Author Archive: Contributor
November 24, 2013
Overview Gout is a disease in which uric acid builds up in the joints, causing painful swelling. Gout can be acute–happening only once–or chronic, with attacks happening months or even years apart. Some people who experience one episode of gout…
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November 24, 2013
The latissimus dorsi–often referred to as “lat”–is a large, triangular muscle under the shoulders on the small of the back. As the largest muscle in the upper-body, the lat is responsible for several shoulder functions. Workout enthusiasts may strive to…
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November 24, 2013
The calf, consisting of the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles, is located in the lower leg and is responsible for several movements. The gastrocnemius — located on the back of the leg — attaches to the knee and ankle and is…
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November 24, 2013
Intestinal gas, also called flatulence or flatus, forms from bacteria breaking down food and from air in the large intestine. The small intestine has trouble digesting certain products in foods, such as starch, fiber and sugars. After foods with these…
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November 24, 2013
Lacrosse is a game that tests an athlete’s overall athletic ability, along with strength, agility and determination. The game involves bursts of explosive running and is played on a field that is 110 yards long by 60 yards wide. Cardiovascular…
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November 24, 2013
Diet and Nutrition
Overview If everyone took a 30-minute walk each day, overall health worldwide would tremendously improve. That’s the view of the American College of Sports Medicine, which advocates keeping exercise simple and notes that walking is the simplest aerobic activity. You…
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November 24, 2013
Mental Health
Depression is the most common mental health disorder. In general, depression is the experience of a depressed mood and loss of interest in life for a significant period of time. Depression can occur at any age and last weeks, months,…
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November 24, 2013
Skincare and Beauty
Overview If you shave your legs, you may develop red bumps on the surface of the skin. Razor bumps occur when the removed hair grows back into the follicle. The skin becomes inflamed and irritated as a part of your…
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November 24, 2013
1. Say Goodbye to Unhealthy Fats The most important way to alter your diet to prevent heart disease is by reducing the amount of unhealthy fat you take in. These include trans-fats, saturated fat and cholesterol. Some of the easier…
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November 24, 2013
Diet and Nutrition
Remifemin is an over-the-counter supplement containing extract from a plant known as black cohosh. This supplement is marketed as a natural treatment for alleviating menopause symptoms, such as hot flashes or mood swings. The safety and effectiveness of Remifemin has…
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November 24, 2013
As if the concept of having a new baby to care for weren’t enough, soon-to-be parents must be adequately prepared for their bundle of joy by having all necessary supplies on hand. Though many necessities are given as gifts during…
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November 24, 2013
Treatment of vertigo is intended to reduce the sensation of dizziness. According to Dr. Michael Strupp and Dr. Thomas Brandt, treatment may include medication, physiotherapy, psychotherapy, and in rare cases surgery. When diagnosed with vertigo there are several types of…
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November 24, 2013
Actos (pioglitazone) is a medication used in the treatment of type 2 diabetes. It may be used in conjunction with other medications, dietary changes and exercise. Before taking Actos, tell your doctor if you have congestive heart failure or heart…
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November 24, 2013
For at least 2,000 years, uva ursi has been valued for its role in the treatment of common diseases and conditions. This versatile medicinal fruit was the preferred treatment for urinary tract infections until the advent of antibiotics, according to…
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November 24, 2013
Diet & Nutrition
1. It’s Delicious Not only does the Mediterranean diet benefit your health, you’ll enjoy many of the delicious foods you can eat on the diet. Most of your diet will consist of fruits and vegetables, but you also eat generous…
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November 24, 2013
Diet and Nutrition
Overview Losing 40 lbs. requires a commitment to a reduced-calorie diet and increased physical activity. Although fad diets and supplement manufacturers promise you fast results, these diets usually cause frustration and weight regain in the long run, notes the American…
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November 24, 2013
Effectively stretching the rotator cuff is important before engaging in any strenuous activity involving the shoulder joint. The shoulder joint is one of the most complex and easy to injure on the body. If a person has strained the rotator…
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November 24, 2013
Diet and Nutrition
The selection of brands and flavors of protein bars in a grocery store can be overwhelming. Some of the protein bars have an extensive list of ingredients and preservatives to prolong shelf life. Organic protein bars, however, contain 100 percent…
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November 24, 2013
Sleep disorders affect the amount or quality of sleep a person obtains. There are a variety of sleep problems, some of which include insomnia, sleep apnea, night terrors and narcolepsy. While pharmaceutical sedatives may help relieve sleep problems like insomnia,…
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November 24, 2013
Children's Health
Overview The Centers For Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) states that 17 percent of children and teens are obese. If your child experiences a significant weight gain, your first goal should be to find out why. A pediatrician who is…
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November 24, 2013
Diet and Nutrition
Overview A way to use leftovers, fresh ingredients and boiled rice, fried rice can be created many different ways. Traditionally, Chinese rice dishes were named after their main ingredients. Fried rice was so named because its main ingredient was fried…
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November 24, 2013
Overview Headaches are often a sign of overexertion during weightlifting exercises. Headaches resulting from exercise are typically primary (benign) exertional headaches, according to an article published in Current Pain and Headache Reports. However, it is possible a headache is a…
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November 24, 2013
Children's Health
Overview All babies cry, and some cry more than others. However, in some babies, the crying is more frequent, more vigorous, and the baby seems to always be in pain. If your baby cries for three hours a day, for…
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November 24, 2013
The push-up is a popular upper-body exercise to train the pectoral muscles of the chest. The push-up works the tricep muscles in the back of the upper arm and the deltoid muscles of the shoulders, too. There are variations on…
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November 24, 2013
Skincare and Beauty
Overview No one wants to see a clump of hair in the bathtub drain, but excessive hair loss can be especially distressing for women. When a woman’s hair becomes noticeably sparse, the cause is usually a derivative of the male…
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November 24, 2013
Skincare and Beauty
A vibration training machine offers nueromuscular training with the intention of improving muscular strength, balance and power. The machine features a platform with a removable pad on which you sit, stand or lie down. The vibrations’ frequency and amplitude are…
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November 24, 2013
Diet and Nutrition
Overview Since 1980, Herbalife has been producing products aimed at weight management and nutrition. In the 21st century, it is increasing its commitment to research, development and manufacturing of these products. Herbalife employs a Nutrition Advisory Board full of experts…
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November 24, 2013
1. Recognizing the Warning Signs Researchers estimate that almost half of all women in America have dealt with an eating disorder in their lifetimes, and most of these experiences take place in the teen years. Teens are especially susceptible to…
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November 24, 2013
Learning how to perform a proper front flip is fundamental for any diver or gymnast. It also is a trick that anyone can do if you simply work at it. Focus on safety and not working so hard that you…
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November 24, 2013
In general, aromatherapy massage is regarded as a safe, healthy method for facilitating relaxation and eliminating some forms of pain. However, this integrative pain-relieving method is associated with several potential risks. Anyone with a serious medical condition should consult a…
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