Ann Lewis
February 13, 2014
Crucial to keeping your teen away from associating with the “wrong crowd” is what I call defensive parenting. It is an approach that is both proactive and preventative. Many research studies have looked at this topic and have discovered an…
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Jane Gilgun
February 13, 2014
Children require sensitive, responsive care in order to develop in healthy ways. Sensitive care givers are emotionally available to children. They are responsive to children’s cues when, for example, children want to interact with adults or are hungry, lonely, sad,…
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Victoria Tiegert
February 13, 2014
Jealousy, otherwise known as “the green-eyed monster”, is an emotion response to past events in a person’s life that has left them with a great deal of suspicions, fears, and insecurities. Jealous people do not enjoy healthy or happy relationships,…
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Karen Meeker
February 13, 2014
Every single morning, I am blessed to get up and go to a job that I love. Many people actually laugh outwardly when I tell them that and then tell them what I do. I teach high school. No, I…
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Emily Ragozzino
February 13, 2014
Because I am a teen, it is simple to come up with questions that I wish my parents would never ask. There are many that I don’t want to answer, so I just shut up and shrug my shoulders. This…
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Russell Waldron
February 13, 2014
Jealousy is often known as “being touched by the green-eyed monster.” When one is jealous they are said to be very fearful of being supplanted, apprehensive in regards to losing the affection of someone they care for. They can become…
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Jennifer L. Thompson
February 13, 2014
A woman loves to feel loved. The things she loves to hear are the things that let her know she is loved. These things may vary in time, according to the length of the relationship, however, the one thing that…
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Can Tran
February 13, 2014
The best analogy I could come up with on emotional abuse is the use of words rather than force. You have your physical abuse that can range from hard smacks, punches, kicks, shakes, and so forth. Emotional abuse is the…
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Lisa Mannetti
February 13, 2014
What parent wants to ask questions about drugs? It’s more like duty than conversation; there’s no good way to open the topic and it’s not only uncomfortable to discuss (for both kids and parents), it sure doesn’t feel like love…
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February 13, 2014
How to handle a special night out with your daughter is of course hugely depended on a very large set of variables. In this article we will take a look at the most difficult time of all, at least for…
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Simi Brown
February 13, 2014
Usually, when children are being disrespectful to parents there is at least one of three things happening: 1. They never were taught how to disagree with a parent in a respectful way.It’s so easy to overlook this point, because at…
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Kate Johns
February 13, 2014
Ten things men want to hear. Men want to hear positive things just like everyone else does, and men want to hear things that have to do with sex. A man thinks about sex, every couple of seconds, making it…
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Bridget Webber
February 13, 2014
Children are sometimes canny little people. They learn how to manipulate and control their parents and environments to get what they want and sometimes what they need. Distinguishing between ‘want’ and ‘need’ can be a good place to start when…
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Karen Munczinski
February 13, 2014
As a teacher for the past decade, I have seen children’s behavior’s change a lot and not for the better. More children then ever have behavior problems. I think this is largely because parents are letting their kids get away…
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Julie Michael
February 13, 2014
Negativity in a relationship has many devastating effects… often not seen until it’s too late. In a fashion much like the Titanic disaster, what appears to be smooth sailing water, will- out of nowhere- to turn into an ocean made…
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Kate Johns
February 13, 2014
Women love to hear good positive things said about them at any occasion. It’s kind of like standing at the tops of the stairs and hearing two friends at the bottom whispering about you. Only this time they are saying…
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February 13, 2014
Abusing children to show you had the power and control was laughed at and applauded! Parents sat around and shared stories about how they “showed” this child and “told” that one when in fact they were guilty of a reprehensible…
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R Shimoda
February 13, 2014
If this were an ideal world, it would be simple to see when a man is jealous. They’d be the ones carrying the big sign around to let the world know. Unfortunately it doesn’t work like that and to make matters…
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February 13, 2014
Controlling your child is a good way of raising em’. Train your child in the good ways that he should go and when he grows up, he will never depart from it. Alot of people whether Christians, Moslems, Pagans etc…
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Bobbie Sandlin
February 13, 2014
We’ve all lived with or have encountered the “nagger.” Nagging is defined as: to annoy by persistent faultfinding, complaints, or demands. Whether a wife nagging a husband or a parent nagging a child, it’s a very common communication issue. Nagging…
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Paul Roberts - 500836
February 13, 2014
To this, a pause and then the keys start to pound! this writer, yes a man, will add a few if not too many, small things that a man loves to hear.Having deleted all the adult version words and phrases,…
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Marina Shemesh
February 13, 2014
Things a woman loves to hear “You look so great in those jeans. Have you lost weight?” may seem to be the words that a woman would love to hear. Women supposedly can’t be too rich, to thin or too…
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February 13, 2014
If your child is constantly trying to get the upper hand in every situation, you may have a problem with a controlling child. Take my advice – deal with this behavior as soon as you spot it, or it will…
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February 13, 2014
When dealing with a disrespective teen, it is important not to cut then down at the knees but at the same time, inform them that the behavior will not be tolerated. Say, for example, your 14 year old daughter just…
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Joyce Beckman
February 13, 2014
Let’s air our dirty laundry. None of us has a perfect marriage or relationship. I speak from a wealth of experience, having been married 3 times, the first one ending in divorce, the second one in widowhood, and the third…
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Emily Dent
February 13, 2014
If a man can” fix it” for you, then he is expressing his love! How many times have you heard him say, ” What can I do to fix this and make it better?” Men tend to be more action…
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Lyn Michaud
February 13, 2014
Ask men what they love to hear and first they’ll say they need to think about it. If a man gives an answer to the question his response will include three phrases. “You’re a good husband.” “You’re a good provider.”…
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Krystle Hernandez
February 13, 2014
Dealing with disrespectful teenagers is not something that any parent looks forward to when they are considering having a child; however, the reality is that all individuals go through some sort of adolescent period of time generally characterized by some…
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Todd Hicks
February 12, 2014
Are you someone who is engaged? Are you already married while wondering how you can strengthen your marriage? You can do this by being committed to having a bond that includes trust and honesty. By reading this article, you will…
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Vicki Phipps
February 12, 2014
My husband can’t stand it when he’s asked a question and especially from me. It’s as if he believes the question is attacking him. He gets so defensive and it really bothers me, so the other day I asked him,…
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