Kat Ballew
February 16, 2014
Finding someone and entering into a relationship that was created out of love and trust is what everyone spends their life looking for. However, finding out that this person has betrayed you by being dishonest can be devastating. Not only…
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Jonathan Ellington
February 15, 2014
Everyone has experienced the strains of the chronic pessimist. The degradation of personal integrity and wearing away of personal values that comes with this experience can be something dreadful. However, coping with pessimists doesn’t have to be a losing endeavor….
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Linda S. Mills
February 15, 2014
Dealing with an obnoxious co-worker can make the workday unbearable. It is hard enough coping with a mounting workload, office politics and the ever-present threat of lay-offs. Struggling with a toxic relationship can seriously affect your performance, your morale and…
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Todd Hicks
February 15, 2014
Do others sometimes do something that hurts you? If so, have you thought about getting back at them to “even the score”? It is unfortunate if someone hurts you; however, you are not likely to derive any benefit from using…
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Bridget Webber
February 15, 2014
It’s easiest to spot a toxic relationship from the outside looking in. When you’re in such a relationship you may find it’s not so simple to identify your difficulty. This is because when intensely entangled in a destructive relationship we tend to…
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Sandie Mcgary
February 15, 2014
We all have them, the “friends” that constantly put you down or disrespects you every chance they get. It comes to a point where you have to step back and look at the foundation of your friendship and decide whether…
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Leslie Trotter
February 15, 2014
First of all, remember that you care about both of your dear friends, so refrain from taking sides. Try to remain neutral with them. Naturally they each of them will try and get you to take their sides. However, you…
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February 15, 2014
The most important step in avoiding a toxic relationship is to be able to identify the red flags. Toxic people generally have a history of dysfunctional relationships. With their parents, their siblings, their exes, or all of the above. Having…
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Jeremy Patton
February 15, 2014
It is hard to keep your cool when being insulted or challenged in front of your peers. In the following scenario, we will discuss one strategy for walking away from a fight without looking like a coward. After being dismissed…
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Lee Skavydis
February 15, 2014
Admit it, you have told, at least, one white lie in your life! I think it is safe to say that most of us have. To the untrained person, who does not know the signs of lying, a liar can,…
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Melissa D. Ing
February 15, 2014
Manipulative people can make sane people feel crazy. Manipulator’s are all around us; they may be co-workers, neighbor’s, acquaintances and even friends and loved ones. Falling victim to a manipulative personality, is unfortunately not difficult; recovering can be. Once you’ve…
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February 15, 2014
It seems that every person in your family is a candidate for the topic “dealing with difficult people,” – the difference only in degree of difficulty. Take my family for example. There are three of us – Mom, big sister,…
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Rena Sherwood
February 15, 2014
The best way to handle an aggressive drunk is to phone the police. Aggressive drunks cannot be reasoned with because they have a genetic fault which makes them aggressive after consuming alcohol. Drunks also are very relaxed and do not…
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Rex Trulove
February 15, 2014
Two terms that impact people’s lives on a day to day basis are “discussing” and “arguing”. For a great number of people, the difference between the two is pretty clear, but for some people, especially those who have never worked…
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Carol Gioia
February 15, 2014
When friends overstay their welcome, the issue is often lack of communication. You and your friend might have different views about what constitutes a “short visit.” You may be thinking of an hour or two, not realizing the friend has…
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Elaine M. Doxie
February 15, 2014
We consider it a true virtue to be a reliable, responsible person. However, sometimes in our families, this can be more of a liability than an asset. When our families know that they can depend on us, sometimes they depend on…
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Sandra Piddock
February 15, 2014
A catch phrase is a great defuser for a situation, especially when something annoying or irritating happens, or if something goes wrong. It turns a potential problem into an outlet for humour- after all, if you can find a light side…
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Leslie Trotter
February 15, 2014
It’s true that sales people has to make a living too and they will do anything within their power to push a product on you so that you can buy it. Sales people have been known to follow you around…
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Mary E. Preece
February 15, 2014
Chips and Grudges I had a chip or more on my shoulders in my earlier Christian years. Even though I came to the church where my husband belonged because I felt it was the right thing for me to do…
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Lynette Alice
February 15, 2014
Spotting a liar is usually easy they will eventually trip them self up at some point by forgetting what they lied about. While that is all fine and good, it is better to be able to spot a liar when…
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Marie Lorraine
February 15, 2014
When it comes to cutting a person out of our lives, there is often a strong sense of guilt involved. We find ourselves fed up and disgusted with a person’s behavior but still thinking about that favor the person in…
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Leslie Trotter
February 15, 2014
What to do when someone you respected turns out to be a hypocrite Not everything seems as they seem. Sometimes the wool can be pulled over our eyes by our friends and loved ones. When someone you respects tells you…
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Elaine M. Doxie
February 15, 2014
More people than would like to admit are unlucky enough to have fallen into the trap of a narcissist. The problem with a narcissist is that they do not let go of their victims easily. They will in fact hang on…
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Matt Bird
February 15, 2014
Rudeness is a fixture of the human race. No matter how nice we may seem most of the time, each and every one of us is capable of being rude – and some among our number even seem to enjoy…
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Lynette Alice
February 15, 2014
Trying to figure out how to handle critical people can be quite a challenge. Generally speaking there are three schools of thought on what is the best way to handle a critical person, and each is effective in its own…
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Joan Inong
February 15, 2014
Almost everyone has been in this situation: you’re at the store, taking your time browsing and looking at items that interest you, when a salesperson approaches you. You think nothing of it, say “No, thank you,” and start to move…
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David Dewitt
February 15, 2014
Each day someone is critical of someone else. Criticism is one of those facts of life that everyone has to deal with. Sadly, some people are overly criticized and lack the personal skills to effectively handle it. Understanding criticism is…
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February 15, 2014
A toxic relationship can poison your mind, soul and your whole life. Instead of trying to pick up your pieces and move forward after the damage is done, it is best to prevent the worst from happening at all. The…
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Kate Johns
February 15, 2014
I’d like the title of this article to really be; “How to get rid of annoying Thanksgiving day guests”, but hey, I have to work with what I’ve been given, so here it goes, how to deal with annoying Thanksgiving…
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Deborah Coshun
February 15, 2014
Would you continue to see someone that slapped you each time you saw them? Of course your wouldn’t so why would you want to continue to have contact with a person that repeatedly disrespects you. You may find yourself in…
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