Author Archive: Contributor

About Colic

Overview All babies cry, but uncontrollable and consistent crying in infants is referred to as colic, a fairly common condition affecting approximately two out of every ten newborn babies. Although the condition can be very stressful for parents and caregivers,…
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Kettlebell Information

Overview Russians and most Europeans have used kettlebell training for more than 200 years for strength and power conditioning. This old training method is gaining popularity among fitness professionals, martial artists, and athletes today as more people become educated and…
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Infant Jaundice Symptoms

Jaundice is a condition experienced to some degree by most newborns due an immature liver’s inability to filter bilirubin. The byproduct of broken down red blood cells, increased bilirubin is common in newborn babies and generally does not require treatment….
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Uses of Banaba

Banaba is used as a folk medicine. It has ellagic acid derivatives, which is a phytochemical found in many plants that acts as an antioxidant. It also has substances that are possible glucose transport enhancers, tannins, several amino acids and…
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Proper Breathing Benefits

Proper breathing helps your heart, keeps your lungs clear, empowers your brain and all organs with oxygen and expels your most common waste product, carbon dioxide. This helps regulate your body’s acid/base balance. Breathing properly means breathing deeply–with good posture…
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