Kathy Deutsch
June 21, 2015
The fashion magazines are full of ads and pictorials about what is hot for Fall 2009. It can be overwhelming to wade through it all. Luckily, this fall features fashions that are easy on the wallet and easy to wear….
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Christina Conner
June 21, 2015
Back to school often means an all new wardrobe for some and for others on more of a budget, a selection of a few choice fashion forward pieces. As someone who reads fashion magazines nearly religiously and spends far too…
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LMM Jenkinson
June 21, 2015
For every body shape, there is an optimum way to dress. Each and every body shape will always benefit from styles, cuts and colors that flatter the positives and detract from the negatives. Petite and curvy women are faced with…
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Isaac Anthony
June 21, 2015
It may still be cold outside, but spring is just around the corner, and with it comes the event that Troy and Gabriella once promised each other would be “A Night to Remember.” Yes, ladies of the Internet, we are…
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Kathleen Lynn
June 21, 2015
The flip flop, also commonly known as the thong, are more popular than sandals because they are comfortable. Flip-flops are also very versatile. They can be worn almost anywhere, though there are still a few exceptions. They also have extreme…
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Aisling Ashbery
June 21, 2015
Stick thin models stare at you from billboards as you drive home. They pout at you from behind the glass of your television when you’re curled up on the couch. And as your teenage daughter lies on the carpet of…
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Sophia Ryzhikov
June 21, 2015
Every woman likes to walk in stride with fashion. During the spring, when we emerge from our coats and put away our heavy sweaters, we want to look our best. You don’t have to spend a fortune to be in…
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Elizabeth M Young
June 21, 2015
No activity signifies the end of Summer like investigating Fall fashions. The excitement of making a fashion statement on the first day of school can create insomnia in the least enthusiastic returning student. As the weather transitions out of the…
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Rachelle de Bretagne
June 21, 2015
Who wouldn’t want to look like Rachel Bilson. She’s a beautiful girl, although any young girl can emulate the look on a budget, because one of the trademarks of Rachel Bilson is her simplicity of style. Figure wise, she is…
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Rachelle de Bretagne
June 21, 2015
There are certain instances when wearing pajama pants in public are acceptable, although be very aware that these are made for sleep, and that the result of wearing them in public may not be the one you expect, if the…
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Kathy Deutsch
June 21, 2015
With all the talk of financial melt-downs, it seems surprising that fashion is still a force. But being stylish has little to do with spending money, and more about being savvy in what you wear. It really does not take…
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Cynthia Kee
June 21, 2015
Jeans are the most versatile attire you can wear at any time of the day. For women and men who encounter difficulty in finding the right clothes to suit their body type, jeans are the solution to their problem. There are…
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Bridget Webber
June 21, 2015
If you want to camouflage your beer belly, chances are you are tired of being ridiculed about the size of your stomach and feel awkward about the issue. A beer belly takes time to develop and time to reduce. You may…
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Bridget Webber
June 21, 2015
Spring fashion has allot to offer men in 2009. The top trends are a mixture of new and old styles, but with an edge that makes them the most exciting to grace our high street shops for some years now….
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Kimberly Bunch
June 21, 2015
How to always look your best The first thing one must do to improve their appearance, is to take a good look at their self in a mirror. Front and backside. Look in a long length mirror and assess your…
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Rachelle de Bretagne
June 21, 2015
Since people spend a good deal of time in the workplace, even on a hot summer’s day, it’s essential to plan the wardrobe to cater for the higher temperatures. There is certainly nothing more uncomfortable than being too hot, and…
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Jared Garrett
June 21, 2015
So there is something of a paunch there that wasn’t there when you were eighteen. Sometimes called a beer belly, it juts out above your waist and makes you look about five months along. It is in no way flattering,…
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Jackie de Burca
June 21, 2015
Get Your Fashion Fix I have a question for you. Do you have a closet filled with ocassion clothing? You know what I’m talking about. You’ve got a white blouse and pair of grey slacks just for job interviews, a…
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Rachelle de Bretagne
June 21, 2015
Fashion over the decades allows for the presentation of an individual in many ways, and although as a youngster I thought that dress code restraints were naive and restricting, as I grew older, I began to realize their significance. To…
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Bridget Webber
June 21, 2015
As spring approaches many of us will decide that it’s time to organize and update our wardrobes. Doing so takes some forethought, as we need to take into account the unpredictability of the weather. There may be garments and accessories…
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Sara Lugardo
June 21, 2015
Basic black is an essential part of any wardrobe, whether for male or female. It is a staple part of a wardrobe that can stand the test of time. However, basic black can also be lackluster in personality and can…
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Gemma Wiseman
June 21, 2015
One thing I have learnt, as a petite female, is I should never look as though I wish I was taller! Be happy as a petite female! Glow in it! The touchy areas for the petite female include the following:…
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Blonde Rose
June 21, 2015
In the modern world people are looking younger all the time. You don’t have to dress for the age you are. Instead you can dress the age you look. Today people live healthier lifestyles and look after themselves better. Consequently…
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Bridget Webber
June 21, 2015
New baseball caps take time to naturally develop personality, ruggedness and style. They can also take years of being worn by their owner before they fit snugly to his head. That is unless they have a little help to encourage…
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Kimberley Heit
June 21, 2015
The underwear you wear under your athletic wear can make or break your look. Much in the same way it can under an evening gown. It is therefore worthwhile working out what styles look best under your athletic attire. This…
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June 21, 2015
How to look stunning, or frightening, over 40. We’ll start at the top, and work our way down. Hair- Male or female- colors of hair found in nature, styles this decade, please.Black shoe polish, cherry soda and chlorinated pool shades-…
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Rachelle de Bretagne
June 21, 2015
Push up bras have been the bain of women’s lives for years. Somehow they have this misconception that pushing their breasts in an upwards direction makes the breasts more attractive to men, although most men scorn the idea, and prefer…
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Litsa Podaras
June 21, 2015
Blooming flowers in an array of colors spring up like obedient soldiers in gardens or waywardly dot the country side, lush green fields of tall grass sway to and fro while shiny new leaves on tree branches rustle in light…
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Michelle Sprecher
June 20, 2015
Instead of shopping online for clothing, you spent the day at the mall. After an all day shopping/searching adventure at the mall, you have come home empty handed, tired and still needing that special something. You searched every store, but…
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Rachelle de Bretagne
June 20, 2015
As I was growing up, I was always aware of how dress reflects age. I suppose that for me realizing the difference in the way we are perceived by the way we dress was easier in many ways since during…
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