Katie Hinderer
May 30, 2015
It’s the holidays, or maybe it’s near her birthday, and you are looking to add to your wife’s, girlfriend’s, mother’s, aunt’s or sister’s wardrobe. Shopping for women’s clothing can be a tricky and daunting task. But if you follow these…
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Beth Eaglescliffe
May 30, 2015
One way to save money is to spend less on new clothes. This doesn’t mean that you need to look scruffy or unkempt. You just need to follow a few simple tips to ensure that your existing clothes are kept…
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Emily Stein
May 30, 2015
Let us not forget that the term “Lolita” has always been ascribed with an innocent connotation, and whether or not it also carries the title of “sexually promiscuous” is less certain. The name Lolita originated from a the book written…
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Natasha L. Kohlhoff Polak
May 30, 2015
T-shirts are seen as comfortable – you can wear them when you are running errands, exercising, sleeping, or lounging around at home. When it comes to wearing t-shirts in public, though, you have to take into consideration what is acceptable…
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A.L. Lovern
May 30, 2015
As the seasons change and the weather begins to cool, it time to bundle up and keep warm in a new winter hat. Hats can often be tricky to wear and no one wants to look like a doofus this…
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Aisling Ashbery
May 30, 2015
While some women will spend a good chunk of time delicately draping their garments over this hanger or that hanger in attempts to make sure they’re hanging perfectly, those same women are just as likely to come back and find…
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beth king
May 30, 2015
Saving money on new and hot fashion trends may seem to be an oxymoron, after all, the very name, fashion trend, seems to mean expensive, in most cases. While being at the height of fashion and buying all the new…
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Lutus Real
May 30, 2015
This season, neutral clothing style is still popular. Its simplicity of dressing law is also increasingly subject to more women of all ages. The androgynous style coat is simplicity and capable, as well as with tough line degrees. In winter,…
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May 30, 2015
It’s true; every girl is crazy about a sharp dressed man. The days of worn out, old college t-shirts, jeans, baseball caps, and sportswear are slowly fading, as the male gender are making a shift to more stylish and polished…
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Elizabeth M Young
May 30, 2015
The Lolita look is cute enough, but in the context of young women deliberately dressing to appear as under aged sexual objects, the look is beyond creepy. It is bizarre. The story of Lolita, by Victor Nabokov, involves far more…
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Lauren Von Lehe
May 30, 2015
Are you a slave to fashion? Keeping up with current fashion trends can be confusing at the least, exciting at the best, frustrating at the worst, or simply a fun excuse to shop! Fortunately, this Fall has fashion trends for…
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Melissa Raissa
May 30, 2015
Plaid patterns are composed of lines and stripes that intersect each other at consistent points. The colors of the stripes and lines contrast to distinguish them from each other thus creating wonderful variations along the pattern. Depending on the combination…
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Robin Moynihan
May 30, 2015
You and your significant other have just decided to crash a state house dinner and you have nothing to wear. The real challenge is that you want animal friendly clothing, so not just any designer dress will do. If you…
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Shawna Blake
May 30, 2015
If you own a pair of slouchy, comfortable (and in some cases warm and cozy) pajama pants you are very aware why it is acceptable to wear them in public. The reason is simple; they are just too comfortable to…
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S. L. Wheeler
May 30, 2015
Fashion Victims, We have all seen them and at some point in time we may have even been one. You may be wondering what causes every day citizens to take a walk on “Fashion Wild side,” well I believe that…
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Beth Eaglescliffe
May 30, 2015
One way to save money is to spend less on new clothes. This doesn’t mean that you need to look scruffy or unkempt. You just need to follow a few simple tips to ensure that your existing clothes are kept…
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Linda Gehring
May 30, 2015
It seems that women’s fashion goes through cycles in classic styling, and nowhere is that more apparent today than in the versatility and availability of the alternative in women’s fashion to pants, dresses or skirts – the gaucho. Gauchos have…
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May 30, 2015
In the 1960’s the Supreme Court attempted to define the threshold of obscenity to determine when and how something is to be definitionally stamped as being obscene. At the time a concrete definition could not be agreed upon, but Justice…
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Rene Michael Browne
May 30, 2015
An alternative to dress pants and jeans, the gaucho pants have returned onto the fashion scene again. They are part pants, part skirt and the most comfortable thing you can wear on the lower half of your body. But it…
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Rachelle de Bretagne
May 30, 2015
The type of clothing which you wear is what dictates how people see you and your body shape. In an honest assessment of shape, women fall into different categories. Of course, no two ladies are absolutely identical but the body…
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Amber Hilton
May 30, 2015
Every morning you find yourself rifling through a closet that is overflowing with clothing options, and yet you can’t seem to find anything to wear. If you’re like many women in America, this is a very familiar scenario. But before…
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Carol Bodsworth
May 30, 2015
It’s an interesting fact that there is not one rib or protruding clavicle to be seen in Renoir’sBathers’, his homage to the female figure was based on their voluptuous shape and I am sure these ladies would have looked equally…
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JM Van Horn
May 30, 2015
Many people under-estimate the importance of a quality pair of ski gloves until they find themselves out on the trail and their hands are freezing. It is important to take your time and find the right pair of gloves that…
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Amber Hilton
May 30, 2015
Whether its part of your spring-cleaning ritual, a “New Year, New You” initiative, or in preparation for a big move, organizing your wardrobe should be done at least once every year. If you’re cringing at the thought of your overflowing…
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Shawna Blake
May 30, 2015
Having been a Victoria’s Secret addict (I was going to pretty that up by declaring myself a ‘connoisseur’, but who am I kidding?) for about 15 years now. When I say addict, that is exactly what I mean; a trip…
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Walter Allen
May 30, 2015
As the costume loft manager for a youth theatre company, I would immediately tell you to buy or make the costumes you need for a theatrical show or a production. And when it comes to needing individual costumes, my answer…
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Renate Braddy
May 30, 2015
As a Plus Size, curvy gal I can tell you my secrets to being complimented versus disappearing in my voluptuousness. You have to begin your clothing palette correctly by establishing what can NOT be seen by the general public. The…
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Ann E. Smith
May 30, 2015
There’s just something about T-shirts-they will never go out of style. They are worn and loved by people of all ages, races and genders. T-shirts are worn in many cultures. And the T-shirt has accomplished what very few things have:…
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Sandra Gillhouse
May 30, 2015
Fashionista mom has a nice ring to it don’t you think. I picture a nice dark jean, with a baby t and a solid button down shirt, to hide my muffin tops. Okay maybe too dull, to be labeled fashionista,…
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Sadie Kay
May 30, 2015
What is Personal Color Charting? Have you ever heard of personal color charting? Personal color charting is a method to determine what colors will look best on you, based on skin color. There are usually four different sets of colors,…
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