3 Ways to Do Back Strength Training
1. Strong Back Required While the core of our body centers around the abdomen, we can’t forget that the back is an integral part of that core. The core is what will direct the kind of work we can do,…
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1. Strong Back Required While the core of our body centers around the abdomen, we can’t forget that the back is an integral part of that core. The core is what will direct the kind of work we can do,…
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November 25, 2013 Diet and Nutrition
Many Americans struggle to lose weight everyday. Some try to lose weight with diet alone and some people try to lose weight with exercise alone. In your efforts to lose weight you should keep certain things in mind to make…
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Eggs are an excellent source of protein, but the yellow part of the egg contains a high amount of cholesterol. Bad cholesterol (LDL) can contribute to a build-up of artery-clogging plaque that can be detrimental to heart health. Since the…
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November 25, 2013 Diet and Nutrition
Most people spending any significant amount of time in the gym are looking to accomplish a specific goal. Two of the most common goals are muscle gain and fat loss. While both require dedication and knowledge, each calls for a…
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November 25, 2013 Diet and Nutrition
Natural weight loss products have been getting a lot of attention lately, and for good reason. It is rare to meet anyone that would not like to lose a few pounds. However, it is particularly important to be well-informed before…
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November 25, 2013 Mental Health
Everyone suffers from states of sadness and fatigue. However, chronic and persistent unhappiness may lead to a clinical diagnosis of Major Depressive Disorder. According to mental health guidelines provided by the American Psychiatric Association, clinical depression includes disturbances in appetite…
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Bacopa, also known as bacopa monniera, GBX, ginkgo biloba and ginkgo brahmi, is a plant that is grown around the world primarily for medicinal purposes. According to the Mayo Clinic, although bacopa is purportedly used to treat many conditions, including…
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Certain types of chemotherapy agents used to treat cancer also cause nausea and vomiting in many patients. The frequency of nausea and/or vomiting, also known as emesis, depends on the chemotherapy type, with high risk drugs causing emesis 90 percent…
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November 25, 2013 Senior Health
1. Know Your Options When choosing low-sugar options for hot instant cereals, you might think your options are limited. One obvious way to make a delectable hot (almost instant) cereal is to buy old fashioned quick oats. Stir in a…
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The human immune system consists of specialized cells that work together to protect the body from bacteria, viruses, parasites and fungi, and also fight the growth of tumor cells. Many important organs are in the immune system. The bone marrow…
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November 25, 2013 Diet and Nutrition
Borage is an annual herb that appears in midsummer. It can be recognized by its blue star-shaped flowers, hollow branching stem and stiff white hairs. Borage is edible and has a taste that’s very similar to a cucumber. The herb…
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Breast cancer can be a scary thing, especially if a woman has a family history or certain risk factors. Breast Cancer Risk Assessment Tools can help determine if a possible breast cancer risk exists. These are not diagnostic tests; if…
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There are a variety of exercises that can be done to train the calf and thigh muscles. Free weights, machine exercises, and body weight can all be used as resistance to effectively develop either the muscular strength or endurance of…
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1. Treat Your Pets If you have ringworm, chances are, you got it from your pets. Go over your pet’s fur and look for patches of dry skin with no hair. In cats, ringworm may show on the ears, making…
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November 25, 2013 Diet and Nutrition
Tea tree oil is loaded with chemicals called terpenoids. These chemicals have proven effective in fighting bacterial and fungal infections, according to the Mayo Clinic. When applied to certain skin conditions, such as bacterial or fungal infections, these chemicals clear…
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November 25, 2013 Children's Health
Overview As children grow, they tend to test their independence and become involved in more complex situations, creating new opportunities for discipline. Parents and caregivers of more than one child may need particular flexibility and focus in order to discipline…
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Beginner exercises for the abs are easy and effective. You can tone all the muscles of your stomach with simple exercises that work the rectus abdominis, transverse abdominis and obliques. Easy bodyweight exercises done standing up or lying down can…
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Angelica sinensis, more commonly known as dong quai, is part of traditional Asian healing systems. Its primary use is for treating conditions involving women’s reproductive systems, as explained by the University of Maryland Medical Center (UMMC). These problems include painful…
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November 25, 2013 Skincare and Beauty
Overview Any slight change in texture or appearance with your skin can raise a red flag. With our skin, everyone fears the words skin cancer. The Skin Cancer website states that more than 3.5 million cases are diagnosed each year…
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Resistance bands are versatile, lightweight, portable and don’t require much space to exercise with. You can tone all the muscles in your upper body with resistance bands, and with a little maneuvering, you can use them to strengthen your lower…
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November 24, 2013 Cocoa Powder Nutrition Information
Overview Cocoa powder comes from cocoa beans, which are produced by the cacao tree, which is farmed in many tropical countries. The beans are processed into chocolate liquor, most of the fat is removed, and the remaining paste is dried…
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People frequently depend on caffeine for an added energy boost, for enjoyment or to reduce sleepiness during the day. Though moderate caffeine consumption is considered safe and harmless, caffeine can cause unpleasant side effects. If you believe that caffeine is…
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November 24, 2013 Skincare and Beauty
If your toenails are yellow, brittle and break easily, you may have toenail fungus. Toenail fungus grows in damp, moist environments created by synthetic socks, public showers or swimming pools. If you catch nail fungus early, you may be able…
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Helmets have become adapted to different types of riding, like bicycles themselves. Bicycle helmets come in all types, designs and color schemes. Finding the right “lid” for your ride has never been so easy. Helmet manufacturers have designed a plethora…
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November 24, 2013 Diet and Nutrition
Soybean oil provides several specific health benefits. It’s a good source of nutrition, and it contains essential fatty acids and beta-sitosterol. You can obtain soy oil not only in bottled form, but in soy margarine and mayonnaise as well. For…
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November 24, 2013 Mental Health
Anorexia and bulimia are complex psychological disorders that pose an array of physical complications. People with the disorders may abuse laxatives in attempt to rid their bodies of calories, lose weight, or to improve digestive regularity. Laxative addiction is a…
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Ditch the juice fasts and extreme detox programs in favor of a safe, natural way to detoxify your system. Use whole foods, such as fruits and vegetables and healthy fats, to improve your body’s ability to cleanse itself. Capitalize on…
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If the cells located within the breast tissue begin to grow out of control, they can form a tumor or mass. This mass can be benign, but if the cells reproduce with mutations, the mass can become cancerous. Breast cancer…
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Clostridium difficile (C. difficile) is a spore-forming bacillus that produces two toxins capable of causing inflammation of the colon and colitis. The symptoms of C. difficile are mild to severe abdominal pain and watery diarrhea. Severe cases carry the potential…
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November 24, 2013 Skincare and Beauty
Para-aminobenzoic acid, also known as PABA, is a naturally occurring chemical found in a range of food items including brewer’s yeast, molasses, mushrooms, liver, eggs and whole grains. It is taken internally as a supplement and is also an ingredient…
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