Patricia Watson - 275866
April 5, 2014
Women think differently than men. In most cases, a woman has to tell her man what she needs and wants. It would be a perfect world if men just instinctively knew the following facts about the woman in their life….
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April 5, 2014
Take time to get to know your children and to show them you are there to support them during this critical time of their lives. Sometimes getting to know your children means dropping everything to listen to them when they…
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Cody Hodge
April 5, 2014
So you are going to talk to a girl on the phone? That is a big step in any man’s life, and a big step in any relationship. It doesn’t matter if you are 13, and you just got your…
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Rebecah Freeling
April 5, 2014
The term ‘trick question’ refers to questions of this nature: “If you had met by best friend before meeting me, would you have wanted to sleep with her?” “Why do you smile more when you’re with your mom than when…
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avante guardian
April 5, 2014
Having read the top 2 articles, I salute the Authors for their diligent research, but am choosing to try simplify this complex process, so more readers can perhaps apply some techniques, or at least get the gist of the theory….
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Emmanuel Chibueze
April 4, 2014
One of the main fears many guys have is how to talk to a girl on the phone without being nervous. There are several ways to do this without being nervous and generally if you follow these tips correctly you…
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Loralie Lynn
April 4, 2014
Ways to Love Yourself and Increase Confidence Loving yourself is the first and foremost important thing you should do above anything else. How can you expect anyone else to fully love you or for you to fully love anyone else…
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Kim Russell
April 4, 2014
I’m not butch by any stretch of the imagination, and my boyfriend is certainly not effeminate. But hands-down he is chock-full of female qualities, and I am not. He does the shopping, cooking, cleaning, full-time parenting of his teenage daughter…
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Matt Allen - 541630
April 4, 2014
Negativity affects a relationship in many ways. Weather one or both people in a relationship are negative it will transpose negativity over the relationship as a whole. Have you ever noticed that negative people attract negative people and positive people…
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Glen Brizius
April 4, 2014
The only way to communicate with your spouse with complete honesty is to have complete honesty from the very start. Some people may advocate the need for “white lies” within a relationship, but if you’re looking to communicate with complete…
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Sammy Stein
April 4, 2014
In business, trust is probably the most important thing. Being honest, even when you have made an error, can be hard but , as my Japanese boss once said to me , ‘ Sammy San, if you make a mistake…
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Wendy W. May
April 4, 2014
Outdated Socialized Conditioning of Men. One day last summer I took a solo day trip to the Oregon coast to search for treasures amongst the scattering of antique shops sprinkled along the coastal town of Lincoln City. That day…
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Author Name Withheld 206
April 4, 2014
I meant to write something to help a co-worker understand where the boss comes from and lo and behold i ended up back at the old men/women discussion. She was unhappy with the way he acted when she asked him…
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Leslie Trotter
April 4, 2014
Reasons why men hate women who nag A woman who nags her husband only reminds him of the times when he was a child, when his mother would nag him about doing his household chores, to eat his Brussel sprouts…
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Ann E. Smith
April 4, 2014
So your boyfriend is completely obsessed with football. And so on weekends during the fall, you feel somewhat lonely. You are in the same room, but you cannot get his attention. You may as well be alone. Or you are…
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Alexandra Heep
April 4, 2014
Meeting members of the opposite gender online is not necessarily confined to dating sites. There are also forums and chat rooms to consider. However, let’s focus on dating sites first, because if a woman is signed up on a dating…
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Carolina Dream Chapman
April 4, 2014
Chivalry is Here to Stay The men in my family are true gentlemen that know how to treat us ladies with tenderness and respect. Chivalry is alive and well in my family, therefore, I can confidently say that: No chivalry…
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Leslie Trotter
April 4, 2014
How to get the attention of a man during a football game Football games and other sports is a man’s quality time with his television. Sam’s love for sports has taken his attention away from his wife for the second…
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Suzanne Rose
April 4, 2014
You may not like it when anyone nags, but least of all when a man does. You may want to do all you can to get rid him of this behavior. Try the following tips on how to handle it…
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Nelson Michael
April 4, 2014
Men do not understand women because of centuries of society telling them they should not. Men and women are different, but because of what we are told, the gap gets larger with every generation. Men of today are supposed…
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April 4, 2014
In order to truly understand a man you must first and foremost understand yourself. Basically, it is not about a man, never has been and never will be, it is all about you and getting your needs met when dealing…
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Sucahyo Aji
April 4, 2014
Talking to a girl may not be easy if she is the one you like. Talking by phone is not easier than talking face to face. Getting her number is only part of the effort. You still need to know…
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Jane Kay
April 4, 2014
1. Women never stop thinking. If you knew how my brain never stops working and processing, you’d understand why I ask you what you’re thinking, and why “nothing” is not a plausible answer. I’m sorry my disbelief annoys you, but…
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Katherine Johnson
April 4, 2014
Men approaching women on-line is very popular these days however, is that a good thing to do. I don’t believe it is. You can make friends on-line though, but not for personal relationships. So this will tell you why it…
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Sondra Gomez - 491755
April 4, 2014
Hey, girls: do you really want to pull your guy away from the excitement of the game? Or is it when you see him so into something that he isn’t even aware of what’s going on around him and every…
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Kris Koments
April 4, 2014
All through the ages we have struggled to understand the differences in the male and female species and what makes them tick. By thoroughly exploring every aspect of each, we may actually see mankind differently, but never with 100% clarity. …
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Dorothy Skinner
April 4, 2014
Chivalry never has been dead to those who command it.Let us first define the concept. Chivalry comes from, chevalier, a horseman, a knight, or in more modern terms, a gentleman. It was the code of practice of the knights who…
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Trisha Navarro
April 4, 2014
Getting your man to communicate with you and even for that matter, getting him to talk to you can seem impossible to most women of this day and age. Most of the time women will just give up and say…
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Sandra Piddock
April 4, 2014
Chivalry will never die as long as there are decent people with traditional values. Chivalry is not a code or a craze or a character trait. It is an expression of good manners and consideration within a value system which…
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christina christou
April 4, 2014
‘I’m so tired and everything is getting on top of me and I still have things to do before…..’ To another woman this may be easy to understand and relate to. She is tired and she does have a lot…
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