Author Archive: Contributor

About Gout

Overview Gout is a disease in which uric acid builds up in the joints, causing painful swelling. Gout can be acute–happening only once–or chronic, with attacks happening months or even years apart. Some people who experience one episode of gout…
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The Best Lat Routines

The latissimus dorsi–often referred to as “lat”–is a large, triangular muscle under the shoulders on the small of the back. As the largest muscle in the upper-body, the lat is responsible for several shoulder functions. Workout enthusiasts may strive to…
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Drugs for Vertigo

Treatment of vertigo is intended to reduce the sensation of dizziness. According to Dr. Michael Strupp and Dr. Thomas Brandt, treatment may include medication, physiotherapy, psychotherapy, and in rare cases surgery. When diagnosed with vertigo there are several types of…
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Uva Ursi Uses

For at least 2,000 years, uva ursi has been valued for its role in the treatment of common diseases and conditions. This versatile medicinal fruit was the preferred treatment for urinary tract infections until the advent of antibiotics, according to…
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