Author Archive: Contributor
November 28, 2013
Overview Concept 2 rowing machine is a piece of indoor exercise equipment designed to mimic the movement and resistance of rowing a boat on water. The rowing machine, or ergometer, is often used by rowing crews to teach proper technique…
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November 28, 2013
Mental Health
Hives, known medically as urticaria, can be an acute or chronic condition characterized by the appearance of raised, red or white itchy ridges on the skin, according to the Mayo Clinic. These ridges are variable in size and in most…
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November 28, 2013
HIV Positive Symptoms
HIV is a chronic lifelong disease cause by the human immunodeficiency virus. HIV is contracted through sexual intercourse, contaminated needles, infected blood, and during childbirth and breast-feeding through mother to child transmission. Some people infected with the HIV virus can…
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November 28, 2013
1. Not Your Average Punch Every boxer knows how to throw jabs, crosses, hooks and uppercuts, both alone and in combinations. Throwing a boxing overhand, however, is another story. Not considered a mainstream punch, the overhand possesses the power to…
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November 28, 2013
1. It’s Electric The sport of power hockey is designed for people in electric wheelchairs. All players must have a physical disability that requires them to use a wheelchair. Players cannot have any cognitive disabilities, as all players must be…
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November 28, 2013
Children's Health
Overview Aggressive behavior in children concerns and affects individuals, families, schools and communities. A violent outburst from a teenager may cause damage or personal harm. Even a toddler with a tantrum presents stress and concern for parents and bystanders. According…
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November 28, 2013
Mental Health
Anxiety can be dangerous. Not only does it take a toll mentally and emotionally, but the Anxiety Disorders Association of America states it can cause many physical health problems as well. A variety of techniques and approaches can be implemented…
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November 28, 2013
Abdominal workout machines are found in gyms and sold for home use. Some abdominal machines, like the Ab Rocker, may not be as effective as you would like, but Ace Fitness reports that the Torso Track and Ab Roller were…
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November 28, 2013
Coed volleyball is a popular form of volleyball played most commonly in recreational leagues. Normally, rules for coed volleyball are the same as they are for basic volleyball. The one major difference is rules dictating the gender of the players…
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November 28, 2013
Children's Health
Overview Part of the process of growth in children involves testing limits by rebelling against parental authority. As a result, children are almost expected to have some tantrums and occasionally get into mischief. Misbehavior may be considered problematic when it…
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November 28, 2013
Overview Tegretol, the generic name for carbamazepine, is an anti-epileptic and manic-depressive prescription medication. The drug may also be prescribed for facial nerve pain. It is taken orally in tablet or liquid form. Although rare, some patients have experienced severe…
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November 28, 2013
Elliptical training is a type of cardiovascular exercise. This is the type of exercise that the American College of Sports Medicine recommends people do for at least 30 minutes, five days a week. The elliptical machine itself has two foot…
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November 28, 2013
Diet and Nutrition
Overview Most people can recognize the red and white logo of Campbell’s Soup, as the company whose print and television ads feature hot, steaming, delicious-looking bowlfuls of soup. But those who try to maintain healthier eating habits might question the…
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November 28, 2013
Overview When back pain strikes, the last thing a person thinks of is exercise. However, exercise can prevent and relieve back pain. Therapeutic exercise with chiropractic guidance strengthens the back and relieves discomfort. Before beginning any exercises, the cause of…
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November 28, 2013
Chest congestion occurs when fluids build up in the lungs. It can cause coughing and wheezing. Congestion is typically a symptom of a cold or, more seriously, the flu or pneumonia. If you do not have a fever, you can…
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November 28, 2013
Sexual and Reproductive Health
Over 30 million people have HIV, or have already developed AIDS, and it is believed that close to 2 million people die from AIDS every year, according to Avert, an international AIDS charity. HIV and AIDS are often confused, but…
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November 28, 2013
Angelica sinensis, more commonly known as dong quai, is most frequently used to treat conditions involving the reproductive systems of women. Research results are mixed or lacking, according to the U.S. National Library of Medicine’s MedlinePlus website, but the use…
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November 28, 2013
Diet and Nutrition
The treadmill can be an effective cardio machine for those interested in burning fat and losing weight. A treadmill can offer various speeds, inclines and preprogrammed workouts to help you create variety within your work out sessions. The key to…
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November 28, 2013
1. Why Me? 95 percent of acne patients will develop scarring of some sort. Sure, most people experience very minor scarring, but some people have scarring that affects their appearance and their self-esteem. Advances in acne treatments and laser surgery…
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November 28, 2013
Natural herbs are a popular method of treating and improving memory. They are currently being studied for their potential ability to treat and prevent the onset of Alzheimer’s disease–a condition in which the mind’s ability to recall memories gradually deteriorates….
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November 28, 2013
Skincare and Beauty
Overview Puffiness under the eyes, otherwise known as bags under the eyes, is a cosmetic concern, as it makes you look tired or unwell. The Mayo Clinic notes that typically, it is not a medical concern. The condition generally develops…
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November 28, 2013
Diet and Nutrition
Flaxseed’s benefits are widely touted in the health food community. It’s used as a fiber source as well as a source of omega-3 fatty acids. It is possible to have too much of a good things, though. Because flaxseed is…
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November 28, 2013
1. The Right Grip Can Mean Powerful Smashes It’s important to learn how to hold a badminton racket correctly if you want to be a good player and product great strokes. The right badminton grip can help you hit powerful…
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November 28, 2013
Diet and Nutrition
Black cohosh, also known as macrotys, bugwort, bugbane, black snakeroot, rattleroot and rattlewood, has medicinal properties when you use the stems and roots of the plant. These plant parts appear in teas, liquid tinctures, capsules and pills. Several research studies…
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November 28, 2013
1. Offensive Positions in Water Polo There are six players and one goalie on each team in water polo. The field players rotate through several different positions during the game. During the game, the players arrange themselves in three-on-three formations,…
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November 28, 2013
1. Anatomy of an Axe Every part of an ice axe has a special name. The pointiest part at the top of it is the pick. The broader part opposite this is the adze, and the pointy bit at the…
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November 28, 2013
A healthy workout routine should incorporate strength exercises, cardio and stretching. You can do all three at home. Building muscles with strength training will add to your muscle mass. The more muscle you have, the more calories you will burn….
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November 28, 2013
Skincare and Beauty
Overview The brown spots on your body are age spots caused from too much exposure to the sunlight. Age spots usually occur when you are middle-aged, but they can appear even on young people’s skin. The brown spots on your…
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November 28, 2013
While it isn’t physiologically possible to target one area of the body that you want to lose fat in, it is possible to build a smaller butt by combing a healthy diet with aerobic and resistance exercises. You can sculpt…
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November 28, 2013
Diet and Nutrition
Four-day workout plans will help you burn more calories compared to exercising for only two or three days a week. When you engage in moderate-intensity weight training, you burn a significant amount of calories after your training session compared to…
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