Paul Schingle
April 7, 2014
This is another one that would be pretty easy to write for the other side. “All contact” can sound pretty harsh. On the other side of the same coin, so can “repeatedly disrespects.” First off, I want it clear that…
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Darcey Lee
April 7, 2014
Negative people are known to be positive energy vampires. Automatically when you communicate with someone who is the voice of doom, this pulls your positive energy down. Not that it changes how you may think, but communicate long enough and…
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Victoria Tiegert
April 7, 2014
There are some people in this world who seem to be unable to control the things that come out of their mouths. These are the compulsive liars. They lie about important things, they lie about things that really don’t matter…
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Gustavo Diaz
April 7, 2014
Is He Lying? How do you know if he’s lying? What hints might he give? Should I still trust him? Breath. There are fairly simple ways to distinguish a liar from a down right honest guy. Visually, you can see…
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M.A. Dal Cero
April 7, 2014
“The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.” – Mahatma Gandhi Perhaps you have said something that has hurt another person’s feelings. Maybe you made a serious error in judgment. You may have even engaged in…
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Hartmut Zielske
April 7, 2014
How can I be forgiven if someone does not for give me? Christ died for all our sin and transgressions. If we truly repent and ask for forgiveness out of our heart we can be forgiven through Christ. The person…
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Jinianne Gorg
April 7, 2014
If you have truly tried to befriend a person, offering assistance when needed, and you are still shunned, then it’s time to draw the curtain. Cutting off ties with a person doesn’t mean you don’t still care about him (or…
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Kris Kennedy
April 7, 2014
The Unforgiven Forgive and forget cannot occur but we always hope that our transgressions can be forgiven. How to convince someone to forgive us and give us the chance to win back trust can offer an almost insurmountable challenge. Only…
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Maria C Collins
April 7, 2014
Bad manners are difficult to cope with at any time. The worst situation of all is in the workplace when your superior is being rude to you. Some superiors believe that they just because they have a particular job title…
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Beth Babineau
April 7, 2014
One of the most frustrating and helpless feelings within the human scope of experience springs forth from the inability to forgive. To be human means you’ve been faced with having to grant it as well as having it granted. More…
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Dolores Moore
April 7, 2014
This used to be so easy, when I was a child. All I needed to do was give the offending peer a push, a slap, or tell them in no uncertain terms “I don’t like what you did, go away,…
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Casey Hethers
April 7, 2014
Lying comes in many forms and ranges from small white lies to major cover ups that can potentially shatter the trust that a person may have in someone else. However it is done, the idea that people will lie when…
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Casey Hethers
April 7, 2014
Negative self-communication is something that can happen on a regular basis for any person. Across the world, there is likely to be someone thinking “I can’t do this” or “I hate the way I look”. It can happen without even…
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Steve Marshall
April 7, 2014
The harmful effect of words Words are only just words, or are they? The words themselves, and the way that they are said, can either bring a relationship closer together, or be the cause of it being split further apart….
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Carlie Walker
April 7, 2014
Self-Control is a paradoxical subject. Most people can control themselves and their emotions most of the time; it is only when we need it the most that self-control becomes difficult to hold on to, especially in emotional or stressful situations. Dealing with a…
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Maria C Collins
April 7, 2014
Rudeness anywhere hurts, but someone making a rude remark to you at work really hurts. The best way to deal with a rude remark is to ignore it but it can be difficult. It is tempting to hurl an equally…
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Rachelle de Bretagne
April 6, 2014
It’s extremely difficult to keep inappropriate feelings in check. Anger, jealousy and all kinds of emotions get in the way of rational approach, though this is something which can be worked on. The reason why it’s vital to deal with…
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Aanya Rose
April 6, 2014
How Writing Helps You Express What You Cannot Verbalize How often do you walk away from a situation wishing you would have said this or that? Many times we find we cannot articulate or verbalize something with our mouths or…
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Aanya Rose
April 6, 2014
Why It Is Important To Say I Love You Mi corazón, te amo. My heart, I love you. (Spanish) Η αγπη μου. My love. (Greek) Vous êtes l’amour de ma vie. You are the love of my life. (French) I…
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Timiarah A. Camburn
April 6, 2014
Text messaging has become one of the most popular forms of communication. It has almost made voice conversations obsolete. 76.4 Percent of US cell phone subscribers use text messaging. Over half of those users prefer texting to talking. The following…
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Bridget Webber
April 6, 2014
Having to deal with a compulsive liar can be tiresome and difficult. Understanding why they behave as they do, and learning how to better cope with their lies can help with this problem tremendously. One of the biggest difficulties that…
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Aanya Rose
April 6, 2014
How to debate without getting into a fight A debate is a discussion or consideration, typically of opposing views. There are two key ingredients to a healthy debate: *Respect for the parties involved. *Excellent listening skills. A healthy debate is…
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Elaine M. Doxie
April 6, 2014
Revenge is something that we all get the urge for occasionally. Something is done to us, and we find ourselves wanting to respond in kind. There are books written about it. There are movies made about it. Some people even…
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R. F. Collins III
April 6, 2014
The answer to this question is a resounding “No”! It is not easy to always treat others as you would have them treat you. This, of course does not mean that as individuals we should not make the attempt. It…
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Casey Hethers
April 6, 2014
Jealousy in relationships can come from two directions: valid jealousy that is based on a partner’s behaviour or unfounded jealousy based on suspicious and mistrust without reason. Valid jealousy is just as destructive as unfounded jealousy as it does not…
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Casey Hethers
April 6, 2014
In the modern age, electronic options often win out over the manual methods of days gone by. Emails, texts and instant messages offer the benefit of convenience, almost-instant delivery and the ability to easily modify the content of a message…
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Geoffrey Schmitt
April 6, 2014
Jesus said, “Let your light so shine before men that they might see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven.” He was talking about behavior and not about words. This is true in all areas of…
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Ganelle Davis
April 6, 2014
Any feeling is honest, however there are appropriate and inappropriate times to reveal these feelings. The holidays are upon us. A Thanksgiving dinner with the entire family is an inappropriate time to bring up the past.. Those hurt feelings may…
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Marianne Rittner-Holmes
April 6, 2014
Truth be told, you can’t make a liar tell the truth anymore than you can make an oak tree a pine tree. You can confront the liar with proof of the lie; you can give them a chance to retract…
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Aanya Rose
April 6, 2014
Positive communication with other parents on parenting websites Parenting websites can be an extremely valuable resource when used correctly. Parents often seek the advice, support, and encouragement of other parents when interacting on the web. For this reason, it is…
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