Author Archive: Contributor

Uses of Feverfew

Feverfew is an herb from the sunflower family. It is found throughout Europe, North America and Australia and features yellow-green leaves. Its name is derived from a Latin word meaning “fever reducer” because of its historical use in treating the…
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Dry Crusty Ears

Overview Your ears are important parts of your body. Taking care of them and making sure they are functioning properly will ensure optimal health and hearing for many years to come. While daily hygiene practices should be all you need…
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Benefits of Holy Basil

Ocimum sanctum, also called holy basil and tulsi, is an herb used in traditional Indian medicine. The herb has been used traditionally to treat a number of conditions, including asthma, cancer, vomiting, fever, arthritis and insect bites, according to a…
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Uses of Dong Quai

The Chinese medicinal herb Angelica sinensis, also known as dong quai or tang kuei, is one of the most commonly prescribed herbs in Asia. Sometimes called the “female ginseng,” this herb has long been used in the treatment of gynecological…
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