take a different path in life than the one they had envisioned for them. A mother or father who is athletic and passionate about sports may find it hard to…
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Das Govind
November 12, 2013
There are any benefits that teenagers can derive from parents saying a firm ‘no’ to their demands from time to time. Teenagers who get every material thing that their hearts desire are going to eventually become ungrateful and spoilt. Children…
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Christine G.
November 12, 2013
Mom, Dad, Can You Hear Me? When we parents talk about communicating with our children, we are generally concerned with being heard by them. If the kids would only pay attention, soak up our wisdom, take our advice, do what…
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Jessica Patterson
November 12, 2013
Have you ever noticed how much things have changed since the times your grandparents considered the good old days? Can you remember being little and sitting on Grandpa’s knee and listening to him tell stories about when he was your…
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Trenna Sue Hiler
November 12, 2013
It happens so often. Parents are shocked when “the good child” is suddenly in trouble. Could it be that they are seeking some attention? Even if it is attention for bad behavior, it is better than not getting noticed at…
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Danielle Kaufmann
November 12, 2013
The most important advice I can give on this is that you listen to them. No one wants to hear, or believe that this could possibly happen to their child, but ignoring it will not make it go away. Even…
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Kim Sharpe
November 12, 2013
I feel that its easier for either a son or a daughter to communicate with their mother then their father. Mothers are nurturing and understanding. They tend to be far more patient and willing to listen and offer advice rather…
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Trenna Sue Hiler
November 12, 2013
Teenagers are not children. They are young adults. Teenagers are struggling through an in-between stage in life that can be very complicated. Some teenagers react by becoming very quiet and uncommunicative. It is especially easy to do with all the…
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Barbara Kasey Smith
November 11, 2013
Many times I’ve been in discussions about this question, “Is communication easier with a mother or a father?” My response to this question is there are many people who I’ve spoken to have indicated it is their mother, while on…
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Josh Jones - 681879
November 11, 2013
One of the most difficult things a parent can or will face is explaining to your child(ren) that “grandma is sleeping.” Hopefully when this does occur your child(ren) will be at an age where they can actually communicate with you….
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Suzanne Rose
November 11, 2013
It is vital to foster communication within your family because it can enrich family life in a variety of ways. It may help in one or all of the following ways. You will lessen the incidence of miscommunication, which can…
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Hermes Roberts
November 11, 2013
The United States Government states that yearly 1.5million youth run away or are sent away from home. There are 200,000 on the streets at any given time. Of these 5,000 die from assault, illness and suicide. The parents of these…
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Tegan Sharpe-Cockrum
November 11, 2013
You’ve nurtured, provided, and loved your daughter ever since you brought her home from the hospital. Times flies as they grow, from sitting up, to crawling, to walking, and talking. Elementary school was a breeze. Before you know it, your…
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B Nance Jr
November 11, 2013
Talking to a child about striving for better can be tough. It can be even tougher if you were an underachiever yourself. Kids are different and there is no one fits all solution. You can train your kids to do…
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Gil V
November 11, 2013
Teens and tweens are very difficult at times to deal with. They tend to seem very disrespectful at times and you may see yourself ready to just give up. Maybe, its because they are full of hormones or they are…
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Stuart Cockerham
November 11, 2013
Since parents are usually the ones to establish guidelines and to enforce discipline when necessary, they are possibly perceived as being more judgmental. Parents are usually also the main providers, so the amount of time they spend listening to their…
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Michelle Powers
November 11, 2013
Communication with children can be difficult but also very rewarding. As soon as a baby is born they communicate with you by crying, making sounds, and movement. As you respond to these behaviors you are communicating back. Communication involves mostly…
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Dr. Michael Smith
November 11, 2013
Lessons to Share with Your Kids In 2009 As we approach the New Year, many parents tend to reflect on the past year, and make plans for the coming months. Current conditions in the economy leave parents with many apprehensions,…
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Michael Liu - 621686
November 11, 2013
“Men are no more immune from emotions than women; we think women are more emotional because the culture lets them give free vent to certain feelings, ‘feminine’ ones, that is, no anger please, but it’s okay to turn on the…
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Kyra Lennon
November 11, 2013
Have you ever heard someone say that all women are the same? If you believe this, you will be in for great disappointment. Something that works for one woman won’t necessarily work for another and it takes time to learn…
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Sonia-Doris Andras
November 11, 2013
Men and women were created genetically and physiologically different, and that is no secret. Therefore, the biggest problem in creating functioning relationships between men and women lies in the fact that they were built differently and for more or less…
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Jerome Carter
November 11, 2013
There are two reasons why women typically cry more than men do. One reason is cultural and the other is biological or hormonal. Obviously all individual women do not cry more then all individual men do. But, broadly speaking, women…
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Linda L Kinyon
November 11, 2013
Nearly every woman knows a man that she is just friends with. She doesn’t think of this man as boyfriend or husband material for a variety of reasons and if she is wise she makes the point clear to him…
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Jessica Rangel
November 11, 2013
Men and women handle stressful situations very differently because both of them have different ways of thinking. Men are active and they feel the need to take matters into their own hands when they are in a stressful or uncomfortable…
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Cathy Wilson
November 11, 2013
‘The heart that is soonest awake to the flowers is always the first touched by the thorns.’ Famous quote by Thomas Moore that’s so very true. In general sensitivities are more prevalent in women than men, according to Judith Orloff,…
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Ted Sherman
November 11, 2013
Forget the myths, statistics, jokes and biological differences. Virtually all the ways women communicate are identical with those of men. However, the myths and fantasies do persist in very interesting ways, and are always well worth exploring. Myth #1: Women…
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Shauna Zamarripa
November 11, 2013
Sarcasm: it is hardwired into feminine DNA-at least when it comes to arguments. In fact, according to a study conducted by Ontario psychologist Albert Katz, women typically make snide comments only half as often as male counterparts, except during a…
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Jennifer Wells
November 11, 2013
If the television contains any true indication of what men think about women, there are several things I would want made clear on our behalf before wading into the dating pool. We are not all dramatic. There are plenty of…
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Heather Tripp - 515500
November 11, 2013
Often when you look at someone who exudes confidence, you think “they were just born with it”. That is not true however; confidence is not inborn. It is a learned trait. Luckily for those who suffer from low self-esteem, it’s…
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