Author Archive: Lija Neal

Love Relationships

You are at work palms all sweaty thinking about tonight and part of you wants to just say,”forget it.” Everyday you are falling for him and you  know where this is leading. You want so bad to make this work…
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Seduction Online

No one could of told you a year ago that you would be involved in a very deep on line relationship with someone you never touched nor seen. But as your heart fills with butterflies, chills run down your spine…
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Booty Call please

If only you knew he has been cheating on you with “Juicy Stacy” for awhile. There is nothing more terrifying than finding out the one you poured your heart and soul into is a dog indeed. As you recall all…
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Here are the Keys

Gazing into his soft blue eyes and smiling at every joke, you never think of anything bad. The thought never crosses your mind of problems down the road. But why should their be problems, you are in love right? Time…
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Sex Therapy

It is Friday night and if you are one of the thousands of people in a relationship, then great sex should be on the agenda tonight. There is no way that you should be sitting at home looking at the…
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She Likes you

Speaking from a woman’s point of view, finding out if a girl likes you is not always easy.Its not easy because there is that fear of rejection. Especially if you think she likes you and she really doesn’t. But since women don’t…
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It’s the third time this week that he has forget to take out the trash and yet you don’t say anything, you just take it out yourself. The other day you found yourself in a verbal fight about who withdrew…
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