Author Archive: Contributor

What Is Arnica Oil?

Overview Arnica oil has been used to treat pain and relieve infection since the 1500s, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center. There are different preparations of arnica, including tinctures, poultices and compresses; people sometimes smoked it to get…
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Side Effects of a Massage

Massage therapy is conducted by a licensed massage therapist where the body is manipulated through pressurized touch and rubbing. The muscles and soft tissue of the body can be massaged to help with relieving tension, stress and anxiety. However, there…
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Effects of Catuaba

The Brazilian rainforest tree catuaba is traditionally used to boost libido. In fact, Brazilian herbal medicine utilizes catuaba bark as a central nervous system stimulant for poor memory and nervousness as well as its aphrodisiac properties, according to “Natural Sex…
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Earwax Removal Products

Earwax is a natural substance that prevents objects from entering the ear and damaging the eardrum. Too much earwax can create a blockage, creating irritation, difficulty hearing and ringing of the ears. Excess earwax can be removed at home, says…
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Bloodroot Facts

Overview Bloodroot, or Sanguinaria canadensis, also is known as Indian paint or red paint root and has been used for centuries to treat a variety of ailments. Bloodroot’s common name derives from the sap that flows throughout the entire plant,…
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Belly Fat Workouts

In their textbook “Exercise Physiology: Energy, Nutrition and Human Performance” Dr. William D. McArdle and Professors Frank I. Katch and Victor L. Katch describe belly fat as excess adipose tissue which builds along the three muscle groups of the abdomen:…
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