Author Archive: Kazlyn Bastone

Ex Friends oh my

There is the ex-girlfriend, who broke your heart, and the woman you just got out of relationship with. You did not know they were friends, you didn’t know they even knew each other. Well, guess what? They were in your…
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Love vs Infatuation

Edna St. Vincent Millay once said, “I know I am but summer to your heart and not all full four seasons of the year.” This quote easily synopses the differences between love and infatuation. Love and infatuation are both powerful emotion one…
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Reasons Cheating

Cheating is one thing that can completely ruin a relationship. It causes doubt and mistrust and leads towards a downhill spiral. The reasons why a person would cheat vary on personality, how they were raised, and the current relationship the…
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Obsessed with ex

We’ve all wondered “what might have been” with an ex-boyfriend. Ladies, we can’t help wondering, but some of us get lost in a hypothetical universe. If you have been directed to this page by a friend, miss, there is obviously…
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