Breast Enlargement Exercises Without Weights

Breast enlargement exercises tend to involve dumbbells, barbells, weighted machines or cable pulley machines in the health club. To enlarge your breasts, you will need to perform exercises that strengthen your chest muscles. It is not necessary to use weights. You can use your body weight instead of machines or free weights to build lean muscle and increase your breast size.


Dips strengthen your pectoral muscles that make up the majority of your chest. This exercise is performed on dip bars that are typically located at waist level or slightly higher. To get into the starting position for a dip, jump up or press yourself upward so that your arms are straight on the handlebars while your body hangs between. At this point, you should bend your legs and cross your lower legs to avoid having your feet touch the ground during the exercise. It is important to lean slightly forward to isolate your chest muscles for breast enlargement. A dip is completed by lowering your body and pressing your weight back upward. If you find dips to be too challenging, have a partner hold your legs to decrease the amount of body weight you are lifting. When performing dips, you should work until you can no longer complete a full repetition.


This exercise mimics the motion you do when making snow angels. Wipers strengthen and build your serratus anterior muscles that are located in your lower chest. Because this exercise uses no weights, it is important to work slowly and deliberately. To perform a wiper, lie on your back, bend your legs, plant your feet firmly on the floor, raise your arms overhead to create a 45-degree angle at your side, lift your arms 2 to 3 inches from the floor, draw your hands close to one another until your hands overlap. Slowly bring your arms back to the starting position. A series of two to three sets of 10 to 12 repetitions is a substantial start for wipers.


Push-ups are a beneficial and versatile exercise for any fitness level. Push-ups build the muscles in your pectoral and serratus anterior region. The most common push-up, a standard push-up, is performed on your hands and feet with your body in a straight line. This exercise should be completed until you reach muscle failure.

For some people, this exercise is too challenging. To modify your push-ups, place your hands on a ledge that is chest level. As you gain more strength, place your hands on lower surfaces, like steps.

For the more advanced fitness levels, a standard push-up might not be challenging enough. Try placing your feet on an exercise ball, a chair or step. Other variations include the location of your hands. Narrow grip and wide grip push-ups are more challenging because your hands are closer and farther apart.

About this Author

Ashley Farley is a certified personal trainer who began writing in 2009 for Helium and Associated Content. She has an Associate of Science in mental health services from the Community College of the Air Force. Farley is currently attending Wright State University for journalism and English.