Bowflex Lower Back Exercises

The Bowflex home gym is a brand developed by Nautilus, Inc. What makes Bowflex machines distinctive is the Power Rods, made of a composite material that takes the place of a weight stack. Each Power Rod has a different thickness which corresponds to a “weight” such as 5 or 50 lbs. Your lower back is strengthened using a Bowflex by holding the hand grips connected to cables that attach to the Power Rods, requiring your lower back to work in opposition to the resistance of the Power Rods when exercising.

Low Back Extension

The low back extension exercise holds the entire body stable as the lower back works to extend the spine. Spinal extension is when you lean backwards, just as spinal flexion happens when you lean forwards.

To do this exercise, sit on the Bowflex’s bench, facing the Power Rods. Grab a hand grip in each hand and then bring your elbows next to your sides. Your elbows should be bent at 90-degree angles, with your palms facing inwards. Your arms should not move during the exercise. Sit up straight and lean forward slightly. This is the starting position. From there, lean backwards until your torso is approximately 60 degrees from the bench. Maintain a straight spine. Then, lean forward and return to the starting position.


The deadlift exercise on the Bowflex, like its cousins the bent-leg dumbbell and barbell deadlifts, work the muscles of the lower back as well as the glutes and quads. Use the hand grips on the low pulley of the Bowflex to do a deadlift.

Stand facing the Power Rods. Bend over with your knees bent and grab a hand grip in each hand, with your palms facing down. Your spine should always be straight when performing a bent-knee deadlift. Then, stand back up and straighten your legs. This will cause you to pull the hand grips up, but keep your arms straight so that your lower body does the work. The arms stay straight and relaxed, just like with the free weight variations of this exercise.

Bent-Over Row

The bent-over row exercises works the muscles of the upper and middle back as well as requiring stabilization strength through the lower back. The bicep muscles of your upper arms will be used too.

The starting position for a bent-over row has you facing the Power Rods with your feet hip-width apart and your upper body bent over so your spine is parallel to the floor. Reach your arms toward the floor and hold a hand grip in each hand, with the palms facing each other. Squeeze your abs and keep your lower back stationary. Then, bend your arms and raise your elbows toward the ceiling. Keep your arms close to your sides as you row. Pull your shoulders back. Complete one rep by straightening your arms again.

About this Author

Sarka-Jonae Miller has been a freelance writer and editor since graduating cum laude from Syracuse University in 2003. She was a personal trainer for four years with certifications from AFAA and NASM. Miller also worked at 24 Hour Fitness, LA Fitness and as a mobile trainer. Her career in the fitness industry begin in 2000 as a martial arts, yoga and group exercise instructor.