Author Archive: Maggie Miller

Alcohol and Dating

Hemingway. Poe. George Thorogood. All creative “geniuses”, all alcoholics. What’s so bad about alcohol anyway? Let me tell you. We’ve all heard the famous quote, “alcoholism runs in our family”. Well, to hell with that, I say! I had a…
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Toxic Friendship

When we hear people talking about “abusive relationships”, most of us immediately picture bruised arms or battered women, associating the word “abuse” with physical mistreatment. But abuse comes in many forms, and verbal abuse delivers emotional wounds that can be…
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Chivalry is not Dead

Last weekend I went to brunch with my older cousin to discuss romance and the mysterious events surrounding my “exclusive” other. Conversation drifted onto the subject our grandparents, both deceased, and the question of chivalry. “The thing I always loved…
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Oxytocin Sexual Bonding

For the hopeless romantic, love is a mixture of romantic gestures, gallant acts of admiration, candlelight dinners, and deep, meaningful, intimate sex. For the jaded (and scientifically inclined) romantic, love is a combination of neurotransmitters and hormones reacting in complex…
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Breakups Depression

To be concise: breakups are buzzkill. Most of us go through life in a generally happy state, enjoying the more invigorating moments, empathizing over the sad ones with friends and a 12-pack of cheap beer, learning what it’s like to…
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