Marcus Brooks
March 17, 2015
“Be a leader, not a follower.” This quote was made famous generations ago. It served well in making people understand the importance of imagination and innovation. It served well in making people realize the importance of being individuals and not…
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Heather Russell
March 17, 2015
For those of us who lived through 1980’s fashion the first time around, the idea of returning to this acid-washed-plagued decade is enough to send shivers down our spines. However, contemporary designers are taking the best of the 80s trends…
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GiGi Lazaro
March 17, 2015
For myself and many others out there, Sarah Jessica Parker is synonymous with style. The trends that she spearheaded through her title character on SATC are too many to count and her contribution to fashion is highly appreciated. That being…
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Carrie Eckles
March 16, 2015
Trapeze tops have been a warm weather staple in recent years and with good reason: they’re cute and they allow great air circulation around your body, keeping you nice and cool. However, these adorable shirts can be very tricky to…
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Shushawna Johnson
March 16, 2015
Hello, I am please to bring you this information for my contest. I love to have others opinions. Have you ever wondered if Macy’s was better than Sears? How about Fashion Bug being better than Dot’s. Well we all wonder…
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Susan Clowes
March 16, 2015
Spring has finally arrived. And so has the time to shed our winter woollies, replacing them with something lighter for the warmer season ahead. The only question now is what? The Spring/Summer 2008 catwalks (in all the fashion weeks) poured…
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JC Campbell
March 16, 2015
The 1970s will always be remembered for a style of fashion that many from that era would rather forget. People today are still trying to live down the shame and embarrassment of wearing some of those outrageous styles. Glam Rock…
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L. Merlino
March 16, 2015
As a young teenybopper, I wore white Go-Go boots, Mary Jane shoes, flowers in my hair and plenty of Day-Glo and psychedelic textiles. Designer Mary Quant was my fashion hero; Biba, Courreges, Piet Mondrian and the art of Peter Max…
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Summer Tyme
March 16, 2015
In the 1950’s men and women were just getting over the fear and tumult of the awfulness of World War. The coming decade would be different, but there was still the morals of the time to keep hemlines and necklines…
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Currie Jean
March 16, 2015
The inspiration for eighties fashion rested in fantasy worlds, inhabited by dancing zombies, diva brides, and the Miami Police. As women in the 1980s secured their spots in the business world, dressing more conservatively, their children recognized the big, abstract,…
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Patricia Young
March 16, 2015
The 1980s was a time of huge changes for the world. Technology was advancing at a great rate of knots; talented new artists and bands as different as Queen, Boy George and Whitney Houston were performing live as well as…
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Kay D. Sadell
March 16, 2015
Review of BITTEN by Sarah Jessica ParkerC+ The BeginningLong before she became and actress and fashion icon, Sarah Jessica Parker learned a few things about living frugal. By growing up one of eight children, Sarah watched her mother dress the…
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March 16, 2015
But of course plus-sized clothing should be modeled by plus-sized models! Who else can wear the clothing, but ‘plus-sized’ models? Okay, let’s be real here. The clothing made and designed for plus-sized people necessarily have to be worn, modeled or…
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claire coshan
March 13, 2015
When you find a dress that you love, it can be hard to let go of it. Even if it is outdated. Maybe you like the style of the dress, the fabric or maybe you liked the pattern at the time…
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Lenna Gonya
March 13, 2015
Children sometimes seem to outgrow their clothing on a weekly basis. They get a new winter coat or boots at the beginning of the season, and by the end of winter it is almost too small. This can become expensive,…
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Lynn-Nore Chittom
March 13, 2015
Dressing your family on a budget does not have to be a stressful event. It just a takes a little ingenuity and patience, and it can become a rewarding experience for everyone involved. Second-hand success Shopping second-hand shops used to…
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Anne Weber
March 13, 2015
Outfitting your children for winter doesn’t have to be a strain on your pocketbook. In fact, it can be a pleasurable experience finding the right deals at the right place. You will be amazed how much you can get for…
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Lynn-Nore Chittom
March 13, 2015
Sometimes it seems that back to school shopping costs more than a family summer vacation. If you don’t want to have to skip the beach just to afford back to school clothes, try these great places to save. Wal-mart By…
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Leigh-Ann Andersen
March 13, 2015
Black boots are generally considered a wardrobe staple in every woman’s closet. They are versatile, classic and fun. With so many styles to choose from, and the option of dressing them up or dressing them down, the black boot is…
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Coleman Wigger
March 13, 2015
When looking for vintage clothing you need to know where to search. Sure you could get a reproduction and pass it off to some people as the real thing. However that would defeat the purpose. Vintage clothing is a rare…
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Ann E. Smith
March 13, 2015
With the end of summer comes a family ritual: back-to-school shopping. This time-honored tradition includes purchasing new fall school clothes for your children. With the economy in a major recession, you likely need to make some adjustments this year. For…
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Lynn-Nore Chittom
March 13, 2015
Buying trendy clothes for your kids can get very expensive, very quickly. Shopping at stores like Abercrombie & Finch, The Gap, and Justice can really add up. The best thing to do is to check out what’s in fashion at…
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Carrie Eckles
March 13, 2015
Designer clothes and handbags are a mainstay in what’s largely considered to be fashionable. However, fashion always comes with a price – – and that price isn’t necessarily monetary. Lack of variety, sameness, and conformity are just as shameful as…
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Alanna Keane
March 13, 2015
‘Fashion fades, style is eternal’, the immortal words of Coco Chanel are in my head every time I go shopping. I am a typical impulse buyer, and am also a bit of a label fanatic, so I have really had…
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Rachel Knowles
March 12, 2015
When money is tight, the clothes budget shrinks. New clothes for growing children remain a necessity, but adult clothing can become something of a luxury. However, if you have no wish to adopt a fashion for holey garments, then you…
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Lisa Schultz
March 12, 2015
You don’t have to be a celebrity to dress like one. In today’s world there are a ton of options available to the general public to purchase fashionable designs at a fraction of the cost. Thanks to the Internet and…
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Michelle Christina
March 12, 2015
Cheap chic can be achieved by purging the idea of “designer brand = style”. Designer labels and logos are not independent factors in the success of an outfit (which means you can do without them and still turn heads). What…
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Mary Bishop
March 12, 2015
The Urban Dictionary defines “Mom Jeans” as: Extremely high waisted, and always a crappy shade of blue or black. Usually found in Kohl’s or Mervyn’s. The question I must ask is why anyone, mom or otherwise, picks this style of…
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Sharon Jenkin
March 12, 2015
Be Smart, be savvy and don’t throw anything away. You don’t have to have loads of money or max out all of your credit cards to have style. If you are smart, you can buy some basic and essential items…
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Laurie Michaels
March 12, 2015
I have a friend who can walk into a clothing store, quickly scan the sales racks, pull out a marked down turquoise and brown paisley blouse and declare it the perfect thing to match a skirt, pants and capris she…
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