Author Archive: Contributor
November 30, 2013
Sibling rivalry is common in families. Each child possesses his or her own personality and individual temperament; differences among siblings are bound to result in conflict on occasion. In his book “The Power of Positive Parenting,” Dr. Glenn Latham reassures…
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November 30, 2013
Women's Health
The IUD, or intrauterine device, is a method of birth control for women that is inserted into the uterus. Once the IUD is placed, it prevents pregnancy by making the uterus inhospitable to sperm. In the United States, approximately 2…
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November 30, 2013
1. Maintain Balance For thousands of years, the martial arts practice of karate has evolved with each new generation of practitioners. Karate is a physical sport that involves both self defense and combat. But it also encompasses spiritual practices that…
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November 30, 2013
Skincare and Beauty
Overview Liver spots, also known as sun spots or age spots, are non-cancerous flat blemishes with a brown or black color. According to the Medline Plus website, common areas where they appear are the face, forehead, arms, hands and shoulders….
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November 30, 2013
Tea tree essential oil is extracted from the leaves of the tea tree, a tall evergreen with white, spongy bark which grows in Asia and Australia, according to the University of Michigan Health System (UMHS). Tea tree oil is used…
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November 30, 2013
Dementia is a group of symptoms affecting a patient’s memory, reasoning and thinking abilities. Though dementia is not a specific disease, it is diagnosed when groups of symptoms are recognized together. It is important to understand that early signs of…
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November 30, 2013
According to the University of Maine, Salmonella is the most common culprit behind food-borne illnesses. These bacteria can cause great distress in the gastrointestinal system of anyone unlucky enough to ingest them. Symptoms include severe diarrhea, abdominal cramping, nausea and…
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November 30, 2013
Everyone knows that getting enough sleep is important, but many people still suffer from sleepless nights that lead to miserable days. Western doctors may prescribe sleeping pills or anti-depressants for chronic cases of insomnia, but practitioners of Chinese medicine will…
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November 30, 2013
Senior Health
Melatonin has gained in popularity as a sleep aid, especially for lessening the effects of jet lag. Unfortunately, the long-term effects of this naturally-occurring amino acid are unknown for humans, and many doctors warn against its continual use. However, initial…
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November 30, 2013
There are some heavy-duty advantages to resistance training with weight bags. Weight bags, like the sand bags bought at hardware stores or made at home, can replicate many pushing and pulling exercises popular in gyms. Not only are weight bags…
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November 30, 2013
Overview Charcot joint–neurogenic arthropathy–is a condition that occurs when nerve injury leads to destruction of a joint. There is bilateral involvement in between 9 percent and 35 percent of cases according to the “AAOS Comprehensive Orthopaedic Review.” The anatomic location…
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November 30, 2013
Healthy Meals for Vegetarians
A vegan is a person who chooses not to eat any foods that come from animals. Foods of this nature include meat, fish, eggs and dairy products. Although some vegetarians do eat eggs and cheese, and some eat poultry and…
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November 30, 2013
Native American health remedies come from Indian tribes thousands of years ago. These herbal solutions to medical problems were based more on beliefs than science. However, some of the early herbal treatments are still being researched today for their place…
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November 30, 2013
1. Pinning Down Some Points A pin, also known as a fall, in wrestling ends the match. The beauty of the pin is that one wrestler can be down by as many as 14 points and come back to win…
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November 30, 2013
Children's Health
Overview Feeling comfortable in your own body can be tough, especially if you are constantly surrounded by fake images of beauty on television and in magazines. You may also have trouble not comparing your body to those super-thin peers who…
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November 30, 2013
Japa yoga is a meditative discipline that aims to produce spiritual enlightenment through the practice of constant repetition of or focus on a divine word, called a mantra. Through correct and disciplined practice, practitioners of japa yoga may succeed in…
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November 30, 2013
Skincare and Beauty
During a stone massage, a massage therapist uses flat, smooth stones to massage specific areas of the body. Although many therapists use hot stones for this type of massage, stone massage therapy also involves the use of cool stones. This…
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November 30, 2013
Overview An exercise wheel is a low-tech piece of fitness equipment that primarily works the abdominal and back muscles. There are variations you can add to work the obliques. The arms also are integral to the moves and can get…
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November 30, 2013
1. Your Back’s Shock Absorbers The disks found in the vertebrae of your back are like rubber soft pads between the spinal bones. These disks work like shock absorbers for the spinal cord and give the vertebrae the ability to…
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November 30, 2013
Overview According to the National Children and Youth Fitness Study, which measured a variety of physical attributes in school children, strength development in girls peaks around puberty due to physiological processes which decrease after maturation begins. Girls can still use…
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November 30, 2013
Overview Triathlons consist of swimming, biking and running and can be combined at varying distances. One of the shortest events is the sprint triathlon, with typical distances of a 750-meter swim, a 20-kilometer bike ride and a 5-kilometer run. Preparing…
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November 30, 2013
Halodrol is a nutritional supplement manufactured by Gaspari Nutrition, a company founded by IFBB Hall of Fame bodybuilder Rich Gaspari. The supplement is formulated to increase strength., the official website for Halodrol Liquigels, indicates that performance and physique enhancement…
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November 30, 2013
Diet and Nutrition
Apple cider vinegar (ACV) or cider vinegar is a type of vinegar made from fermented apples that has many health and beauty benefits as well as flavor benefits for cooking and salad dressings. Organic ACV, made from whole organic apples,…
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November 30, 2013
Modern life and healthy lungs aren’t always synonymous with one another, considering the abundance of environmental pollutants, big cities and numerous new conveniences that reduce the average person’s physical activity levels. According to the National Women’s Health Information Center, lung…
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November 30, 2013
Overview Any exercise plan to lose weight quickly must have two components: aerobic activities that elevate your heart rate while working large muscle groups for extended periods, and a diet in which you decrease the number of calories you are…
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November 30, 2013
Senior Health
Overview A healthy diet and nutritious lifestyle supports growth, learning and development in kids. Poor nutrition in children can lead to fatigue, poor immunity, dry skin, dental problems, cognitive difficulties, poor growth and weight gain, muscle weakness, fragile bones and…
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November 30, 2013
Eye disease can be inherited or caused by injury or infection.. Some are more common as people get older. Diseases of the eye can be debilitating and can cause loss of vision, therefore it is important to get regular eye…
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November 30, 2013
Diet and Nutrition
Being overweight or obese can be taxing on your mind and physical health. According to the Mayo Clinic, obesity can lead to a number of potentially serious health problems, including gallbladder disease, high blood pressure, osteoarthritis, and depression. If you…
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November 30, 2013
Diet and Nutrition
Overview CytoSport is a supplier of sports nutrition products, including Cytomax and Muscle Milk. Muscle Milk helps to grow muscle and increase your body’s own production of muscle energy. The beverage also helps your body to burn stored fat. The…
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November 30, 2013
Overview A weighted vest is an exercise tool that can increase the number of calories burned during an activity and provide additional bone-strengthening benefits, according to American Council on Exercise certified personal trainer Vicki Pierson. Exercisers can burn up to…
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