Kat Ballew
December 4, 2014
Having a boyfriend that you care about can be a very happy time in a person’s life. The relationship, beginning with dating, getting to know each other and meeting each other’s family and friends can be a stepping-stone to a…
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Paul Schingle
December 4, 2014
Okay, let’s say you’re in a relationship and it’s the kind of relationship you want to continue forever. Sure, there are going to be some potholes in the road, but you want to do what you can to keep things…
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Christianna Garrett-Martin
December 4, 2014
~There is nothing more negative to the spirit than someone who drains your energy. People who take energy from you in one form or another have a detrimental effect on your being. There are many ways in which your energy…
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Anthony Megna
December 4, 2014
It isn’t always easy to treat other people as you would like to be treated, especially people who cause you problems. Treating others with respect who have been vindictive to you, or always seem to throw hurdles in your path, takes…
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Jean Sidden
December 4, 2014
Consideration of what it takes to overcome someone’s passive aggressive behavior seems to set up an adversarial relationship. Overcoming sounds as if we’re attempting to conquer a behavior that is extremely complicated. At best we may only be able to…
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Genevieve Thompson
December 4, 2014
Remember how you felt in seventh grade, when all of a sudden your best friend stopped speaking to you? It hurt terribly, and you spent days wracking your brain, trying to puzzle out what wrong you possibly could have committed….
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Paul Lines
December 4, 2014
“Thank goodness for that!” you sigh in relief as the person walks away from you, “I thought they would never go.” And, as they move out of sight you flop down on the nearest chair feeling totally exhausted. We have…
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Sadie Moses
December 4, 2014
It is interesting to stop for a moment during a hectic day and think about where all our energy is spent. Some is used for work and the million little tasks that must be done, some for home and the…
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Danella Bass
December 4, 2014
We can all be both energy drainers and energy givers. If we are self aware enough, we know when we are giving and when we are draining and thereby have more control over how much of each we do. Not…
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Freyda Tartak
December 4, 2014
To assume that it is easy to treat others the way you wish to be treated is to assume that everybody sees the world in the exact same way. In reality, this is far from the case. What is kind…
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Ingrid Brunkhorst Hurrell
December 4, 2014
Nosey neighbors. Peppermint-breath aunt Hilda with her red shoes, her sixties hairdo, who swears Elvis is somewhere in Vegas. A colleague at work who is Miss Gossip at the water cooler. Cousin Larry who always borrows, never pays back… We…
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Patricia Watson - 275866
December 4, 2014
You can’t really deal with rude neighbors. You have to learn to co-habitate beside your obnoxious next door dweller. It won’t be easy to resist dishing out your own brand of rudeness. Instinctively, you will want to retaliate against your…
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December 4, 2014
I just ended a relationship with a person who I finally came to the conclusion was too much of a drain on my mental well being. I found that spending time with him left me feeling exhausted and very depressed….
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Monica Jacob
December 3, 2014
Have you ever had a conversation with someone who was ranting an raving about their problems and afterward they skip off as if all is right with the world, yet you sit slumped over in your chair and almost depressed…
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Colleen Ranney
December 3, 2014
The world is overflowing with people in need. Many have searched years for that something mysteriously out of reach and somehow still fail to fill an unexplainable emptiness. Lonely people explore the world for a companion to reach out a…
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Kimberley Langford
December 3, 2014
Forgiveness Takes Courage “Holding resentment is like eating poison and waiting for the other person to keel over.” -Unknown We don’t always get what we ask for, and that includes forgiveness. It’s hard to go through life knowing that a…
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Barry Williams
December 3, 2014
If you think you can do without the company of other people you are sadly mistaken. Unless you want to live a life of solitude then, as a person , you must be prepared to give off some of your…
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Linda Sajiw
December 3, 2014
In order for anyone to drain our energy we have to have something within us that allows it to happen. There aren’t any victims in this world. We create our reality 100%. If a psychic vamp is slurping up our…
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Victoria Tiegert
December 3, 2014
At some point or other, most of us will encounter a person who has the trait of being passive-aggressive in their words, actions, or both. These people are the ones that smile sweetly as they assassinate you. They are terribly…
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S. Barnes
December 3, 2014
Emotional Vampires, that’s what I call them. People who suck the life right out of you. We all know, or have known, at least one. Someone who is an emotional black hole, who has the ability to virtually absorb every…
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Bruce Griffin
December 3, 2014
Once you let an energy drainer know you are onto their sick game and call them on it, you will never hear the end of it. They thrive on high drama, will act hurt and insulted, beyond belief, then try…
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Ruth Anne Mack
December 3, 2014
Personal time is very necessary for your happiness and well-being, and must be worked into your schedule each day. Set aside one to two hours a day to care for yourself, have fun, relax, learn a new hobby, or have…
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Cody Hodge
December 3, 2014
If you are in the dating game, chances are you have run into a woman or two who could be considered high maintenance. Those are never the girls that you want to date, and while they might seem nice at…
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Elaine M. Doxie
December 3, 2014
Everybody needs to make a living, and salespeople are no different. However, some of them go about it in the wrong way. They push so hard to make a sale that they wind up alienating you to the point where…
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Jane Allyson
December 3, 2014
In certain professions it is imperative that we manage to remember names the first time we hear them. For example when teaching a class on a supply basis you may have only met the children for the first time that…
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Beth Richardson-Slater
December 3, 2014
Life is a juggling act. We have work, the children and their activities, appointments, social commitments, animals to look after and housework that’s never finished. There’s always one more thing on the list to do so more and more often…
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Lenna Gonya
December 3, 2014
Sometimes it seems like “me” time is at a premium. Some of us get to the point where we aren’t quite sure what that even means. Days, weeks, and months go by when it seems like the demands of family,…
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Rosetta Taylor
December 3, 2014
All work and no play makes Jack and Jill a very dull pair indeed. The secret of success on every level – business, personal and financial – is balance. Although the demands of modern life dictate that we must spend…
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Mariam Abdulkareem
December 3, 2014
Some people grow up in an environment where by whatever they do is never good enough and never appreciated, all the accumulation of not being appreciated and not knowing how to do anything right gives birth to a low self…
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Isobel J.
December 3, 2014
One of my favorite memories of childhood is gathering around the dinner table to eat each evening. My mom or dad, whoever had more time that particular day, would prepare a meal, usually pork chops or grilled chicken or steak…
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