Kimberley Heit
July 11, 2015
In building a versatile wardrobe, you should consider including a couple of jacket styles. To achieve a flattering appearance, it is very important to choose styles that suit your body shape. The following article is a brief guide to choosing…
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Jayne Clarkson
July 11, 2015
Size discrepancies in female clothing are an entirely modern phenomenon. Before the advent of mass produced clothing ,many women made their own clothes because it was not only cheaper, but also gave the wearer the ultimate choice in what they wanted to…
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Lily Garner
July 11, 2015
Should plus-siz clothing be modeled by plus-sized models? It is a difficult question to answer; after all, “plus size” can mean a variety of things. In a size zero world, “plus” can mean for some what “skinny” can mean for…
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Carrie Eckles
July 11, 2015
Dressing for a teen party can be confusing – – even to teenagers themselves. It’s important for teenagers to feel stylish without verging on inappropriate. Generally speaking, there are three types of parties that teenagers hold; and there are great…
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Aisling Ashbery
July 10, 2015
When we’re younger, we don’t always mind aching feet, pinched tummies, and poking brassieres in order to feel stylish. But as the birthdays and responsibilities increase, many women find that trying to function in 3-inch heels simply isn’t practical. The…
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Jaime Lafond
July 10, 2015
If only the rules of dressing an adult on a budget also applied to dressing a toddler. With all the fashionable clothing options for toddlers on the market, it would be easy to “buy classic, neutral pieces and add select…
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R. Renee Bembry
July 10, 2015
You might be happy to learn that dressing to look ten years younger could be a lot easier than you think. This is because dressing to look ten years younger can easily be accomplished by imitating fashion conscious media personalities….
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Michelle Wilkinson
July 10, 2015
Why exactly do parents bother dressing up their children in designer clothes? It seems that it is not for the benefit of their children, but rather for their own benefit. Their children provide them with another excuse to flaunt their…
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Farhat Hussain
July 10, 2015
Its every woman’s dream to dress like a top model drenched in designer gear. However, our pay cheques suggest otherwise. Not to worry! You don’t need wads of cash to look picture-perfect. Just a few must-have items and you’ll be…
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Marcus Brooks
July 10, 2015
The fashion industry has lost its sense of age appropiate clothing. A shopper can visit any department store and see countless selections of sexy shirts, tight jeans, skimpy skirts or shorts and trashy shoes. A parent’s worst nightmare is having…
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Minnie Chatterfield
July 10, 2015
How do you dress those princes and princesses when your budget is less than kingly? It is easier than you think. Canada has some terrific bargains to keep your toddler in the trendiest, high quality attire. Quite often, when we…
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Timiarah A. Camburn
July 10, 2015
Sometimes a person can walk into a store and fall in love with a specific shirt because of the design or color. The shirt could have a killer logo embedded on it or have the funniest statement printed on it….
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Angel Edwards
July 10, 2015
The issue of underweight models has been much discussed over the past few years making the topic more widely known about and often, in my opinion, exaggerated. Something that should be noted is that, not all models are underweight. In…
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Marcus Brooks
July 10, 2015
Around a decade ago, a horrible crime occurred in Boulder, Colorado. A young, blonde girl’s body was found in the basement of her family’s home. She was hogtied. The killer raped, and then strangled her. The victim was JonBenet Ramsey….
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Marlin Bressi
July 10, 2015
Skinny jeans look just as ridiculous on a person as oversized baggy jeans, which means that bad taste is just as likely to be found on the runway as it is in the ghetto. Skinny jeans do not stand a…
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Sammy Stein
July 10, 2015
‘If you do not want customers, don’t put your goods on show’. This was advice delivered to me as a teenager by an elderly aunt and, at the time, I thought she was prudish and mad. However, now I am…
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Sammy Stein
July 10, 2015
I have to start by saying that I like women and I like their clothes – a well-dressed woman turns heads and can lift the mood of a room. If that does not sound too chauvenistic let me go on…
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Sharon Brook
July 10, 2015
You must be preparing for summer holidays. Flip flops should be a sure thing in your hold-all bag. Every one of the young folk would like to follow latest trends in the footwear fashion. Flip flops are comfortable and are…
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Kimberley Heit
July 10, 2015
In building a versatile wardrobe, you should consider including a couple of jacket styles. To achieve a flattering appearance, it is very important to choose styles that suit your body shape. The following article is a brief guide to choosing…
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Lynette Alice
July 10, 2015
When it comes to the top Italian fashion designers of today there are many excellent candidates, but five stand head and shoulders above the rest. They create the designs we love, and often would love to wear if only we…
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Kimberley Heit
July 10, 2015
In building a versatile wardrobe, you should consider including a couple of jacket styles. To achieve a flattering appearance, it is very important to choose styles that suit your body shape. The following article is a brief guide to choosing…
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Kimberley Heit
July 10, 2015
In building a versatile wardrobe, you should consider including a couple of jacket styles. To achieve a flattering appearance, it is very important to choose styles that suit your body shape. The following article is a brief guide to choosing…
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L. Schaffer
July 10, 2015
Contrary to what the fashion industry would have us think, women come in all different shapes and sizes. As a result, not every piece of clothing will look great on every woman’s body. Good designers of plus-sized fashion should acknowledge…
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Kimberley Heit
July 10, 2015
In building a versatile wardrobe, you should consider including a couple of jacket styles. To achieve a flattering appearance, it is very important to choose styles that suit your body shape. The following article is a brief guide to choosing…
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Kimberley Heit
July 10, 2015
In building a versatile wardrobe, you should consider including a couple of jacket styles. To achieve a flattering appearance, it is very important to choose styles that suit your body shape. The following article is a brief guide to choosing…
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Aisling Ashbery
July 10, 2015
We put it off as long as possible. We turn a blind eye to the sidewalk chalk, dandelions, budding trees – – anything that might indicate that soon it will be bikini weather. It’s no wonder that women dread swimsuit…
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Aisling Ashbery
July 10, 2015
Have you ever passed by a designer store without going in for fear of dropping dead from sticker shock? This acute condition occurs when a fashionista-turned-frugalista gets a glimpse of the exorbitant prices demanded by designer labels. Most of us…
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Katrina Ricks
July 10, 2015
There are things to consider when you are searching for the perfect jeans. Buying jeans sounds simple but you should be mindful of what compliments your body. Jeans can be worn for many different events. Look for a pair that…
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Carrie Eckles
July 10, 2015
Hosiery is one of the most enduring fashion accessories, and there are many different varieties. Some accentuate your body, keeping any bulges in check; others are just plain tacky and actually create unattractive bulges in the worst places. The Worst…
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Yve Goodwin
July 10, 2015
There are many patterns and prints that have been popular throughout women’s fashion seasons. However, there are only a small number of designs that can truly be considered classic in style. Simple patterns and prints have always been the best…
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