Author Archive: Contributor

Pilates Roller Exercises

A 2007 study published in the “Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research” details the benefits of exercising on unstable surfaces. Lead author Eric M. Cressey reported that the balance equipment enhanced the subjects’ overall athleticism. The cylindrically shaped foam roller,…
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Top Medications for Anxiety

The term anxiety disorder encompasses several medical diagnoses, including generalized anxiety disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, panic disorder and social phobia. The treatment of these anxiety disorders helps to stabilize behavior and emotions so that you are able…
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Calendula Treatment

Overview Calendula is a sturdy, drought and frost-tolerant plant that blooms annually. Found in Europe, Western Asia and the United States, calendula, also known as “pot marigold,” falls in the same family as daisies, ragweed and chrysanthemums, says the University…
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Uses for Wild Yam

Wild yam is a high-antioxidant natural food, frequently touted by naturopathic practitioners as a treatment for a variety of common conditions. The National Institutes of Health notes that there is little to no evidence to support the use of wild…
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Different Back Exercises

The back consists of many different muscles that stabilize the spine, support posture and propel the body during movement. The American College of Sports Medicine recommends two weekly sessions of strength-training workouts that include back exercises. A strong back reduces…
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