Author Archive: Contributor
November 22, 2013
Bell’s palsy is a condition that causes temporary facial paralysis. It happens when the facial nerves become damaged or compressed. This damage restricts the nerve signals traveling from the brain to the muscles of the face, making the facial muscles…
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November 22, 2013
Epilepsy refers to a neurological condition in which the brain’s electrical activity is on overdrive. This typically leads to changes in behavior and attention. Specific signs of epilepsy include convulsions, staring spells, emotional changes and smelling a distinct odor that…
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November 22, 2013
A virus is a microscopic parasite that depends on living cells for its survival. Once viruses gain entry to the body, they start destroying healthy cells by consuming the nutrients in them. Viruses also use healthy cells as their breeding…
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November 22, 2013
1. Just be There Adult supervision will often prevent playground injuries, so the first rule of thumb is to just be there. Children don’t always make good choices, especially in an emergency. If someone gets injured, will the other children…
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November 22, 2013
Overview Pinworms are small white worms that infest the intestinal tract of humans. Female pinworms lay eggs in the skin folds of the anus, causing itching and irritation in some patients. Pinworms can be transferred from one person to another…
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November 22, 2013
Diet and Nutrition
Overview Zinc is an essential trace mineral needed by the body for proper growth and maintenance. While zinc is involved in many functions of the body, including enzyme activity, protein synthesis and carbohydrate metabolism, it is particularly beneficial to the…
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November 22, 2013
Overview The Vision Council of America estimates that in 2010, there are 174 million corrective lens wearers in the United States. Whether the choice is eyeglasses or contact lenses, the basic process is the same. These lenses bend rays of…
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November 22, 2013
Diet and Nutrition
The appearance of your daughter’s belly is the result of either extra body fat deposited around the abdominal area or slack, underdeveloped abdominal muscles. She can use cardiovascular fitness exercises to reduce the fat deposits while simultaneously incorporating abdominal strength-building…
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November 22, 2013
Exercises for the Inner & Outer Thighs
Exercises for the inner and outer thighs are done with two movement patterns–adduction and abduction. Whenever your thighs move inward, they are adducting and when they move outward, they are abducting. By using the weight of your body and several…
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November 22, 2013
Healthy cells in the body grow, divide and die. As a person enters adulthood, the reason for cell division is to replace worn-out cells or dying cells needed to help repair bodily injury. The American Cancer Society (ACS) explains that…
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November 22, 2013
Skincare and Beauty
If you’ve noticed a red, itchy rash on your skin, see a doctor to determine the cause of the rash. It may be due to chickenpox, hives, psoriasis, shingles, Lyme disease or a multitude of other itchy skin conditions. If…
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November 22, 2013
1. Freedom of Style Dance attire for a modern dance class or practice is not as strict as that of a ballet class. This doesn’t mean modern dancers are not as serious about their style of dance. Modern dance itself…
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November 22, 2013
Overview A goal, like finishing or improving your performance on a 5K, gives your workouts meaning. Beginners and veteran runners benefit from training on a treadmill for a 5K race. You may choose to do the majority of your training…
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November 22, 2013
Uva ursi may be more commonly known as bearberry, due to its popularity among bears. But uva ursi is an herb that uses only the leaves, rather than the berry itself. It has been used by native Americans for nearly…
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November 22, 2013
Senior Health
Good diets start with healthy breakfasts. According to the American Dietetic Association (ADA), your muscle and brain function suffer when you don’t replenish your body with nutrients after a night of sleep. You’re also more likely to overeat at lunchtime….
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November 22, 2013
About Gymnastics Exercise Mats
Overview A wide variety of mats are fundamental in gymnastics to aid the learning and performance of skills. The type of matting used will be dependent on the type of gymnastics being practiced. The term “mat” can refer to the…
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November 22, 2013
Diet and Nutrition
1. Consider Cooking Cooking your vegetables before you use them as smoothie ingredients offers two advantages. First, the cooking process softens the tough fibers in vegetables that can cause your smoothie to have a chunky or gritty consistency. Second, cooking…
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November 22, 2013
Overview The entire line of UltraClear medical foods, produced by Metagenics, aims to support those with chronic medical conditions such as chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia and leaky gut syndrome. These powdered drink mixes, available only through licensed health care practitioners,…
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November 22, 2013
Diabetes is growing epidemic. The most common form is Type 2 diabetes, associated with obesity, which accounts for 90 to 95 percent of all cases of diabetes and currently affects more than 200 million people worldwide. It is a leading…
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November 22, 2013
Diet and Nutrition
Overview Deficiency in vitamin B12 is fairly uncommon in the United States because the typical American diet is rich in animal products that contain more than sufficient amounts of vitamin B12. However, in developing countries where there is malnutrition, vitamin…
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November 22, 2013
Diet and Nutrition
For the individual new to fitness and exercise, sorting through the myriad workout programs available on DVDs, as well as in books and magazine articles, can be daunting. Determining which is appropriate for the novice and which should be left…
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November 22, 2013
Overview An asana is a physical posture or yoga pose that is designed to enhance total body strength, flexibility and endurance. When combined with a healthy diet, yoga can be an effective tool for weight loss. Use yoga as an…
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November 22, 2013
Diet and Nutrition
Fish oil has many advantages for your health because it is rich in omega-3 fatty acids (omega-3s). Omega-3s naturally occur in oily, cold-water fish like salmon, tuna, halibut, mackerel, herring and sardines as well as in flaxseed and flaxseed oil,…
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November 22, 2013
Overview Two approaches to exercise dominate the fitness industry. The high-tech approach promotes Nintendo games and computerized exercise equipment, while the back-to-basics philosophy encourages movements reminiscent of childhood games and activities. The exercise ball exemplifies the latter. Depending on your…
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November 22, 2013
1. Horse Selection Horses come in all shapes and sizes. The right size horse for you depends on your height and weight. The top of your horses’ withers or saddle should be at the same height as the top of…
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November 22, 2013
Overview Heart rate is the number of times your heart beats in a minute, and it can be a reliable indication of your body’s response to exercise intensity. To measure your exercising heart rate, take your pulse at your wrist,…
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November 22, 2013
Diet and Nutrition
Lemons aren’t the favorite mid-meal snack of many people. The sour and acidic taste of the fruit is welcomed by many in mild doses or as a flavoring to some foods, but rarely is the fruit eaten and enjoyed on…
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November 22, 2013
1. Big, Strong Necks Body-builders and athletes who use weights consciously work to make their necks strong and large. One reason is for the look of bulk they can show off even when wearing a shirt, and the other reason…
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November 22, 2013
Overview Slippery elm is a popular folk remedy still used today to give relief from common ailments. However, the animal kingdom appreciates this plant species as well. The thick foliage of the slippery elm tree makes a wonderful home for…
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November 22, 2013
Diet and Nutrition
Skullcap is a name given to two different types of herbs, American skullcap and Chinese skullcap. Despite their shared name, the two types are not used interchangeably–American skullcap is traditionally used as a relaxant but has a limited application in…
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