Kim Pinkney
September 13, 2015
Look Forward to Your Next Party Conversation The holidays are fast approaching and with them parties: The office party, the home owner’s association party, charity and business association parties, school parties, church parties, parties, parties, parties. Remember the good old…
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Jesse Vorton
September 13, 2015
Communicating Effectively – According to Kristie Raburn, when wanting to improve upon becoming a more effective communicator you should consider these four steps in doing so: Step One – Establish Credibility: You should first lay the groundwork for the first…
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Cody Hodge
September 13, 2015
How can you practice your listening skills in a manner that will allow you enhance those skills, and become a better listener? The key to anything in life is that practice makes perfect, so the best thing is to get…
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Audrey Howitt
September 13, 2015
Communicating effectively with your partner can be difficult. It requires more than merely talking to your partner. Too often in relationships we fail to say what we feel and/or we feel misunderstood. And yet It is critical that we are…
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C Tanner
September 13, 2015
Aside from the fact that most of us, well at least in my case, were taught from a very young age NOT TO LIE, honesty has many benefits to any type of relationship. I have found that my personality craves…
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September 13, 2015
Many people have great difficulty in uttering the word no. No matter how much they want to say it, something always holds them back. Suppressing their real feelings, they pretend to be different from what they really are, until they…
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C.K. Matthews
September 13, 2015
As someone who has been known for not having tact when dealing with confrontation, learning ways to communicate effectively has been a challenge. However, not every conversation is a confrontation. Either way, remaining calm, listening well, speaking clearly, clarifying statements,…
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Carol Gioia
September 13, 2015
Words can be weapons or magical wands. Words can be used to hurt, destroy and tear down or they can uplift, encourage and inspire. Whether written or spoken, there is no denying the power of words. Words project a visual…
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Dolores Moore
September 13, 2015
Arguments are a fact of life which often appear to just arise out of nothing. In truth,most of us would admit that the argument itself is when the top blows off some busily-fermenting problem that has been bubbling under the surface…
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Paul Schingle
September 13, 2015
This is really a pretty good question. Depending on the context, I really don’t mind receiving criticism – at least not as much as most people. Again, it depends on the context. Unlike a lot of people, I do like…
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Joyce M. George-Knight
September 13, 2015
Communication should be a required subject in schools, along with English, Math and Science. Communication skills are of utmost importance to land the desired job, to attract people with similar interests and values, to explain ideas and to ask questions….
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Ramona Creel
September 13, 2015
Tell me if this sounds familiar – someone asks you to do something that you really don’t want to do or you honestly don’t have time for. It might be a church bake sale, a school fundraiser, participating on a…
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Ann E. Smith
September 13, 2015
Passive aggressive people are tricky and challenging to deal with. They often act pleasant and agreeable and are quick to act like everything is okay. In reality, though, they’re often irritated by many things and engaging in underhanded behavior to…
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Emily Comedis
September 13, 2015
The degree of importance between ability to speak and ability to write depends largely on the circumstances of communication. In most cases however, the ability to speak is more important than the ability to write. Speaking is more important than…
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Holly Balcomb
September 13, 2015
The importance of eye contact along with facial expressions can prove to others the importance of your social and emotional communication. A social introvert will avoid making eye contact, constantly looking down or away from the person talking, this shows…
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Terri Rowland
September 13, 2015
“Sticks and Stones may break my bones, but words will never harm me!” Most of us can relate to this phrase because many of us grew up using it as a retort to a playmate at one time or another….
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Cody Hodge
September 13, 2015
Words have this fascinating power on us that we rarely stop to think about. We write, and we have communicated a message. We talk, and we have either made your day, or have ruined it. The words we speak have…
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Suzanne Rose
September 13, 2015
It can be difficult to win people over in an argument, however various strategies may be effective. Consider the five following ideas. Give clear reasons Just saying what you want or what you think is right over and over again…
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Bridget Webber
August 25, 2015
A partner who is attempting to control you will leave you feeling emotionally drained, as you either fight with them over your right to have views and opinions, or cower under their domineering and unforgiving personality. Such a relationship is…
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Angela S. Young
August 25, 2015
Dealing with a controlling partner takes a lot of tact, and a lot of guts. When we think of a controlling person, we often think of the angry spouse who watches ever penny, or every move of his/her partner. This…
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Angela S. Young
August 25, 2015
I confess: I am the procrastinating partner. I don’t really mean to do it (or do I?) it just seems that I get caught up in other things. When push comes to shove, I always get the important things done…
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Rita McQuillan
August 25, 2015
Dealing with an alcoholic spouse is a hard road to travel. If you or someone you know is in this situation the following is a link to help. Or talk on the phone with people who understand. Looking in…
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Randa Morris
August 25, 2015
Your spouse may never be willing to admit to having an affair. Sometimes you just know what you know. Deep down you may know that he or she is having an affair, but still you are struggling with issues such…
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Mona Gallagher
August 25, 2015
Abuse permeates our nation’s society today. It can be blatant and obvious, as in spousal abuse, or it can be hidden in behaviors that manipulate or neglect. When the behavior is not obvious, recognition is usually possible by examining patterns…
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Bridget Webber
August 25, 2015
Couples can begin to overcome fights by both agreeing that they wish to do so. The very act of agreeing that they want a positive outcome from the fight means that they share the same goal. They may not have…
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Lindsay Callahan
August 25, 2015
Communication is the key to a successful relationship. It doesn’t matter what the other person thinks about how you feel or what you think. What matters is that they know what you feel and think. When one party or the…
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Mj Ferruzza
August 25, 2015
Something is just not right. Your spouse is being secretive. Your spouse has a different attitude. Your spouse has a different look. Your spouse may be having an affair. But how does one know for sure? Well! To be completely…
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Mona Gallagher
August 25, 2015
How do you deal with a controlling partner? In one word, carefully. The degree of control that is exercised by your partner is a clue about how to deal with the partner. First, if the controlling partner is extreme to…
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Vicky Cheshire-Wade
August 25, 2015
Difficulty in saying “I love you” is probably more prevalent with men than women, but it’s the fear of rejection that makes an individual hesitate to say those three little words. Neither men, nor women want their heart ripped out…
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Elizabeth for XquisitLife
August 25, 2015
I want to do more than just say the words I love you! In order to say I love you, I must have faith and believe that love is and that I can be filled to overflowing with all that…
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