Gabby Bugwadia
April 8, 2014
Although avoiding confrontation with your spouse may not always be the best option- – -in most instances, doing so would increase your chances of finding greater happiness from your relationship. To bring about amicable solutions to the problems you may…
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Geoffrey Schmitt
April 8, 2014
If you are in a relationship with a narcissist by choice (as in significant other) you have to ask yourself why you love this person? By definition with a narcissist it is all about them and never about you. So…
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Eugene Teslya
April 8, 2014
Argument is an inevitable attribute of our day-to-day lives. Unless you are a monk who lives a secluded life on top of a mountain – you will interact with other people and – it is just a matter of time…
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Patrick Hurley
April 8, 2014
Levels of toxic relationships Before we address toxic relationships, let’s first IDENTIFY how toxic? In most cases, the most toxic relationship between two people is when one of the partners is dead. This is the most difficult kind of romance…
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David Dewitt
April 8, 2014
Families can be a great blessing but they can also a major source of stress and conflict. Family members are often some of the rudest individuals people will encounter. Rude people seem to be everywhere these days and some of…
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Geoffrey Schmitt
April 8, 2014
There is control and there is Control! If your partner is interfering with your individual choices and restricting your freedom you may have a serious problem. You may need to break off the relationship. You probably ought to seek professional…
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April 8, 2014
Sexual intercourse is a big step in any relationship. There are responsibilities that come with intimacy that some people neglect to take into consideration before that step is made. While you may feel that you are both prepared, there are…
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Bridget Webber
April 8, 2014
People who are rude can seem hard to handle, and the experience of finding their behaviour and communication style difficult is intensified if they are relatives. This is because we tend to expect more from those we are close to,…
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April 8, 2014
Dr. Phil McGraw said it best when he noted that the people in each of our lives fall into two basic categories.They are either “contributors or contaminants”. While some have characteristics of both, they tend to fall more into one…
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April 8, 2014
There are people who get extremely hurt and have big trouble getting over the pain when problems occur in a relationship. Things get more complicated when those relationships involve family members. Difficult as it may seem, for your own peace…
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Abby Aranas
April 8, 2014
Have you ever been stalked on the streets? Have you ever received a phone call from a total stranger? These situations would probably scare you, especially if you are a girl. Because of these incidents, people who are being stalked…
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April 8, 2014
Open communication is the cornerstone to any successful relationship and especially to marriage. When you take vows to love someone for better or worse, richer or poorer til death do you part, that is an awfully long time. Life is…
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April 8, 2014
When faced with a potential argument, it is human nature to become defensive. After all, you persieve it as being “attacked”. When someone does not agree with you, your instinct is to stand your ground. We want to defend out…
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Nikki Page - 565410
April 8, 2014
At some point in your life, various people asked what you wanted to be when you grew up. Your answers were probably along the lines of a fireman, nurse, policeman, teacher, cowboy, mommy, astronaut or whatever your interest was during…
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John Louie Ramos
April 8, 2014
Passive-aggressive behavior is a personality trait that manifests a pattern of negative attitudes that are often generated from the need to dominate or be appreciated in an obsessive manner. People who possess a passive-aggressive behavior most of the time feels…
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Joyce M. George-Knight
April 7, 2014
“Uh-huh. That’s nice.” We’ve all had this kind of response to something we’ve said. It’s annoying, since the person is obviously not tuned-in. If you were to ask the person what you just said, they couldn’t parrot it back. Why?…
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April 7, 2014
There will be times in our life when we are faced with the need to make small talk with people we do not like. There are several ways to accomplish this with very little effort. Keep the subject matter light….
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Patrick Hurley
April 7, 2014
Here are five steps to calm down after an argument. I know. I am a master at arguments. I am not proud of this, but I love to be right. This, of course, leads to a LOT of arguments. Especially,…
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April May Maple
April 7, 2014
No family is perfect and there is bound to be a member or two that just tweaks you the wrong way. Weather it is your snobbish aunt that criticizes every decision you have ever made or you obnoxious brother-in-law that…
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Sabrina Dawkins
April 7, 2014
Anger is an emotion that can compel action, but revenge is the wrong action to take. And while sentimentality can be used to justify turning the other cheek, there are also practical reasons why getting even with others only prolongs…
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Amelia Randall - 546119
April 7, 2014
There are many things in life that are made to push us and make things hard for us. In this life at the moment especially, we all carry so much stress with us on a daily basis. There is always…
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Patrick Thornqvist
April 7, 2014
Life on earth as we know it is far to short an experience to waste on negativity. Especially when it comes to the people we surround us with. Granted, one can not chose his or her family nor, in a…
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April 7, 2014
There may be times in your relationship when jealousy rears it’s head. While some may find it flattering that their mate is jealous over them it can lead to arguments and create problems between the couple. Due to the nature…
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Corrie Bryant
April 7, 2014
There is no fool proof way to handle a compulsive liar. A compulsive liar is someone who will lie about any given subject. This person has lied so much they are forced to lie about the lies they have told….
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Eugene Pitout
April 7, 2014
Respect is a choice based on personal preferences. One cannot demand respect, and no one can demand it from you. So, it is rather neurotic for anyone to demand respect. While respect is a good place to initiate any relationship,…
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Donita Baker
April 7, 2014
Cutting off all contact with someone who repeatedly disrespects us is most definitely our initial response. These actions have hurt us and anyone who is hurt will lash out. But at a closer glance, avoiding that person altogether would be…
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Lynn Gavilanes
April 7, 2014
I do think that cutting people out of your life for disrespecting you is the right thing to do. How many times will you have to deal with someone who makes you feel bad? This sort of thing could lead…
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Sam E. Jones
April 7, 2014
For most people, when someone hurts us, or makes us angry, we soon develop feelings of wanting to get revenge so that we can get even. This is because human beings have very strong feelings of evenness and fair play….
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April 7, 2014
A compulsive liar is tricky to deal with. Not being able to trust what someone tells you makes it difficult to have a healthy “normal” relationship with them. Unfortunately, there are times when you will have to interact with a…
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Todd Hicks
April 7, 2014
Are you a teacher who experiences nasty behavior frequently? It is important to know how to handle this problem. You will learn how to deal with rude students. Kids butting in Line: If one butts in front of someone ahead…
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