Bill Woffington
November 16, 2013
Do you want to show your wife that you love her? You can always refer to the ‘everybody already knows them’ lists of things you can do. You know, the things like telling her you love her and buying her…
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Stanley Courage Duoghah
November 16, 2013
We are living in a time of economic instability and a time in which more and more marriages are breaking up. Marriage fallouts are most at times not due to the behavior of the spouses but rather because of certain…
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Ann E. Smith
November 16, 2013
Communication can be far trickier than you may realize. Part of the reason is that when we communicate with each other, we do so in two ways: verbally and nonverbally. Did you know that up to 93% of all communications…
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Chris Leahy
November 16, 2013
Maintaining a healthy relationship with your partner when there’s stress over the recession is tough. No matter how you slice or dice it, whether you or your partner loses a job, struggles with credit, has to pay off medical bills,…
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Jaime Lafond
November 16, 2013
Relationships, by nature, are not always easy and they need to be nurtured continuously in order to grow. Couples today often get caught up in the mad rush that we call life and unwittingly neglect to tend to their relationship….
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Lee VanAmee
November 16, 2013
In our fast paced lives that we are living we truly can appreciate when someone takes the time to notice something about us and gives us some undivided attention even if for a brief nano-second. When you give out a…
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Elaine M. Doxie
November 16, 2013
I’m sorry. These two little words are probably the hardest words in the entire English language to say. It’s not because they’re hard to pronounce. It’s not because there’s anything hard to say about the words themselves. Rather, it’s the…
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Sammy Stein
November 16, 2013
Take it from me, women are wonderful creatures, full of mystery, intrigue and sometimes breathtaking takes on life which I would not have thought of in a million years. However, many are attractive but some fail to pick up clues…
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Francesca Pawlak
November 16, 2013
It’s never easy being apart from the one you love, whether they are in the military or not. However, military spouses, due to deployment locations, often have a harder time keeping touch. I’ve been married to a solider in the…
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Diane Garrod
November 16, 2013
Living with someone means they get to know the real YOU, anger and all. Relationships can be defined as anyone close to you, wife, girlfriend, significant other, mother, father, sister, brother. A relationship will definitely suffer if anger is not…
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B.J. Tolentino
November 16, 2013
Every bout of anger has an underlying conscious or subconscious fear behind it. It is important to understand its dynamics. It’s understanding is essential in subsequently dealing with our anger. It is a useful insight into dealing with anger in…
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Kimberly Zierlein
November 16, 2013
If you are like most couples any discussion where you do not share the same opinion ends in an out, right screaming match. If this is how you deal with every disagreement in your relationship you are headed for rough…
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Rachelle de Bretagne
November 16, 2013
Husbands and wives live together for a long time. In the course of married life, they won’t always agree. In fact, argument can be a good way to vent and let out any resentments or feelings of anger, though many…
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Kate Johns
November 16, 2013
How to have great sex during an economic recession. What can you do to maintain a healthy relationship and a healthy sexual relationship with your life partner during a recession? Use sex as a de-stressor, and live a little. Sex…
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Colette Georgii
November 16, 2013
The key to a successful relationship with your partner is effective communication. Communication can either be effective on non-effective or in other words communication can be either good or bad. The goal therefore is effective or good communication. Why is…
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Jolina Petersheim
November 16, 2013
The litmus test for my marriage began on Monday when I printed out the first hard copy of my novel and passed it to my husband. He’s read my work before, and I am quite used to his “leave it…
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Carol Gioia
November 16, 2013
Learning how to argue ethically is a valuable communication tool. Arguing is not pleasant, but it is sometimes unavoidable. Disagreeing with others can sometimes inadvertently escalate into an argument. Learning how to argue in an ethical way will help you…
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Maffew James
November 16, 2013
A relationship is a conglomeration of many things, and confrontation is one of them. This confrontation comes in many forms and can be anything from arguments and minor disagreements, to personal differences that raise tension between two people. In some…
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Bethany Harvey
November 16, 2013
Relationships come and relationships go. What makes the good ones last? I firmly believe that listening and communicating in a relationship is one of the most important factors that can make or break a relationship. In the rest of this…
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Victoria Tiegert
November 16, 2013
Everybody has arguments, from the nicest person in the world to the very most unkind. It doesn’t make one a bad person to have a disagreement with another, but an argument doesn’t have to (nor should it) turn into a…
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Sonia-Doris Andras
November 16, 2013
Relationships, whether familial, professional, platonic or romantic are more complex than just the sum of person A and person B. They not only imply the way in which these two persons are connected, but the way they interact, they feel…
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Jan Krajewicz
November 16, 2013
We all want to enjoy long lasting, happy relationships, and yet some of us incessantly end up with people who are unsuitable, commitment-phobic, manipulative or even abusive. The good news is that there are some behavioural patterns that can help…
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Wayne Leon Learmond
November 16, 2013
Secrets can be the bane of many a relationship/marriage break-up. Yet it does not have to be like that. When a couple marry it does not therefore stand that they ‘own’ that person, mind, body and soul. No one has…
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Barry Girolamo
November 16, 2013
Apologies are underrated. They are part of the etiquette of civilized life, which maybe isn’t practiced as it once was. Apologies have been cheapened, and often have been used by adults in an attempt to excuse behavior which is uncalled…
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Dossie M Terrell
November 16, 2013
One should not have to deal with a controlling partner as both are adults and should be considered rational. However, there are many reasons some folks have overbearing personalities and those reasons should be explored, but no matter what they…
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Ganelle Davis
November 16, 2013
Complaining is a form of negative communication. Complaining is usually conveyed in a hostile tone and with hostile motives. Complaining never ever reconciles relationships. In fact, the constant barrage of complaints can prove fatal to most any relationship. Some people…
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A.W. Berry
November 16, 2013
Money secrets are not uncommon. According to MSNBC, a survey of 23,000 people found 37 percent of men, and 56 percent of women keep money secrets. In a separate study by Smart Money, 36 percent of men were found to…
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Timiarah A. Camburn
November 16, 2013
Some things, such as a wife’s romantic history, are better left as mysteries. There is no possible good that can come from a woman telling her husband about every man that she has loved and/or been with physically. Wanting to…
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Tammy Cramblett
November 16, 2013
Everyone knows that communication is the key to a successful relationship. The burning question is: how do you keep the communication lines open and good? This article is going to offer tips for effective communication with your partner. *Honest. Be open…
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Angela Diggs
November 16, 2013
Many people underestimate the effect of rude behavior on job performance. When you work for a company or organization, your job performance is based on skill, productivity, talent and personality. Some people believe they can get by mainly on merit…
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