Author Archive: Contributor

Herbs for Estrogen

Decreased estrogen levels in the body lead to uncomfortable menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes, vaginal dryness, thinning bones and decreased libido. Conversely, increases in estrogen can cause or exacerbate breast, ovarian and cervical cancer as well as ovarian cysts….
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IRA Traditional Vs. Roth

Overview Roth and traditional IRAs are both individual retirement accounts, which provide tax-advantaged, long-term savings for investors. While you do not have to pay taxes on earnings in either account as they accrue, both contributions and distributions from the accounts…
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Uses of Winsor Pilates

Winsor Pilates® is an program developed by expert Mari Winsor based upon the exercises and philosophies of trainer Joseph Pilates; who focused on slow, steady movements and breathing rather than extensive repetitions done in quick succession. The best part about…
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