Daniel Creil
August 24, 2015
Almost everyone knows at least one negative person. A negative person complains all the time about something. He says words like: “You won’t make it” or “He is too weak to do this”. He criticizes everyone he knows and doesn’t…
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Anthony Megna
August 24, 2015
It sucks being the victim of a manipulative person, and the first thought is revenge! But like the Chinese proverb says,” revenge is a dish best served cold”. Everyone at some time in their life has been a victim of…
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Roxanne Tracy
August 24, 2015
In reality, we probably all are experts on the useless personality trait of passive aggressiveness. We have entered into relationships that have drained us, demeaned us, and left us questioning our sanity. Relationships with passive aggressive people don’t start with…
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Antonia Sage
August 24, 2015
Not something I look forward to, but sometimes it is a necessity. So the question really is : what is the nicest, most effective way to say something that is unpleasant to the ears of the listener? Here’s how I…
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christina christou
August 24, 2015
I used to be negative person. When someone said something positive, I would put a dampener on it and say something negative. On being told I was being negative, I would retort by saying I was just being realistic (cringe)….
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Joseph Wardy
August 24, 2015
I am going to address the title of ” How to avoid being irritating” by not assuming what irritating is without first identifying what is irritating to me and then to set a strategy of opposite behavior. Here are two…
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Can Tran
August 24, 2015
There will be times where you are going to have to tell somebody that his/her behavior is very unacceptable to you. If you do not express your dislikes and annoyances, it only lets the person continue behaving in the distasteful…
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Vicki Phipps
August 24, 2015
How do you fight for what you think is right? First, you’ll need to look through your personal view of the truth, and with your God given insight, you’ll need to see beyond the strife to a place where change…
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Karen Quinn-Tostado
August 24, 2015
At some point in our lives, each and every one of us has been manipulated by someone who wants something from us. Many of us know the people who manipulate us intimately, they are family, loved ones, friends, co-workers, and…
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Janice Perez
August 24, 2015
Before addressing the question of “how to tell someone their behavior is unacceptable to you”, I think that there are 2 other issues to address. Initially we must define “unacceptable behavior”. There are many behaviors that are commonly considered unacceptable,…
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KJ Burke
August 24, 2015
Sometimes when a person disrespects you it is because you haven’t eared their respect yet. This happens in the work place as well as everywhere else. In the work place you couldn’t cut off contact with this person even if…
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Sammy Stein
August 24, 2015
Telling people their behvior is unacceptable to you can be hard, especially if you have put up with poor behavior for a long time. Most of us are nice people and the idea of instantly reacting to someone who is…
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Daniel Creil
August 24, 2015
“Take it easy!” is what we can learn from an easy-going personality. Easy-going personalities don’t worry too much about the problems. They compare life with zebra’s stripes: after black stripe comes white stripe, and after white stripe will come black…
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Juniper Shea
August 24, 2015
Telling a person their behavior is unacceptable can be difficult especially if you really don’t know that person very well. There definitely is a right way to tell a person their behavior is making you uncomfortable or annoyed. Expressing your…
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Summer Tyme
August 24, 2015
It’s a fact that if we communicate with negative people it can affect our happiness. How much it affects us will depend on whether we follow where we are being led, or we lead them in a new direction. What…
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Lesley Rigg
August 24, 2015
Self-awareness is the single most important element in avoiding being an irritant to other people. Many people are locked in their own world, and have little idea of the effect that their character and behavior has on those around them….
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Trenna Sue Hiler
August 24, 2015
Adults often display bad behavior and the majority of the time it can be ignored. However, there are times when children may be present or their behavior is having a negative effect on many people. When this is the case…
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August 24, 2015
Negative people have a way of zapping your energy and enthusiasm. How you handle them can affect your peace of mind. For years I was caught up in other people’s dramas, starting from high school, one of which was going…
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Ann E. Smith
August 23, 2015
Getting along with other people isn’t always easy. Whether it’s the know it all, the bully, the prima donna, the basket case, the passive aggressive, or the snitch, difficult people usually share something in common: they want to play by…
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Trenna Sue Hiler
August 23, 2015
Passive -Aggression in a defense mechanism for dealing with anger and hostilities. At one time it was described as a personality disorder, but currently it doesn’t meet the standards. Sometimes it is completely intentional the passive-aggressive is aware and planning…
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DJ Triplett
August 23, 2015
My nickname from childhood is “ladybug,” derived from an song popular when I was born. My sister’s nickname wasn’t as cute. She was called “pickle,” and it I wasn’t very old when I discovered why. Later, she earned another nickname:…
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Vicki Phipps
August 23, 2015
The other day, I asked a friend of mine, “How are you doing?” She hesitated for what seemed too long and then she simply said, “I guess I’m fine.” Immediately I knew what was coming next. She’d go into a…
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August 23, 2015
Conversation is taking on new forms, but it is anything but a lost art. Admittedly though it’s true, the other day, walking down busy avenues in San Francisco, wherever I went I noticed people in coffee houses withdrawn within their…
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Helen Tay
August 23, 2015
When we communicate with people, it is our intention to get across what needs to be said and be understood by the other person. When we have communicated effectively, events work like clock work and we are happy. It is…
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Michelle Shelton
August 23, 2015
Beware the man that insults you and then says, “I was only joking.” This is the definition of passive-aggressive behavior. I don’t think it is a disorder any more than other undesirable behavior is a disorder. It is simply a…
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Helen Tay
August 23, 2015
Firstly, to fight in this sense means to win. The word fight has a negative connotation as it means that there is a struggle to win. I would simply go for “How to get others to agree with what I…
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A. Joerger
August 23, 2015
We have all had the co worker or friend that we get to the point where we don’t even bother to ask them how they are anymore. Because when you do ask them they quickly go into a monologue of…
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Susan Quilty
August 23, 2015
Negative people are the Eeyores of the world. Like Winnie the Pooh’s donkey friend, they bring down everyone around them. They habitually complain, wallow in self-pity and create problems where none exist. Even their compliments tend to be back-handed. Where…
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Grace Williams - 556634
August 23, 2015
THE HARMFUL EFFECT OF WORDS What people do not realize that words can hurt. Remember the old adage, “Sticks and stones can break my bones but names can never hurt me”? People do not realize that words hurt and can…
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Kristin Castle
August 23, 2015
Opposites Attract…But Can they Survive? I found him just after I found myself. At 25 years old, I was beaming with happiness, strength and positivity. I had discovered the young woman I wanted to be. I had survived a relationship…
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