Author Archive: Contributor

Free-Weight Training Exercises

Free-weight training builds muscle strength, speed, tone and endurance and conditions the heart, lungs and musculo-skeletal system. These benefits improve health and athletic performance. Start slowly, train consistently with proper form, eat healthy foods, get adequate rest between workouts, use…
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Uses for Purell

According to the International Scientific Forum on Home Hygiene (IFH), more than 13 million deaths occur annually because of infectious diseases. As your hands exchange contact from an infected surface to your nose, eyes or mouth, germs can infiltrate the…
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Behavior Management Strategies

Behavior management strategies encourage positive behavior and discourage negative behavior. Parents implement these strategies when they teach their children proper table manners. Teachers create a classroom of respectful children when they use strategies that include complimenting their students for listening…
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Tony Horton Exercises

Tony Horton is the name behind several popular workout DVDs. According to his Facebook profile, he has expertise in weight training, interval training and stretching. He used his experience and knowledge to create several workout programs using common exercises. He…
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