Sondra Gomez - 491755
February 17, 2014
An insult, is nothing more than personal perception of an experience taken to heart so to speak, that we have found to affect our pride in a derogatory manner. Imagine if before we allowed the emotion of an insult to…
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K. Russell
February 17, 2014
Mightier than swords, words may not break our bones but they can certainly raise our spirits, dash our hopes, seal our fates and save our souls. Other species certainly communicate but it seems safe to say that no other living…
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Ben Hughes
February 17, 2014
The Internet brings out the best and the worst in us; while it can help to brings us closer together, it also helps to separate us like no other medium of communication does. The World Wide Web has been the…
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Rena Sherwood
February 17, 2014
Humans have always been fascinated with flowers. Their graceful beauty sprouting from the dirt and their brevity of life seem to be the perfect symbol of life itself. Over the millennia, certain flowers have become archetypes for certain nations, religions…
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Melissa Mercer
February 17, 2014
Revealing personal experiences can be both beneficial to you and someone else suffering from the same or similar experiences. I always try and look beyond every individual I encounter, without judgment, for I don’t know what has occurred in their…
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Tammy Attama
February 17, 2014
“You’ll never amount to anything!” he shouted. I shrunk into a ball to try and protect myself from the lashes of his verbal whip. “You’re worthless! You can’t do anything right!” reverberated through my mind. If he could have only…
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Grace Angel
February 17, 2014
The Law of Attraction is one of the most powerful spiritual laws in the entire universe. The basic concept is that a person has a thought process that directly influences upon their outcome. The idea is that if a person…
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Victoria Tiegert
February 17, 2014
“The power of life and death are in the tongue.” These words, which are found in the Holy Bible are some of the truest and most alarming that we can hear and take heed to. If only we fully understood…
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Indrani Basu
February 17, 2014
A perfect Day. This story is dedicated to my professor. A perfect day to start. I had my much awaited interview today and got up a little earlier than usual to give myself some time to think back and relax….
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Catherine Brown - 407484
February 17, 2014
Whilst enjoying rating an article under the heading, The importance of humor in relationships,’ I felt inspired to write a piece myself. Being new to Helium I still find it slightly overwhelming trying to make my way around the vast…
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Dolores Moore
February 17, 2014
Insults take various forms, as we all know from bitter experience. Sometimes they can be just harsh words from a stranger on a busy street, or often, a friend or family member can say or do something unintentionally insulting. Everyday…
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K.L. Cain
February 17, 2014
I have been in humorous relationships, and then I have been in humorless relationships. The humorless ones, in the words of the great tragic playwright Sophocles, “can make a short road take forever”, particularly if you have a good-humored and…
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Monika Johnson
February 17, 2014
Honesty is considered a virtue, but very few people tell the complete truth all the time. One does not necessarily have to be a bad person in order to tell an occasional lie. In some cases, there may even be…
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Bridget Webber
February 17, 2014
If you have good self-esteem, you naturally display confidence. However, if your self-worth is low you might come across as shy. There is nothing wrong with being shy, but there are likely to be times when it is beneficial to…
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Trisha Arnez
February 17, 2014
The Internet has so many advantages to it today, a person would never have to leave their home. It has different types of messengers to talk on. If the people have web cams and microphones, then they can socialize and…
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Grace Angel
February 17, 2014
It is very hard on most men to tell the wife that they have been fired. This is because most men feel that it is their responsibility as the leader of the household to financially provide for their family in…
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Grace Angel
February 17, 2014
It can be extremely difficult to tell a husband that a wife has lost a job. This is because most husbands do not respond well to information of reduction in income coming into the household. For many wives, they feel…
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Heather Tripp - 515500
February 17, 2014
Good communication skills are a key element in not only marriage, but any relationship you have with another person. Unfortunately, very few people understand the importance of good communication, and also HOW to communicate well. The following information will help…
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Janette Peel
February 17, 2014
A picture may paint a thousand words, but in the world of romance a carefully chosen bouquet of flowers is the most eloquent statement of love. It’s thought that the floral language of love was first used in the harems…
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Angela Diggs
February 17, 2014
Everyday relationships are destroyed over financial problems. It is one of the main reason for divorce in this country. This happens when couples fail to divulge their views on money. When two people come together, it is vital that certain…
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Maria Yanicki
February 17, 2014
Why is humour so important in every aspect of someone’s life? I asked myself this question very recently, and I have noticed that I am closer to men and women that can make me laugh, rather than folks who lack…
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Suzanne Rose
February 16, 2014
The bad news might have been expected or unexpected, yet the situation remains: you were laid off. As difficult as it is to deal with this information yourself, now you have to share the news with a spouse. This can…
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February 16, 2014
Try to imagine mixing a delicious Thanksgiving dinner with a polite discussion about politics. It seems impossible, right? The only thing that crosses my mind is a four hour debate and flying mashed potatoes. Some of my fondest memories start…
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Sandra Piddock
February 16, 2014
When couples communicate with each other, some things are better left unsaid, no matter how strong your relationship appears to be. Men are sensitive little flowers when they choose to be, and anything that calls their masculinity into question in…
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Grace Angel
February 16, 2014
There are many ways that a couple can overcome a language barrier. It will take a tremendous amount of commitment by both parties in the relationship but it can be done. Overcoming a language barrier means that both parties must…
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February 16, 2014
Communication in a relationship is of vital importance. It is necessary to be able to talk with your partner. This is essential in any kind of relationships with your parents, relatives, friends, neighbours. But, the most important thing is to…
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Tamara Hawkins
February 16, 2014
As a child, I was sexually abused by my older brother. I was physically, emotionally, and verbally abused by my mother, who was also inappropriate by grabbing my breasts when I was a teen.I felt so much shame, and as…
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G. Schettino
February 16, 2014
The fist thing you need to know, without a doubt is: You cannot change another person. That having been established, the sad truth is, everybody in the family of an alcoholic suffers from the disease. Make no mistake about it,…
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Elaine Sihera
February 16, 2014
Look everywhere on dating sites and almost everyone is seeking someone with a ‘good sense of humour’ (GSOH). Others are seeking someone to ‘make them laugh’, but as I am not a comedian, I tend to avoid those people wherever…
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Todd Hicks
February 16, 2014
Are you involved with others who are not as similar to you as much as you would like them to be? Guess what! You are not likely to find many people who are very much like you; therefore, you will…
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