Lauren Nation
April 4, 2014
Okay, Communication. Long word right? Well, It has a long definition. Let me explain. This article will explain the basics of a good relationship and what key factors every couple needs.Communication is the key to all relationships and or marriages….
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Francis Harris
April 4, 2014
The gender distinction that underlies the human race is one the most long standing, widely explored topics you will ever find. We have analysed, defined, explored, speculated, compared and sought to understand what it means to be male and female…
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Elaine M. Doxie
April 4, 2014
Although there are many men who like to believe that nagging is a problem that is exclusive to women, there are many men that nag as well. In fact, they are often the ones complaining the loudest that their wives…
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Marcus Brooks
April 4, 2014
“Men are from Mars. Women are from Venus.” That quote is never more true than in interpersonal relationships. Men and women are at opposite of the spectrum in regarding, platonic, sexual, casual and serious relationships. The reason why is due…
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Leslie Trotter
April 4, 2014
Each woman think her man is different and that her relationship is unique and no one has one quite like hers. She feels that she can keep her man with just her good looks. However, she may be running her…
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Laura Leigh Fields
April 4, 2014
Many men think that women are more trouble than they are worth. They aren’t. However if you have had bad dating experiences in the past, it is hard not to feel that way. The dating world isn’t always easy, especially…
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Mellissa Withers
March 24, 2014
Cutting off all contact with a person that repeatedly disrespects you is not an easy matter by any means. There is defiantly no reason anyone should have to deal with a person that has no desire to at least be…
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Haguma Donald
March 24, 2014
Arguments usually occur in life. They are a very common occurrence in our daily lives so knowing how to win them is worth your time. Try the following; Listen.Often in an argument everyone is in a rush to talk and…
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Melody Hearndon
March 21, 2014
“To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world.” The art of listening! As defined, listening is the act of hearing attentively. Imagine… an act that requires so little yet its function…
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Vanessa Marshall
March 21, 2014
Offering advice can be very tricky. It can be hard to predict how a person will respond to what you say. You must be able to approach the person in a non threatening way, choose your words carefully, have something…
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Melody Hearndon
March 21, 2014
Offering advice can be frightening, tricky and unnerving for many. So many confuse the term advice with the term opinion, and they are unrelated no matter how one tries to deliver the message. The age old adage “don’t kill the…
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Angel Writer - 635550
March 21, 2014
Listening is an important part of communication. It is also acts as means of understanding a situation and digesting it to come up with either a solution or a response as deemed fit. Listening requires a conscious effort, good listening…
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Aliaa Bostan
March 21, 2014
Those Misunderstandings or Mistakes That Cost You a Friend What about something said or done in your friend’s best interest to be so misunderstood as to make your friend cut you from her friends list, without you to have…
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Rosemary Redfern
March 21, 2014
One of the most irritating things that we do is finish off other people’s sentences in our eagerness to speak and let them know we understand what they are saying. Sometimes the response is a polite smile, sometimes an irritated…
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Felix Odiogor-Odoh
March 21, 2014
The world is in need of good listeners. Many people are talking but there are very few people who can patiently listen to other people speak. This article defines Listening as the art of hearing properly and comprehending what someone…
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John Welford
March 21, 2014
These tips are offered by someone who was trained as a Samaritans volunteer (“To Befriend the Suicidal and Despairing”) a number of years ago but who has not been an active volunteer for some time. However, the art of listening,…
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Elaine M. Doxie
March 21, 2014
We all make mistakes. Sometimes we can get by on those mistakes by simply saying you’re sorry, but often, we need to truly show how very sorry we are for mistakes we have made in order to be believed. Maybe…
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March 21, 2014
Who’s The Stranger? I wake up suddenly. I roll over and look at this stranger in my bed. She is staring at me. It is my wife. I say, good morning. She doesn’t say a word, just continues staring at…
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March 21, 2014
Facebook has changed how we conduct our relationships by allowing us access to areas of our friends and loved ones lives that we previously did not have. It also has allowed us to connect and develop relationships with people we might normally…
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Francis Harris
March 21, 2014
Effective communication is about understanding another person and being understood by the other person. It has nothing to do with winning an argument, bringing another person around to agree with you or even coming to a happy compromise. It involves…
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Carol Gioia
March 21, 2014
All the people you encounter over time, whether at work or in your personal life, might not always agree with your point of view or acquiesce to your opinions. When someone does not share your perspective, it is permissible to disagree,…
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Austin Moore
March 21, 2014
Effective communication is not just discussing the weather, the ball game, or the results of the latest test. Small talk only goes so far, and there comes a point in all relationships where you really need to communicate. Not just…
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Carol Gioia
March 21, 2014
Occasions often arise in conversations when you might be tempted to share your knowledge or opinion in an effort to be helpful, and yet you hesitate, for fear of appearing to be a know-it-all or offending with your advice. Sometimes you…
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Geoffrey Schmitt
March 20, 2014
We all make mistakes. Sooner or later we do or don’t something that hurts a person or persons who are important to us. How can we make it right; mend the relationship and get back on track? The first thing…
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Bridget Webber
March 20, 2014
Small talk may seem insignificant but it breaks the ice and oils the wheels of communication. It is also a polite way to pass pleasant observations and show you are open and friendly. Without small talk many lovers would never…
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Veronica Kesterton
March 20, 2014
For those of you who believe complaining is easy, I will tell you now it certainly is not! There is a method to complaining, although this may depend on what you are complaining about and the company you are complaining…
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Melody Hearndon
March 20, 2014
“It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt.” — Mark Twain How do we best define communication? Inasmuch, with such a wide range of…
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Silva Payne
March 20, 2014
You have found that special someone and you feel the desire to tell them how much they mean to you. The romantic in you wants to make it a special occasion and you decide that you want to write a…
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Jane Mays-Evans
March 20, 2014
What if wedding vows would have been written to include to love, honor, obey and communicate with daily? I think people would better understand how important that aspect is in a marriage. I wish our marriage vows had contained the…
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Nick Broadhurst
March 20, 2014
Is there a difference between communication and speaking? Yes, there is. Is it the number of words a person knows? Maybe, but communicating is not simply talking. So what is communication? Communication is the ability to get one’s idea from…
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