Author Archive: Contributor
November 29, 2013
Overview Wrapping feet for kickboxing provides lateral stability for the ankle. Because martial artists require a great deal of mobility around the ankle joint for kicking, foot wrapping is usually reserved for providing support to an injured ankle during a…
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November 29, 2013
Skincare and Beauty
Overview Contact dermatitis can result from an irritant or an allergic reaction. Infants will generally be fussy with an obvious skin irritation and possibly swelling, warmth and redness. The rash may be itchy and will result from a substance that…
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November 29, 2013
Diet and Nutrition
Massage is an ancient modality that has been practiced as far back as 3000 BC, as seen in the historic Chinese book Cong-Fu of the Toa-Tse. As history progressed, massage evolved into several different modalities, each with their own therapeutic…
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November 29, 2013
When you want to get abs fast, you need to do exercises that target your whole abdominal area. This includes your lower abs, upper abs and obliques, which are the muscles found on the sides of your ribcage. But to…
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November 29, 2013
Diet and Nutrition
It is still not clear if herbs are truly effective as treatments for the bloating, mood swings, migraines and other symptoms often associated with premenstrual syndrome, or PMS. Limited clinical trials, most lasting no more than six months, leave scientists…
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November 29, 2013
There are a number of benefits of taking wheatgrass due to its high vitamin content. Wheatgrass is an extremely potent substance, so you will notice health benefits with small quantities and within a short period of time. Some of the…
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November 29, 2013
Breast cancer develops from uncontrolled cell proliferation in the breast, leading to the development of a tumor that can spread to the lymph nodes and throughout the body. Breast tumors differ in their appearance, invasiveness and severity, but most breast…
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November 29, 2013
1. Don’t Do Anything Cold sores, or herpes simplex virus type 1, are small, fluid-filled blisters around the mouth. They are painful and can make you miserable. Previously thought to be unrelated to genital herpes, also known as herpes simplex…
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November 29, 2013
Just like any other muscle in your body, you need to exercise your eyes to keep them strong and healthy, states Yoga eye exercises can help to strengthen and tone your eye muscles, increase the blood circulation to your…
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November 29, 2013
Senior Health
Overview Children in the United States spend up to 4 hours watching television every day in the 21st century, according to the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry. Male teenagers, on average, play video games another 60 minutes a…
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November 29, 2013
Diet and Nutrition
Overview Some people grow up with a constant or reappearing rash on the skin that looks like goosebumps, but do not know what the condition is or where it came from. The condition does not pose a problem for most,…
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November 29, 2013
Whether you want to win a race or just feel good for a three-mile run–if you want to improve at running you better be prepared to run. Putting in the time on your feet and rubbing the rubber off the…
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November 29, 2013
Sexual and Reproductive Health
According to the March of Dimes, 8 million babies are born each year in the United States. From the beginning, the process was the same: A fertilized egg implanted into the wall of the uterus and began to develop. Although…
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November 29, 2013
1. Pull Yourself Together Male pattern baldness may be one of the most difficult things for a man to deal with. There are two distinct patterns that begin with either a receding hairline or balding on the crown, and the…
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November 29, 2013
The gym is an excellent place to lose weight, since they typically offer you a variety of exercise options. Whether you need non-impact exercise, want fat-burning choices, or wish to build muscle as you lose weight, there is something to…
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November 29, 2013
Diet and Nutrition
Overview The Atkins Nutritional Approach is essentially a low-carbohydrate diet studied by several prestigious medical and educational institutions worldwide, with mixed reviews. The Atkins plan is a four-phase approach: the “Induction” phase, the “Ongoing Weight Loss” or OWL phase, the…
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November 29, 2013
According to a study published in Complementary Therapy Clinical Practice in 2008, practicing yoga during pregnancy can decrease discomfort during labor, improve comfort before and after labor, and shorten the actual time in labor. However, the American Pregnancy Association warns…
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November 29, 2013
When raising an arm causes shoulder pain, the rotator cuff muscles are having difficulty sliding beneath the shoulder’s supportive bones. This condition is termed shoulder impingement and results in limited mobility. The space reserved for function of the shoulder muscles…
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November 29, 2013
Mental Health
Overview Restless leg syndrome, or RLS, is a condition where abnormal signals from the nervous system cause an uncontrollable urge to move the legs. The symptoms of this condition tend to be worse at night. The need to constantly move…
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November 29, 2013
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a degenerative disorder characterized by episodes of neurological symptoms followed by long periods of remission. Typically, as the disease progresses, symptoms become more severe and remission periods lessen. In MS, the protective covering of nerve cells…
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November 29, 2013
1. Match my Side Side by side racing is more properly known as match racing, where rowing shells are raced straight down a course of either imaginary or buoyed lanes, and the first boat to the finish line wins. 2….
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November 29, 2013
Women's Health
Overview In the United States menopause occurs in women, on average, at age 51. Menopause is defined as cessation of menstrual periods for 12 consecutive months. Most women experience a variety of uncomfortable symptoms during perimenopause, which often lasts for…
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November 29, 2013
Getting a flat stomach is a goal that takes discipline and restriction. The restrictive part comes into play when you sit down to eat every night. Your diet needs to be low in fat and high in nutrients. The discipline…
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November 29, 2013
Women's Health
Most women have experienced painful cramps at some point. A monthly period often brings with it bloating and sharp pains across the belly and back. Since the average period lasts from five to seven days, the cramps can be debilitating…
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November 29, 2013
Health Uses for Herbs & Spices
Herbs and spices have been traded as valuable commodities for thousands of years. The legendary “Silk Road” brought new uses and types of herbs and spices to faraway places and people. Plants have been used as the first medicines, seasonings,…
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November 29, 2013
Diet and Nutrition
Burns can be caused by fire, the sun’s radiation, or exposure to heat, chemicals or electricity. Burns hurt more than most wounds because they damage directly a large number of nerve endings, causing intense pain. If you’ve suffered a small…
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November 29, 2013
The active ingredients of evening primrose oil are two types of omega-6 fatty acids: linoleic acid and gamma-linolenic acid. Your body needs these essential acids to perform everyday functions, and limited research suggests they may have health benefits, too, but…
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November 29, 2013
Skincare and Beauty
Massage lotions are typically used as a way to make the hands glide over the skin when getting a massage. Without massage lotion, the skin-on-skin sensation may not be as pleasant. Whether you use massage lotions on your own at…
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November 29, 2013
The American Lung Association reports that there are nearly 400,000 tobacco-related deaths in the U.S. each year. An additional 50,000 deaths are attributed to exposure to secondhand smoke. When it comes to quitting the natural way, a holistic approach to…
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November 29, 2013
Asthma refers to a chronic and potentially life-threatening condition in which the airway passages are narrowed and inflamed. The Mayo Clinic says that some symptoms of asthma include shortness of breath, chest tightness, whistling and wheezing. Fortunately, common treatments for…
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