February 16, 2014
Avoiding confrontation with a spouse is not an easy thing to do. A boring day could spark up an argument just to add some excitement in to the mix. A bad day could bring those negative vibes together to a…
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R. F. Collins III
February 16, 2014
It is said that you may be able to lead a horse to water but you cannot make it drink. The metaphor is no less true when coping with the behaviors exhibited by an alcoholic. The day to day stresses brought on…
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Joyce M. George-Knight
February 16, 2014
Couples, who choose to live together, either in our outside of marriage, often have a rude awakening. This is especially true, if this is the first time they have lived with a non-family member. Each individual is coming from a…
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S A Dalton
February 16, 2014
Although I am familiar with the subject of apologies, both giving them and accepting them, I am by far, no professional on the matter. Since this is an important subject in my life, I will be glad to share my…
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The Real American
February 16, 2014
Depending upon the stage of the relationship, a mature observance of the various “Red Flags” can be quite beneficial to both of the parties involved. Although there may be some overlaps between them, the rules governing Dating and Marriage are…
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Chase Hunt
February 16, 2014
Summer Love Man Manual: It’s nothing new that girls are having a hard time reading boys- first loves, summer romance. For guys and girls, learn simple tips about reading your guy, keeping him happy, and keeping it cool during a…
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Elaine M. Doxie
February 16, 2014
Most couples fight at least sometimes. However, most want to keep the fighting to a minimum. After all, being married is about love and compromise, not arguments and bickering. While a few fights here and there may fuel the passion,…
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Grace Angel
February 16, 2014
Many couples turn to couples retreats in order to regain the trust in their marriage. This is because it is a one on one way to fix their marriage. This is more intense than regular therapy because the couple works…
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Suzanne Rose
February 16, 2014
Being fired is no fun. Yet some might find that telling their wife about it is even worse. There are different ways that you can impart this bad news to make it easier on yourself and your wife. The following…
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February 16, 2014
The most basic and effective form of communication used to resolve conflicts is to turn the tables on them. When discussing the situation try using a hypothetical example where the shoe is on the other foot, so to speak. Recreate…
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Sam E. Jones
February 16, 2014
In my experience, the difference between couples who fight, and those who don’t is in how some people learn to hold their tongue and some don’t when angry. Couples who fight rather than argue tend to hurl invectives at one…
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Suzanne Rose
February 16, 2014
Communication is key to a marriage. Most people will tell you this. Many times miscommunications can cause problems that grow as time passes. There are different ways that you can develop healthy communication in a marriage. The following are some…
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Gene Patterson
February 16, 2014
Having difficulty reading women’s body language? If that’s the case, then I urge you to pay close attention to what I’m about to discuss. It’s been proven that 90% of all communication is done on a non-verbal level. So if…
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Marie Lorraine
February 16, 2014
Women often feel their best when they look their best, and believe it or not they care a great deal about how they look to their husbands. This is not a trap, contrary to the images portrayed in sitcoms and…
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Johanna Nauraine
February 16, 2014
. In this article, I provide guidelines that can help couples fight fairly and constructively. 1. Never attack your partner where he or she is most vulnerable. Good relationships help people heal from old wounds. Instead of trying to hit…
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Summer Anderson - 601743
February 16, 2014
First off if you haven’t read the book The Five Love Languages, by Gary Chapman, I strongly recommend it. As a bonus see if you can get your husband to read it as well. It will benefit both of you!…
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Geoffrey Schmitt
February 16, 2014
Long lasting relationships are based upon more than sex. Good sex, even great sex doesn’t last forever in a relationship. In fact without communication even sex fades quickly. You have to share, either verbally or nonverbally what you like. You…
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S. Linda Jensen
February 16, 2014
The romance was such a whirlwind relationship for both of us. The love was exciting and passionate for those first 15 years. Most of the time it seems there was still some magic between us until this last three years. Then…
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February 16, 2014
The silent treatment is a form of punishment that one person imposes on the other by refusing to speak to them. It has been used as a tool in relationships since the beginning of time. While it has been known…
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Gabby Bugwadia
February 16, 2014
Open communication is the bedrock on which all successful relationships, including that of marriage, can be attained. A marriage that lasts “happily ever after” is one that is built on good communication between both the partners. Good communications helps to…
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Mellissa Withers
February 16, 2014
Dealing with a controlling husband is never easy. Most men that are controlling are doing it for a reason, while they might not all be good reasons, they are still reasons in their head. The first part of dealing with…
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Jenna Pope
February 16, 2014
Open communication is essential to the quality and longevity of any marriage. Couples with open communication are stronger than couples without it. For most couples, though, good communication skills are not inherent. They are learned by working together. Rough Waters:…
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Geoffrey Schmitt
February 16, 2014
The Women’s Liberation Movement has caused confusion for men about how to treat women. Many boys are never taught how to be courteous and polite. The days of Emily Post may seem way out of fashion. However, the 16th edition…
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Melissa Murphy - 565406
February 16, 2014
No discussion of marriage would be complete without addressing the topic of communication. As well as being the key to longevity and satisfaction in all successful relationships, communication remains the hallmark of a good marriage. To communicate successfully in a…
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Joan Inong
February 16, 2014
Every relationship is going to have its own set of problems. In many relationships, jealousy is a big issue that should be discussed openly and responsibly between both partners. If your mate is jealous, there is no need to make…
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Sam E. Jones
February 16, 2014
A red flag in a relationship is when you find yourself sitting at home alone on a Friday night while your wife or girlfriend is out having a good time; it’s when you stay at work after hours even if…
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February 16, 2014
One of the more common complaints that married couples, especially the wives, have is that their spouse just does not listen to them. Sure, he or she may sit there and appear to be listening, but they often aren’t truly…
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lynne sampilo
February 16, 2014
He sat there in front of you talking for the past hour while your mind has been drifting from the chores that need to be done, kids to pick up in school and the book that has been lying beside…
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Volecia Plafcan
February 16, 2014
You don’t have to cut off contact with a person who repeatedly disrespects you but, you are not obligated, in any way, to communicate with him/her. Just stay your distance or if push comes to shove, let him have it…
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Elaine M. Doxie
February 16, 2014
Not being listened to is almost a universal complaint among married people. There are many marriages where neither spouse feels they are being listened to, and it creates a rift in the marriage that may seem insurmountable. It is so…
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