Fashion Tips for the Beach
Sunbathing at the beach is a great thing to do in the summer, however, it is about the way you display your fashion sense that is hot! Here are some fashion tips for the beach that will show you just how to…
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Sunbathing at the beach is a great thing to do in the summer, however, it is about the way you display your fashion sense that is hot! Here are some fashion tips for the beach that will show you just how to…
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Every year, right before school starts, everyone is shopping for those back-to-school trends that will “wow” their friends. After all, when you are wearing the latest trends, you are considered to be one of the “cool” kids. Trends change every…
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February 5, 2015 Style and Beauty - Other
There are so many ways to enjoy yogurt. Instead of just eating it, it can use it for beauty treatment recipes. It can be used for skin treatments, hand treatments, facial masks, and hair conditioners. Yogurt is soothing, calming, cooling…
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It’s summer time and you are styling in your new outfit and are in fashion from head to toe, except for your nails. What are the best summer nail colors for you to use? You definitely should have a great manicure…
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January 5, 2015 Style and Beauty - Other
Women often try strange beauty tips that work, after another woman tells them how they work wonderfully. Some women are skeptic and wouldn’t try something, even if you paid them. However, there are strange beauty tips that really dowork. Just…
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January 4, 2015 Style and Beauty - Other
Beauty is a rarity, which is misunderstood by so many people. Do you know how beauty can affect happiness? It affects so many women in so many ways. There are beautiful women, and beautiful children, and there are women that…
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January 4, 2015 Style and Beauty - Other
Beauty shortcuts for busy moms are a great thing because moms are always busy doing something, whether it is driving the kids to school, car pool duty for the week, or going grocery shopping while the kids are at school….
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January 4, 2015 Style and Beauty - Other
Women age gracefully, and need beauty tips even when they are over forty. They are now at a time in their life when they need to think about their skin more. They still want to look beautiful, and with aging…
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Summer time is a great time to be out walking, hiking, or doing any sport you can do in the sun. Your feet carry all the weight. By taking a few simple steps, these summer foot care tips can make…
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November 29, 2014 Style and Beauty - Other
There are so many beauty myths that need to be dispelled for African American women. Summer beauty tips are beneficial to help the African American women achieve the look they want. They have issues from the sun, in the summer…
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November 23, 2014 Style and Beauty - Other
Breasts are very unique and it is fun to flaunt what you have. For showing cleavage, there are tips to enhance your breast. There is a right place and time to be showing the cleavage. Unfortunately, there are those girls who are less…
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Just because your family can’t afford to do expensive things every day of the year does not mean that there will be no “fun” activities. Sometimes, you have to be frugal and use your imagination and you can have just…
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It is important that we focus on activities, that naturally will bring your family closer. We live in a world where we are pulled in so many directions. Families are very important to us all. In today’s society family is the…
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Many family fun ideas for the spring, can be a thing of family tradition. Spring is a wonderful time to start enjoying some outdoor time with the family. The weather fools us, the warm sun welcomes us, our energy rises. This…
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November 9, 2014 Skin and Body
There are so many foods right in your own kitchen that can be used for a homemade facial mask. Why pay high-end prices for those masks? Take the time to learn some easy recipes and make your facial masks yourself….
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It’s summer time, and summer hair styjyng tips are great for those of you who are spending a lot of time in the pool, as well as spending time in the sun! Everyone’s hair care needs, change drastically in the summer months….
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October 18, 2014 Style and Beauty - Other
True, you may not be a runway model or you may not have to dress well at your job, however; you as a woman should own 10 classic clothing pieces in your wardrobe. This will give you the ability to…
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Your family will begin to feel happier, when you add fun into your family life. You will be more relaxed and less stressed. Being around fun, positive people, the atmosphere will be contagious. Fun should be pleasurable, bring enjoyment and provide amusement. With the…
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October 4, 2014 Style and Beauty - Other
When you think of vinegar, do you think of a product that is used as a household item, or can you imagine vinegar being used for beauty tricks? Most people think of it as a household item that you can…
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Being able to do more things during the summer and knowing how to make the most out of your summer romance has advantages. There is so much more to do and see when the weather is beautiful. Being outside is good for…
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A great place to plan a family reunion is in a city park or a state park, to accommodate the size of your family. Space does not become an issue as large crowds are easily accommodated at these parks. One benefit about…
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It’s summer time, and a great time for sunbathing, and doing outdoor things on the beautiful earth God has created for everyone to enjoy. Knowing how to choose the right sunscreen is very beneficial for our skin. It is important…
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To travel on a worry free family vacation, would be wonderful for all of us. It is however, human nature to worry about something especially when on a family vacation. Try and take some of the worry out of your…
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Family vacations can actually bring a family closer together. One can only hope and pray that your family is a close family. It is hard in our fast paced world of today, to find time to vacation together as a family….
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Bet you thought shaved ice was just for snow cones. Think again! The Japanese are using shaved ice in a shampoo that actually is cooling them down. It is called a seasonal ice shampoo. This ice shampoo actually keeps their heads cool, and…
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Doing summer activities together is great, and learning how a family can bond by taking summer picnics together is a something every family should do during the summer time. It’s easy to plan and very inexpensive. Remember the family who plays together, stays…
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April 28, 2014 Marriage and Divorce
Financial friction is one of the many reasons so many couples struggle in their marriage. Ever hear the old saying “Opposites attract?” Well, it’s true in many ways. There are many sources of financial friction that couples can go through….
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Reading is something that is very good to do as a family. It exposes your children to good literature, provides new ideas, and is a worthwhile pursuit. Infants associate reading with love, attention and pretty pictures. Reading to your children,…
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April 24, 2014 Marriage and Divorce
Getting married is more than just a special uniting for a couple. There are many financial benefits of being married, as well as the normal benefits of sharing life together with someone special. This is not saying, looking for someone…
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March 8, 2014 Marriage and Divorce
Marriage, according to Webster’s dictionary is a state of being united to a person in a conceptual and contractual relationship recognized by law. Ironically, nothing is said about the key elements that make a happy marriage. Society’s definition of a marriage may not…
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